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Literacy & Numeracy, School Self-Evaluation and Junior Cycle Student Award: Towards an Aligned Approach Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy & Numeracy, School Self-Evaluation and Junior Cycle Student Award: Towards an Aligned Approach Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy & Numeracy, School Self-Evaluation and Junior Cycle Student Award: Towards an Aligned Approach Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) ‘Only Connect’ (E.M. Forster) Mark Fennell 5 th February 2014 1

2 Themes Conceptual framework for alignment of key curricular initiatives and key issues Sample ‘roadmap’ as illustrative template for planning for 2014-16 Building capacity and professional learning as priorities for schools now 2Mark Fennell 2014

3 1. Major National Initiatives launched in succession… 1. Major National Initiatives launched in succession… Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life: The National Strategy to improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young people 2011-2020 (2011) (LN) School Self-Evaluation: Guidelines for Post Primary Schools (2012) (SSE) A Framework for Junior Cycle (2012) (JCSA) 3Mark Fennell 2014

4 Conceptual Framework: A Synthesis SSE Junior Cycle Student Award Literacy and Numeracy Tool to support curriculum / assessment reform, school improvement & accountability The substantial curricular reform that is the focus of that school improvement Core learning priorities within and alongside that reform 4Mark Fennell 2014

5 School Self-Evaluation SSE is a part of School Development Planning (SDP), shaped by what has been learnt over a decade about how to make SDP more effective Sharper focus on improving the quality of pupil learning through evidence based decisions SSE and SIP are incremental and iterative SSE, implementing JCSA and professional development are deeply interlinked within SDP 5Mark Fennell 2014

6 SSE 2013-2016 Literacy Numeracy One aspect chosen from teaching and learning ‘Each school’s improvement plans - one for literacy, one for numeracy and for another aspect of teaching and learning in the first four year phase of school self-evaluation will fulfil the requirements in the Department’s circular on school self- evaluation and the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy.’ DES, May 2013 6Mark Fennell 2014

7 Literacy and Numeracy Foundation for learning and life Embedded in subject specifications of JCSA Dominate mandatory SSE interventions over next 3 years Strategy runs from 2011-2020 Standardised testing (2017)…but no league tables Deficit literacy to curricular literacy and dialogic competence is the deep linkage to JCSA & AFL 7Mark Fennell 2014

8 Connections that prompt re-thinking curriculum and assessment in JCSA Valued pupil outcomes and key ‘skills’ determine curriculum design and delivery Assessment for and as learning embed key skills in teaching and learning Reframe how summative assessment relates to learning and teaching 8Mark Fennell 2014

9 Key Skills  Assessment for Learning: Making Learning Explicit and Intentional Key Skills: Learner outcomes Managing myself Staying well Communicating Being creative Working with others Managing information and thinking Literacy Numeracy Assessment for Learning: Classroom interaction Learning aims Success criteria Formative feedback Questioning for dialogue and higher order thinking Self evaluation Peer evaluation Cooperative learning Mark Fennell 20149

10 JCSA Assessment and Moderation: Core Issues Assessment for learning and assessment for reporting / certification purposes need to be reconciled…framing challenge at this time o The relative importance of different purposes of assessment o Impact of assessment upon the quality of desired pupil learning o Assessment ‘literacy’ is professional priority 10Mark Fennell 2014

11 Popularly assumed model of curriculum 1 Syllabus (what?) Content Facts Concepts Skills… 2 Pedagogy (how?) Transmission model Teacher dominated 3 Assessment (whether?) Test After learning Motivates through competition Mark Fennell 201411

12 Common ‘actually experienced’ model of curriculum 1 Assessment Determines what’s important Redefines values & aims ‘Backwash effect’  2 Pedagogy Responds to focus of assessment Re- interprets knowledge, competence & skill  3 Syllabus Content / skill taught Content / skill suppressed Negative motivational impact? Mark Fennell 201412

13 2 Planning for an Aligned Approach An Example of an aligned plan: 2013- 2016 13Mark Fennell 2014

14 2013-14 Literacy (link to JCSA) SSE & SIP (phase 1) Literacy Committee SSE Establish JCSA Steering Group English INSET for 2014 Key Skill + AFL Short courses? Why are we doing this? What is it? JCSA 14Mark Fennell 2014

15 2014-15 Numeracy (link to JCSA) Numeracy Committee SSE & SIP (phase 2) Implementation cycle for literacy SSE Review of current curriculum in light of JCSA aims English (1Y) + Science (Prep.) Key skills + AFL Exploring assessment in JCSA JCSA 15Mark Fennell 2014

16 2015-16 Area in Learning & Teaching (e.g. Assessment in ‘active’ or coming JCSA subjects) SSE & SIP (phase 3) Literacy & Numeracy : further SSE cycles & widening understanding SSE Eng. (1,2), Sc. (1), Irish & Business (P) Assessment modalities (school level) Continue to embed AFL & Key skills Literacy knits with AFL Increasing role of subject departments in planning and deliberation JCSA 16Mark Fennell 2014

17 3. Building Capacity in planning and professional learning 17Mark Fennell 2014

18 The ‘Engine’: reviewing the fundamentals in your School’s capacity JCSA / Assessment Steering Group A model of professional learning fit for purpose to align LN, SSE & JC The Queensland experience of teacher led assessment and moderation: implications for an emergent collaborative professionalism 18Mark Fennell 2014

19 JCSA Steering Group Critical to extend leadership and responsibility beyond principal & deputy Include potential advocates for reform Support teacher ‘leaders of learning’ Regular, calendared meeting schedule Formalise meetings (agenda, reports etc) Report to BOM, colleagues, stakeholders Identify short term (12-18 months) goals Maximise PD opportunities for members 19Mark Fennell 2014

20 Professional Learning Communities Lead Change Richly collaborative and team based Access new knowledge (Teacher led) ‘Action research’ model (8-10 weeks) Scheduled ‘professional’ meetings in HR hours Peer observation & demonstration Evaluation: multiple sources of evidence Dissemination of learning (e.g. film, PP presentation to staff, reports…) Applying learning to next phase 20Mark Fennell 2014

21 Assessment and Moderation: Queensland lessons Alignment of curriculum, teaching and assessment is guiding aim Very high quality of professional conversation and collaboration required Sharing and mutual evaluation of samples of student work according to set standards and criteria Teaching aims, methodologies and classroom assessment must be closely aligned and reliably comparable ‘De-privatisation’ of teaching culture Mark Fennell 2014

22 Introducing some key ideas relevant to re-thinking Junior Cycle Learning See especially: Paul Black’s presentation at launch of new junior cycle reform & resources (assessment for learning) (Scotland, ‘learning how to learn’ culture) in+key+competencies.pdf in+key+competencies.pdf (Rosemary Hipkins – key competences) (dialogic teaching) (Johnson & Johnson’s introduction) (Google) Teacher Professional Learning: Best evidence synthesis summary (32 pages: Helen Timperley) +Century.pdf +Century.pdf (Wyatt-Smith & Cumming: eds – 21st century assessment) 22Mark Fennell 2014

23 Dr Mark Fennell Educational Consultant & Facilitator Mobile: 087-967-8832 Email: Mark Fennell 201423

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