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Interoperability Work Group Approaches to interoperability and future aspirations Lesley Wyborn Boyan Brodaric Harvey Thorleifson.

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Presentation on theme: "Interoperability Work Group Approaches to interoperability and future aspirations Lesley Wyborn Boyan Brodaric Harvey Thorleifson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interoperability Work Group Approaches to interoperability and future aspirations Lesley Wyborn Boyan Brodaric Harvey Thorleifson

2 Interoperability Work Group Outline of session Part 1: Approaches to Interoperability –The Why and The What: Lesley Wyborn – How: Boyan Brodaric Part 2 Future Aspirations: Harvey Thorleifson

3 Interoperability Work Group Outline of my presentation Australian perspectives The Why: just why are we doing interoperability? The What: just exactly what is interoperability? Australian example of an interoperability test bed My role –Group Leader Interoperability Geoscience Australia, –Co-leader of the GeoSciML outreach group, IUGS-CGI

4 Interoperability Work Group Don’t YOU personally hate it when ………… You want bits and pieces from different websites, CD’s and desktop files You can’t remember which website, CD or file the information is on? No matter how well organised your system is – when you eventually find the right website, CD or file you are not sure it is the latest version of the data? You actually do find the bits and pieces but the formats are all different…….. WHY?

5 Interoperability Work Group and then there is the bigger picture in the Australian Mining Industry and other industries……… Data Structures Proprietary Software Versions of Software Client

6 Interoperability Work Group Industry input to inquiry on impediments to exploration in Australia– July 2003 –Problems in gaining easy access to pre- competitive geoscience information listed as one of four major impediments to exploration –Described existing information as commonly incomplete and fragmented across eight government agencies, each with its own information management systems and structures –Noted that the disparate systems lead to inefficiencies causing higher costs, reduced effectiveness and increased risk incurred by the industry and its service providers Source: nternet/minerals_aa_finalreport_July2003.pdf nternet/minerals_aa_finalreport_July2003.pdf

7 Interoperability Work Group The biggest why of all: the data deluge Source: People Information Machine

8 Interoperability Work Group Just EXACTLY what are we doing? Can we learn from history?

9 Interoperability Work Group Peter Drucker - Beyond the Information Revolution: htm htm 1776 - Invention of steam engine 1829 - Invention of railways 1834 - First rail-networks 1880 - First Standards Association for individual components 1890 - Manufacturing age 1940 - Invention of the computer 1989 - First Generation Internet 1996 - First Grid networks 1996 - First Standards for components: W3C & XML appear 2007 - OneGeology & Information Age Industrial Revolution vs the Information Revolution James Watt Simon Cox XMML Data Model

10 Interoperability Work Group

11 The anatomy of the thread of a screw Standards of the industrial age were developed at the level of the lowest common component

12 Interoperability Work Group your internal database: your storage You map word for word transfer standard: an agreed schema

13 Interoperability Work Group An ultimate vision for the WHAT of OneGeology Through standardised interfaces OneGeology will allow us new levels of innovation which will come from the capacity to mine vast data sets from globally distributed sources to enable the production of new geoscience knowledge to solve issues of global sustainability Geoscience Transfer Standards

14 Interoperability Work Group The Australian Interoperability Test Bed: June 2004 Response to Minerals Exploration Action Agenda –Australian Government, State and Territory geoscience agencies, professional associations and industry to cooperatively develop and implement nation-wide protocols, standards and systems that provide internet-based access to, and effective storage and archiving of, industry and government exploration-related DATA See oad_to_Discovery20040702155050.pdf?CFID=284582&C FTOKEN=83266426 oad_to_Discovery20040702155050.pdf?CFID=284582&C FTOKEN=83266426

15 Interoperability Work Group      Phase 1: 2004 Geochemistry test bed: Established web services (wfs, wms) using open source in 3 surveys

16 Interoperability Work Group June 15 July 28 July 14 June 22 July 21 1. Virtual expert team set up who worked with states for preliminary set up via phone and web ( Phase 2: 2005 Technology Capacity Building 2. Expert team then visited each state for 3 days to install the technology and lecture on web services to the wider community

17 Interoperability Work Group Common Interface Binding – GML/XMML SA WFS WA WFS GA WFS NT WFS TAS WFS QLD WFS NSW WFS VIC WFS APPLICATIONS DATA SOURCES DATA SERVICES Map Service WA Report Canberra Service Desktop Western Australia Sth Australia NSW Tasmania Nth Territory Queensland Victoria GA

18 Interoperability Work Group Our demonstrator proved interoperability was feasible and what was required was that the organisation serving the data could map to an agreed standardised interface XMML + NADM = GeoSciML Client

19 Interoperability Work Group Common Interface Binding – GML/XMML UK WFS Australian WFS French WFS Swedish WFS Canadian WFS US WFS APPLICATIONS DATA SOURCES DATA SERVICES Map Service France Australia United Kingdom USA Sweden Canada France Landslide Modelling Tool Kit CO 2 Sequest. Tool Kit Earth- quake Risk Tool Kit 3D Modelling Tool Kit FUTURE POSSIBILITIES Map Service Canada

20 Interoperability Work Group Infrastructure in the Industrial Age vs Information Age Source z_rail_gauges.jpg Narrow Standard Broad New Network

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