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St Teresa’s College QCS Preparation Session. Today’s Session: Blocks 1-2 Reintroduction of QCS Common Curriculum Elements (CCE’s) SIBs Booklets.

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Presentation on theme: "St Teresa’s College QCS Preparation Session. Today’s Session: Blocks 1-2 Reintroduction of QCS Common Curriculum Elements (CCE’s) SIBs Booklets."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Teresa’s College QCS Preparation Session

2 Today’s Session: Blocks 1-2 Reintroduction of QCS Common Curriculum Elements (CCE’s) SIBs Booklets

3 Quiz – What do we already know Who sits the test? Why sit the QCS test? When is the QCS test? What makes up the QCS test? What grades are awarded for the QCS test?

4 The QCS Test When: T3 Wk8 Tues & Wed How Long : 4 papers (2 per day) Who sits it? All (Queensland) Yr 12 eligible for an OP Any other Yr 12 students who wish to complete it

5 Purpose of the QCS Test To ensure comparability of senior subjects both within and between schools Making sure student of similar skill and achievement receive a similar OP regardless of the school they attend

6 Special Provisions Equitable for all Very strict guidelines and range of provisions See Mr Anderson for application paper work DEADLINE TO APPLY : 18 th May 2012

7 What makes up the test 4 papers Writing Task (29%) 2 x Multiple Choice Tests (43%) Short Response Task (28%)

8 Writing Task 1 st paper 600 word response to stimulus Marked on: Responsiveness to stimulus material Clarity / development of ideas Organisation of ideas Grammar, vocab, punctuation, spelling Correct length

9 Short Response Item 3 rd paper – Wednesday Morning A booklet of questions the require a variety of different types of short responses Types of responses include: Working through Maths problems Drawing diagrams Interpreting / completing patterns Explaining a concept or your reasoning

10 Multiple Choice 2 nd and 4 th papers (Tues & Wed afternoon) Select a response A – D for each question Arguably the hardest Questions may be: Reading a diagram Comprehension of data, literature Interpreting graphs, info tables, maps

11 QCS Marking MC – scanned and computer marked WT & SR Marked to specific criteria Marked in the Sept. School holidays Scripts may have up to 3 independent markings All marking is according to a specific marking scheme No writing is allowed on the student scripts

12 Equipment Required : Very specific list Slightly different for each paper Carried and stored in a transparent container Pens (black ink only) 2B pencils Pencil sharpener Eraser Ruler Approved calculator Protractor Drawing compass Colouring pencils Optional Correction tape / fluid Fluorescent markers Set square Template

13 The Mud Army

14 Why we need to do our best Each student scores A - E Subject grades + Subject QCS results  OP B, B, B, C, C is better than A, C, D, D, D (everyone needs to do best)

15 FROM GRADES TO OP’s A B C D E VHA HA SA LA VLA 400 200 The raw SAIs of groups of students are scaled in relation to other groups of students by the performance of each group of students on QCS 223 140 Raw SAISScaled SAIs

16 Distribution of OP’s throughout Queensland

17 Aims of Practice Sessions Familiarise papers. Strategies and techniques Confidence.

18 What does the QCS test assess? CCE’s – common curriculum elements 49 CCE’s CCEs are skills. Should have been developed throughout schooling.

19 CCE Activity Groups of 3. You will be given: a set of CCE cards. a poster blu-tac

20 Step 1 Look at your CCE cards and fill in the blanks What does that word or phase mean? Give a specific example (subject and situation) when you would use that CCE

21 Step 2 Attach your CCE cards to your poster. Explain on your poster - what all your CCE’s have in common (what is the general theme?)

22 Presenting Baskets of CCE’s Group feedback to the cohort. Orange Blue Yellow

23 Summary of Baskets Alpha - Comprehending and Collecting (green) Beta - Structuring and Sequencing (blue) Pi - Creating and Presenting (grey) Phi - Applying Techniques and Procedures (pink) Theta - Analysing, Assessing and Concluding (red)

24 Mapping CCE’s and your subjects CCE’s SUBJECTS

25 QCS Practice Outline: Term 2 Double blocks during classtimes House rotation through: Writing Task Short Resp – Literacy Multiple Choice – Numeracy Visual Literacy Full practice Test

26 All practice sessions this term are compulsory! The whole cohort’s performance affects your OP. To do well, we must all do our best

27 SIBS Booklet QSA resource – Statewide Basis QCS info and practice Activity Now – Handout  answer

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