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Is Free Software Really Free? Dan Or-Hof, Adv. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law

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Presentation on theme: "Is Free Software Really Free? Dan Or-Hof, Adv. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Free Software Really Free? Dan Or-Hof, Adv. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law;

2 The Three Whats §What is it? §What types? §What do we do with it? Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

3 Chapter I: What is it? Starts now Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

4 …”Licensor hereby grants Licensee a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, revocable, non-sub-licensable, non- transferable, royalty bearing right and license to install the software in a single hard drive/other storage device, and to use the Software in object code form, in accordance with its Documentation for internal business purposes only….” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

5 Except as expressly and unambiguously permitted by this license agreement, Licensee may not, nor permit anyone else to, directly or indirectly to: (i) distribute, rent, lease, market, sublicense, resell or otherwise transfer the Software, (ii) copy or modify the Software either alone or in conjunction with any other product or program, (iii) decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer all or any portion of the Software, except and only to the extent, that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

6 The Proprietary License Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

7 Copyright © Trade Secret Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

8 Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

9 Now Let’s Turn Everything Upside Down Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

10 Instead Of Limited Purpose… (1) “You may run the program for any purpose” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

11 Instead of: “You may not modify…” (2) “You may study how the program works & change the program” (2) “You may study how the program works & change the program” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

12 Instead of: “You may not distribute, sublicense, resell…” (3) “You may re-distribute the program” (3) “You may re-distribute the program” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

13 Instead of: “You may not modify and distribute” (4) “You may distribute your modified version” (4) “You may distribute your modified version” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

14 The Four Freedoms (1) Run for any purpose (3) Redistribute (4) Release modifications (2) Study & modify modify Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

15 Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

16 Why? Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

17 Copyright © Trade Secret Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

18 Free Software = Open Source Software (OSS; FOSS) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

19 Is it truly free? Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

20 Chapter I: “What is it?” Just ended. Chapter II: What types? starts Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

21 Four types of OSS Or “Free as in Freedom” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

22 Type I I don’t care what you do with it WTFPL “Do What the Fuck You Want with this Public License” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

23 BeerWare “As long as you retain this notice, you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Paul Henning Kamp.” Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

24 Type I – Free! Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

25 PD Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

26 Type II - Permissive 1. Use and distribute - original and modifications; object or source form. 2. 2. 3. 3. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

27 Type II - Permissive 1. 1. 2. Maintain copyright notice. © Dan Or-Hof Limited. 3. 3. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

28 Type II - Permissive 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. No warranty. No liability. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

29 Type II - Permissive 4. If you modify – document it. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

30 Type II - Permissive 1. 4 Freedoms. (source files release - optional). 2. (Distribution) Copyright notice. 3. No warranty/liability. 4. Document modifications. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

31 Type II - Permissive ApacheApacheMITMITBSDBSD Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

32 Type II ~ Free (+ potential no further source release) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

33 Type III – Moderate reciprocity Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

34 Type III – Moderate reciprocity When distributing - source files ) + modifications) ) + modifications)And… Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

35 Type III – Moderate reciprocity Distribute under this license Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

36 Type III – Moderate reciprocity This means: No Viral Effect (Huh?) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

37 Type III – Moderate reciprocity Four freedoms and Four Requirements I. Copyright notice II. Source files III. License IV. Modification notice Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

38 Type III Free? Yeah but… Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

39 Type III – Moderate reciprocity LGPLLGPLCDDLCDDLMPLMPL Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

40 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity Four freedoms + Four restrictions +… Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

41 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity GPLGPL Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv. Anything connected becomes OSS (the “Viral Effect”)

42 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity 1. Four freedoms. 2. Four Requirements. 3. One obstacle. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

43 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity Affected: Static/Dynamic linking Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

44 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity Not affected: pipes, sockets and command-line arguments Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

45 Type IV – Strict Reciprocity AGPLAGPL Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv. Especially for Cloud services

46 Type IV – “Free as in freedom”? Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

47 Can I sell OSS? (“not as in free beer”) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

48 Chapter II: What types? Just ended. Chapter III: What do we do with it? Starts now. Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

49 Advantages Quality [76% Accenture] Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

50 Advantages R&D time & costs Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

51 Advantages Vendor lock-in Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

52 Advantages Customizable Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

53 Advantages Mature and safe Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

54 documen tation Forums Mailing Lists News Groups ForgesForges WikisWikis Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv. SupportSupport

55 Some Stats Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

56 80% to 90% of SW projects contain at least one open source component Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

57 70% of applications fail common security standards (OWASP Top 10 and CWE/SANS Top 25) And with basic internal security policies. [ Veracode State of Software report Vol. 5, Apr. 2013 ] [ Veracode State of Software report Vol. 5, Apr. 2013 ] Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

58 85% of software projects include at least one out-of-date open source component. [ WhiteSource Software ] Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

59 Risk I Outdated insecure OSS Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

60 Risk II Non-compliance(injunctions) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

61 Risk III Architecture Considerations Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

62 Risk IV No Warranty/Liability/indemnification (partially mitigated through services) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

63 Risk V No formal support Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

64 Risk VI Patent license Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

65 So What Do We Do? Contribute [98% v. 29% Accenture] Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

66 So What Do We Do? Dual Licensing Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

67 VerizonCiscoNovellSkypeD-linkFortinet Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

68 So What Do We Do? Compliance Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

69 So What Do We Do? §Designate an officer Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

70 So What Do We Do? §Know what you have Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

71 So What Do We Do? §Form a process (receipt, use, security, maintenance) Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

72 So What Do We Do? §Comply Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

73 So What Do We Do? §Audit Third Parties Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

74 So What Do We Do? §Train Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

75 So What Do We Do? §Form adequate legal structure Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

76 So… Is it really free? Or-Hof Tech & IP Law Dan Or-Hof, Adv.

77 Thanks! Or-Hof Tech & IP Law; (M): 972-54-6649498; (IL) 972-3-5620992; (US) 415-906-5260; (F): 972-3-5476515 20 Abraham Shlonsky St. Tel-Aviv IL

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