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Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click LeBaron Woodyard, Chancellor’s Office February 21, 2013 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click LeBaron Woodyard, Chancellor’s Office February 21, 2013 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click LeBaron Woodyard, Chancellor’s Office February 21, 2013 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

2 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Agenda  Student Fees for Online Proctoring  Distance Education Student Satisfaction Survey  Student Success Professional Development Committee Recommendations Feedback after February 1-27  Online Teaching Conference 2013, June 19-21, Long Beach City College  DE Survey Addendum on MOOCs  Fund for Instructional Improvement Loan Request for Proposal Due Date  DEC 101 Course for CCC DE Coordinators  Governor’s Distance Education Proposal in the 2013-14 California State Budget  CCC Coordinators and Managers Organization  Distance education proposed legislation aimed at CSU  State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

3 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Online Fees for Proctoring and Related DE Prohibited Fees  Student Fee Handbook  Prohibited Practices Section  4.11. Fees for Distance Education (Internet Access)Page 39  4.15. Technology FeePage 41  4.20. Test Proctoring Fees Page 43

4 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Online Fees for Proctoring and Related DE Prohibited Fees  4.11. Fees for Distance Education (Internet Access). In Legal Opinion L 95-33 it was held that a district may not charge an additional mandatory fee for a credit course delivered via Internet where the additional fee is intended to cover the cost of Internet access. If instruction is offered as a community service class without credit, a district could charge students for the cost of Internet access necessary to participate in the class. Such a fee could also be charged for a credit course if the fee is truly optional (the student can participate effectively without paying the additional fee), but, there is no statutory authority for charging such a fee for a credit course if the fee is mandatory.

5 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Online Fees for Proctoring and Related DE Prohibited Fees  4.15. Technology Fee. The Chancellor's Office has also considered the viability of a fee that gave students access to computer labs and computers, the Internet, and e-mail. About 98 percent of available computers were covered by the fee; the remaining 2 percent of the computers (approximately 30 out of 1500) were available without charge to any student.  It was concluded that the fee would be a permissible optional fee with respect to students who were not in courses where such technology was required. However, as noted in 4.9 above, even an optional fee would be prohibited if the district received state funds for this purpose. Costs associated with the purchase of the computers, maintenance of such computers or other related costs, may be recovered through an optional fee only to the extent that such state funds were not used to support those expenses. That is, a district may not use funds that are required or expressly authorized for a specific purpose and also charge students a fee to cover the same costs, even if the fee is optional.

6 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Online Fees for Proctoring and Related DE Prohibited Fees  4.20. Test Proctoring Fees. There is no authority that permits a district to charge students a fee to cover the costs of having someone present while students are taking tests to ensure that the students do not cheat on the tests.

7 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student satisfaction survey – Fall 2012 5 categories of interaction Learner-content Learner-instructor Learner-learner Learner-technology General interactions 50 plus factors analyzed in a factor analysis Distance Education Student Satisfaction Survey

8 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click 46 college are interested in participating 6 of 46 have uploaded records First contact went out on Monday the 18 th as primer contact Link contact went out today to 75,000 plus Three follow-up contacts every 3 days until March 2 nd and survey closes on March 4 th Distance Education Student Satisfaction Survey

9 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Success Professional Development Committee Recommendations Feedback after January 25 th  Student Success Task Force Recommendation 6.0 Re-envision and Revitalize Professional Development  Professional Development Committee formed by the Chancellor’s Office  Two (2) DE Coordinators were on this committee

10 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Student Success Professional Development Committee Recommendations Feedback after January 25 th  Recommendations from this committee will be circulated to the DE Coordinators from February 1 st – the 27 th.  De coordinators have until the 27 th to vote.  30 responses as of today

11 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Keynote speaker announced Stephen Downes works for the National Research Council of Canada where he has served as a Senior Researcher Register today Online Teaching Conference 2013, June 19-21, Long Beach City College

12 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click DE Survey addendum on MOOCs  A short and brief survey will be sent to the DE coordinators this week on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)  To be incorporated into the BOG report in May

13 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Release was November 5, 2012 Due date is February 5, 2013 Covers Fiscal Years 2012-13 and 2013-14 $302,000 available in each Fiscal Year Zero percent interest 3 year repayments begin 1 year after the program year of the loan URL for the Request for Proposal is: tructionalProgramsandServicesUnit/FundforInstruction alImprovement.aspx tructionalProgramsandServicesUnit/FundforInstruction alImprovement.aspx Fund for Instructional Improvement Loan Request for Proposal Due Date

14 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Call for advisory designers closed yesterday February 20 th Initial meeting is being planned Proposed 6 month timeline Will include an opportunity to gather input from DE coordinators about what needs to be included DEC 101 Course for CCC DE Coordinators

15 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Governor’s Distance Education Proposal in the 2013-14 California State Budget  Budget Language for Distance Education Courses AB 73, Page 435  (26) 10.10.050-Expanding the Delivery of Courses through Technology $16,910,000, Page 458

16 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Governor’s Distance Education Proposal in the 2013-14 California State Budget  42. The amount appropriated in Schedule (26) for Expanding the Delivery of Courses through Technology shall be allocated to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and used to increase the number of courses available to matriculated undergraduates through the use of technology. Prior to the expenditure of these funds, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall submit a proposed expenditure plan and the rationale therefor, to the Department of Finance by July 1, 2013 for approval. These funds shall be used for those courses that have the highest demand, fill quickly, and are prerequisites for many different degrees.

17 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Governor’s Distance Education Proposal in the 2013-14 California State Budget  Three key elements:  (1) The creation of a “virtual campus” to increase statewide student access to 250 new courses delivered through technology,

18 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Key elements of Governor’s Proposal  (2) The creation of a single, common, and centralized delivery and support infrastructure for all courses delivered through technology and for all colleges, and

19 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Key elements of Governor’s Proposal  (3) The expansion of options for students to access instruction in other environments and earn college credit for demonstrated knowledge and skills through credit by exam.

20 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click Distance education proposed legislation aimed at CSU  AB 387’s requirements on CSU are:  States legislative intent that online education be measured for the purposes of evaluating its effectiveness.  Requires CSU to establish uniform definitions for online education, including courses that are completely remote, 50% & over remote, and under 50% remote.  Requires each CSU campus to incorporate a common course numbering system for courses offered entirely online.  Requires CSU to report performance data on online courses that includes course completion and program completion rates for students, among other things.  Requires that not less than 10% of new CSU course offerings shall be online courses.

21 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click John Makevich of College of the Canyons Relationship with Chief Instructional Officers Membership organization CCC Coordinators and Managers Organization

22 Question? In the chat window, type “???-” and your question. When done, click State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement  APRIL 16-17 CONFERENCE ON IMPLEMENTING INTERSTATE RECIPROCITY FOR THE REGULATION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION  Three people from California

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