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NHVR Briefing Steve Bright, Communications and Stakeholder Management, VicRoads Regulator Implementation Team 17 August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "NHVR Briefing Steve Bright, Communications and Stakeholder Management, VicRoads Regulator Implementation Team 17 August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHVR Briefing Steve Bright, Communications and Stakeholder Management, VicRoads Regulator Implementation Team 17 August 2012

2 Presentation scope – National Heavy Vehicle Regulator  Background  Objectives of the NHVR  What does the reform cover?  How will the new law operate?  What will and will not change?  Council perspective  Recent developments

3 Background  Regulatory Impact Statement, A National Framework for Regulation, Registration and Licensing of Heavy Vehicles – May 2009  2 July 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to establish a single national system of laws for heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes  August 2011, COAG (except WA) signed an Inter- Governmental Agreement to establish the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR)  Queensland will host the regulator and Heavy Vehicle National Law

4 Objectives of the NHVR  The objectives specified in the COAG Inter-Governmental agreement are: – Seamless national regulation of heavy vehicles …. the same outcome in the same circumstances; and – Consistent and streamlined administration and service provision for the regulation of heavy vehicles  Outcomes: – removal of inefficiencies from inconsistent jurisdictional requirements; – lessened regulatory burden and a reduction in the costs of compliance; and – enhanced safety, productivity and efficiency

5 What does the reform cover?  The same areas of existing heavy vehicle laws within States and Territories: – Registration – Vehicle standards – Mass, dimension and load restraint – Fatigue management – Compliance and enforcement  The HVNL is principally a consolidation of model laws developed over time by the National Transport Commission (formerly the NRTC)  Establishment of a new national regulator to replace the existing State and Territory regulators

6 How will the new law operate?  A single body of national heavy vehicle law will go to the Queensland Parliament during the second half of 2012  A Victorian Application Bill (and similar legislation in other States and Territories – except WA) will be considered by the Victorian Parliament – most likely in the first quarter of 2013  Once passed, this will apply the law in Queensland as the law in Victoria – delivering the national law in Victoria  Regulator entity (positions, office and systems, roles, etc.) established from 1 January 2013  Expected to be a fully-operational Regulator in mid-2013

7 What will change?  Progressive delivery of a ‘one stop shop’ (supported by national systems) for regulatory services (enquiries, permits, Performance-Based Standards applications, accreditation …)  Standardised national regulations for mass, dimension and load restraint, vehicle standards for heavy vehicles, fatigue management laws  Provision of services will initially be through ‘service level agreements’ with transport agencies  Greater consistency in regulation – enforcement practices (national compliance strategy), seamless borders (eg escorts), Ministerial Guidelines, national Chain of Responsibility

8 What will not change?  Police and authorised officers will continue to enforce heavy vehicle offences in the national law  Court matters will continue to be dealt with in relevant State and Territory courts  Heavy vehicle licensing arrangements (out of scope)  Carriage of dangerous goods is not included in the reform (currently regulated by WorkSafe in Victoria)  Local Productivity Initiatives (eg Victorian Livestock Loading Scheme, Primary Producer Registration …) will be preserved under the national law  Registration arrangements (including FIRS) are unlikely to change substantially until 2014

9 Access Management  Increased role for Councils (as a ‘road manager’)  Release 1 (1 January 2013) – PBS moves to NHVR, some LPIs and NIPPs (National Industry Productivity Programs) harmonised  Release 2 (1 July 2013) - on-line permit application system, NHVR case managers, service delivery via VicRoads and NHVR  The Project Office will prepare training content for a ‘train the trainer’ process with Local Government through ALGA, RTAC and other peak associations  A range of tools, guidelines and processes to be developed, eg. on-line route assessment tool

10 Access – the local government angle  The Heavy Vehicle National Law: – Creates Road Managers – VicRoads and Councils, DSE and other ‘authorised’ agencies – Road Managers regulate roads and road access – safety, amenity, infrastructure maintenance – The Regulator regulates vehicles – mass, dimensions, loading and maintenance

11 NHVR: proposed access process

12 Consultation  NHVR Project Office / NTC: – Peak bodies: ALGA, RTAC, ATA, ALC, ALARTA, BIC, – Roadshows, targeted consultation (eg national penalties) and industry conferences  VicRoads: – Industry forums and briefings: Victorian Road Freight Advisory Council, Rural Reference Group, VFF, MAV, VTA, etc – Government agency partners: Victoria Police, DoJ, DPC, DTF, VCEC, EPA – Councils and regional groups

13 Recent developments  Bill 1 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law was introduced to the Queensland Parliament on 31 Jul 2012 (approx 640 pages), which will enable the Regulator to be created  A second Bill is being finalised (Standing Council of Transport and Infrastructure vote 13 Aug 2012) to address outstanding policy issues and national penalties  Development of regulations under the HVNL has commenced  Significant work on operational matters – funding and finance, access system tender evaluation, service agreements, regulator establishment activities – is underway

14 Questions? For further information:  National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Project Office:  NTC:

15 Compliance & Enforcement  Release 1 (1 January 2013) – NVHAS modules: Mass, Maintenance and Fatigue (application process and activities); Chain of Responsibility awareness campaign  Release 2 (1 July 2013)- national C&E strategy, data sharing guidelines, on-road processes commence; AFM risk classification approach

16 Registration and plates  Not much change for industry at start-up (Release 1)  Release 2 (1 July 2013)- national collection of data and distribution of revenue; national standards and reporting  FIRS continues until full national system in place

17 Vehicle Standards  Release 1 (1 January 2013) – draft Heavy Vehicle Inspection Standards manual; regulations; agreement on harmonisation targets  Release 2 (1 July 2013)- training deployed, internal and external; auditing and accreditation processes

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