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NetPlan – A Practitioner’s Experience

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1 NetPlan – A Practitioner’s Experience
HASTUS International User Group September 2012

2 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

3 Phillip Boyle & Associates has worldwide experience in use of Hastus
and NetPlan to produce successful operating outcomes September 2012

4 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

5 Phillip Boyle & Associates has used NetPlan extensively for planning studies and for service implementation projects Service Location Project Type Outcome Ipswich, QLD Implementation/Service Change Major improvement in connectivity/service quality and improved efficiency Caboolture, QLD Park Ridge, QLD Western Sydney Competitive Tendering In progress Croydon, Vic Implementation/Network Change Doncaster, Vic Cranbourne, Vic Bendigo, Vic Latrobe Valley, Vic Canberra, ACT Network Change/Planning Study Las Vegas, NV Improved gold-line timetable September 2012

6 Westside Bus, Ipswich (Queensland)
Service Area 18 bus routes, 70 peak vehicles (incl. schools) Heavy rail service to downtown Brisbane requiring strong intermodal connectivity at five stations Several routes serving common corridors Project Approach Complete re-write of all timetables, on a revised network Provide an implementable solution, complete with driver paddles and period rosters Work with the bus company on behalf of the state (Translink) Outcomes Major improvement in connectivity & timetable quality Improved operating efficiencies Increased patronage September 2012

7 Westside Bus, Ipswich (Queensland) – NetPlan Schematic
September 2012

8 ACTION Buses (Canberra)
Service Area 80 bus routes, approx 350 peak buses Bus is the only mode Network serves downtown plus four additional regional centres Trunk services supported by feeder routes Project Approach Support network planning to identify resource impacts of potential network changes Run NetPlan for both existing and proposed networks to allow valid comparison Use NetPlan solutions as basis for more detailed scheduling tasks Outcomes Allowing strong support of evidenced-based planning process Identifying potential for improved timetable quality Ongoing project September 2012

9 Caboolture (Queensland)
Service Area 6 bus routes, 8 peak buses Heavy rail service to downtown Brisbane requiring strong intermodal connectivity at five stations Project Approach Complete re-write of all timetables, for an existing network Provide an implementable solution, complete with driver paddles and period rosters Work with the bus company on behalf of the state (Translink) Outcomes Major improvement in connectivity & timetable quality Improved operating efficiencies (8% more service for 2% more cost) Strong patronage increases September 2012

10 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

11 The Invicta bus network covers a substantial part of eastern Melbourne, operating 21 routes with an additional 80 dedicated school services Existing Route Network - Invicta September 2012

12 The network has a range of complexities that require sophisticated scheduling approaches
A few challenges: Strong connectivity required with the heavy rail system A range of different route types, and sometimes vehicle types Some routes offer demand-responsive or flex-route configurations A number of dedicated school runs are operated and integrated (scheduling-wise) with the regular route services September 2012

13 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project Project process 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

14 The project focus was to provide timetable and connectivity enhancements as part of a service change implementation The key project objectives were: Generate substantial service quality improvements Improve the understanding of connection requirements through additional research (Monash ITS – recommended the NetPlan SQI as the most appropriate indicator of relative timetable quality) Provide network improvements Ensure the final solution is of sufficient operating robustness to be implemented Provide a completed operating solution September 2012

15 The network was defined in NetPlan, with the heavy rail system fixed (for connectivity)
September 2012

16 Many instances of common route corridors were also considered
September 2012

17 Over 70 meet builders were defined, both intermodal and bus-to-bus
September 2012

18 Of particular note was the need to, in some instances, build the whole-of-day timetable based on travelling past the school at morning/afternoon bell times, but keeping an all-day clockface Bell times modeled by defining a ‘route’ September 2012

19 To understand how to weight/prioritize the meet builders, we undertook a system-wide on-board survey, using an advanced iPad data collection system, tracking the number of passengers transferring at key locations September 2012

20 Our approach modeled alternatives to find the ‘sweet spot’ in the tradeoff between efficiency and timetable quality/intermodal connectivity Off-Peak SQI Comparison Existing Off-Peak September 2012

21 In the end a complete set of all day timetables, blocks and runs were developed from the NetPlan solutions September 2012

22 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project Coordination Improvements Summary 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

23 The NetPlan Service Quality Index indicated significant improvements to timetable quality, and these were supported by a detailed comparison of the timetables….. Why use the SQI? Allows an objective comparison of different options or solutions Enables better understanding of the tradeoff between cost and quality Recommended by Monash ITS research as the best method for evaluating timetable quality The SQI for the off-peak indicated a doubling of timetable quality but needed less vehicles September 2012

24 On weekdays, there are 19% more scheduled connections within 12 minutes.
September 2012

25 In particular, there has been a significant increase in scheduled connections of 3 to 8 minutes
September 2012

26 On weekends, there are 42% more scheduled connections < 12 minutes.
September 2012

27 As a result, there are 50% fewer scheduled connections of greater than 20 minutes on weekends.
September 2012

28 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project Patronage impacts after 12 months 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

29 Overall patronage from May 2011 to May 2012 has increased by over 15 percent on the eight routes surveyed Route May 2011 May 2012 Change 664 1,498 1,586 6% 671 192 165 -14% 672 167 236 41% 675 92 131 42% 676 98 100 2% 677 171 154 -10% 691 1,192 1,280 7% 693 1,263 1,715 36% Overall 4,673 5,367 15% Source – PBA surveys conducted in May 2011 & May 2012 September 2012

30 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project Changes in connectivity patterns 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

31 The survey results show a signifcant increase in passengers transferring between buses and trains, well above general patronage level increases Invicta Phase 1 Summary of Weekday Patronage Changes Existing Proposed Change Total Bus Patronage 4,673 5,367 694 (+15%) Total Connecting Passengers 849 1,278 429 (+51%) Total Connecting Passengers as % of bus Patronage 18% 24% Source – PBA surveys conducted in May 2011 & May 2012 September 2012

32 Both on a per-route basis, with almost every route showing increases in the percentage of connecting passengers….. Source – PBA surveys conducted in May 2011 & May 2012 September 2012

33 ….and by time of day, where only evening services show any reduction
Source – PBA surveys conducted in May 2011 & May 2012 September 2012

34 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project On-time running improvements 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

35 Finally, service reliability has also improved, with on-time running increasing overall from 73% to 81% across all routes, and some routes showing substantial levels of improvement Source – PBA surveys conducted in May 2011 & May 2012 September 2012

36 2. Our NetPlan Experience
1. Introduction 2. Our NetPlan Experience 3. Project Focus – Invicta intermodal Scheduling Project 4. NetPlan Solutions to Implementable Outcomes September 2012

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