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›1›1 Executive Management Overview North American Delegation Izik Itzhakov, Regional Sales Manager February, 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "›1›1 Executive Management Overview North American Delegation Izik Itzhakov, Regional Sales Manager February, 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ›1›1 Executive Management Overview North American Delegation Izik Itzhakov, Regional Sales Manager February, 5, 2012

2 2 Confidential › Confidential Leading Provider of Clinical Information Systems ›Founded in 1996 ›Software for critical & acute care ›Headquartered in Boston, MA ›150+ employees ›International offices & presence – Australia – Germany – Japan – Israel (Tel Aviv) – The Netherlands ›6 issued patents, 11 pending ›215 hospitals sold – 4 of the top 10 U.S. hospitals – 12 of the top 50 EMEA hospitals – 30+ hospitals in Asia-Pacific ›Over 11,000 beds/tables globally ›Deployed in > 20 countries & languages Worldwide PresenceAbout Us › 100% implementation success › 100% customer retention › High customer satisfaction › 100% implementation success › 100% customer retention › High customer satisfaction

3 3 Confidential › Confidential 3 Best-of-Breed Products Advanced, point-of care clinical functionality: Decision support, analysis & reporting Secure, remote access to critical care Configurable user interfaces Comprehensive workflow Inpatient device integration HIS interoperability Quality measurements Advanced, point-of care clinical functionality: Decision support, analysis & reporting Secure, remote access to critical care Configurable user interfaces Comprehensive workflow Inpatient device integration HIS interoperability Quality measurements MetaVision for Critical Care Clinical Information Systems for all types of intensive care units Including: MVICU™ / MVNICU™ / MVPICU™ / MVgeneral™ MetaVision for Perioperative Care Anesthesia Information Management System (AIMS) & Clinical Information Systems for Pre-op and PACU Including: MVOR™ / MVpre-op™ / MVPACU™/ MVexpress™ MetaVision for Tele-health Remote patient monitoring solutions Including: MVcentral™ / MVcare™ Ancillary Products Including: MetaVision Event Manager™ / MetaVision Query Wizard™ MVdashboard™ / MVmobile™/ MyMV™ / MVmulti-site™

4 4 Confidential › Confidential Leading Hospitals from around the world Have Chosen iMDsoft (1) (1) Some client examples listed; not all inclusive. Rankings provided by * Not all of the top 50 EMEA hospitals have deployed critical & acute care technologies 4 of the Top 10 U.S. Hospitals 12 of the Top 50 European Union Hospitals* › #1 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD › #5 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA › #9 Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO › #10 Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA › #2 La Pitie (AP), France › #4 Le CHU de Lyon, France › #8 HUG, Switzerland › #15 CHUV, Switzerland › #18 AMC, The Netherlands › #19 LUMC, The Netherlands › #27 NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, UK › #29 UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands › #30 VUMC, The Netherlands › #31 Clalit Health Services, Israel › #37 Hadassah Medical Organization, Israel › #46 Rikshospitalet, Norway ›Kyusha Medical Center ›Nagoya University Hospital ›Rakuwakai Healthcare System ›Tokyo Women’s Health University ›Canberra Hospital ›Macquarie University Hospital ›Queensland Health ›Sydney Adventist Deployed in over 45 medical systems & hospitals in the Asia-Pacific region, including:

5 5 Confidential › Confidential 30% Mortality Rates Decreased 30% (1) (1)ICU at Lehigh Valley Hospital & Health Network (LVHHN) (2)Paul Brousse Hospital, France (3)Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, The Netherlands (4)Massacheuetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Fewer Medical Errors & Higher Reimbursement (2) 77% 38% 73% 35%+ PONV adherence increase (3) 95 minutes saved for nurses per 12 hours(1) 29 minutes saved for nurses per 8 hours(3) $1,000,000 Savings for Two Events Annual Direct Expense Savings 64% Increased Operational Efficiency Documented ROI with Proven Clinical, Financial & Operational Benefits Improved Dosage Adherence & Protocol Compliance 70% Errors Reduction representing an additional $300,000 in revenues captured in reimbursement Cost-effective anesthesia shifting amidst procedures & enabling efficient bill code capture(4) 13%+ Insulin dose adherence increase (3) 16.2% 10.3% 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% Pre MetaVision®With MetaVision® -30% Customer Examples of Improved Outcomes & Documented ROI

6 6 "An anesthesia department‘s success in billing appropriately directly impacts its ability to stay financially whole… Our AIMS at MGH has allowed us to drive the ratio of billable charts to 100%.“ Drs. John Walsh & Warren Sandberg MGH, Boston, MA Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Financial Benefits Use of MetaVision: Shortens the revenue cycle Improves charge capture Reduces the direct costs of billing $400,000 a year in billing efficiencies $700,00 saved in drug optimization program $70,000 per year in reporting on PQRS standards MGH realizes financial benefit of over $1M per year!

7 7 Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown, PA Proven Results › 30% increased in compliance with Perioperative Temperature Management - PQRS Measure 193 › Over 30% increase in SCIP indicator compliance › Less ventilator use in critically ill patients › Nurses save 95 minutes per 12 hour shift 31.3% reduction in ICU mortality rate, from 21.4% to 14.7% after implementing MetaVision & other technologies

8 8 Alberta, Canada Queensland, Australia Queensland installing MV ICU across all the ICUs statewide in 14 hospitals. MetaVision will replace several competing technologies including Picis & Philips & will also install in several Greenfield hospitals. Units to be covered by MetaVision include 668 beds in general, pediatric, neonatal, cardiac, burns, & neurological intensive care units. In some of the hospitals, MetaVision will replace systems from other major CIS vendors including GE & Picis. Summary of Contract Details Exclusive Agreement:Yes # of Hospitals in the Region:17 Other Noteworthy Details:Includes Calgary & Edmonton Total Potential Deal Size:$10 million Exclusive Agreement:Yes # of Hospitals in the Region:14 Other Noteworthy Details: First statewide agreement in Australia Total Potential Deal Size:$6 million Summary of Contract Details MVmulti-site ™ Standardized care protocols Partners Health Network Partners Health Network, including Massachusetts General and Brigham & Women’s, will install MV across all of their inpatient beds throughout their hospitals. Exclusive Agreement:Yes # of Hospitals in the Region:7 Other Noteworthy Details: Includes MGH & Brigham Women's Total Potential Deal Size:$8 million Summary of Contract Details

9 9 Thank you This presentation may also contain forward-looking statements, which are predictions based upon our current expectations. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those expressed or implied in this presentation. iMDsoft ®, does not undertake to update, revise, or correct any of the forward-looking information given in this presentation. © Copyright 2012,iMDsoft ®. All rights reserved. This document, including the information herein, is proprietary to iMDsoft, and shall not be used or reproduced by any means or for any purpose, except by the written authorization of iMDsoft. iMDsoft ®, MetaVision ®, MV-ICU ™, MV-NICU™, MV-PICU ™, MVtrauma ™, MVstep-down ™, MVgeneral ™, MV-OR ™', MVpre-op ™, MVPACU ™, MVperfusion ™, MVexpress ™, MVcentral ™, MVdashboard ™, MetaVision Event Manager™, MetaVision Query Wizard™, MVmobile ™, myMV ™, MVcustomization™, MVscheduling ™, MV-BS™, MVmulti-site™, MVreports™ and their respective logo designs are either registered trademarks or trademarks of iMDsoft ® in the US, the EU and elsewhere. MetaVision is protected by US patents 6,322,502; 7,374,535; 7,778,851; 7,831,450; 7,848,935, 7,899,683, and 8,027,846. Other patents are pending.

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