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Published byDonovan Hennington Modified over 10 years ago
Rite of Election February 22, 2015 3:30 pm Cathedral of St John the Baptist Savannah, Georgia
Rite of Election Second step in Christian initiation Also called the Enrollment of Names Closes the Period of the Catechumenate Opens the Period of Enlightenment and Purification
Rite of Election On the basis of the testimony of the sponsors and catechists, and of the catechumens’ and candidates’ reaffirmation of their intention, the Church judges their state of readiness and decides on their advancement toward the Sacraments of Initiation.
This step is called election because the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts. The step is also called the enrollment of names because as a pledge of fidelity the catechumens inscribe their names in the book that lists those who have been chosen for initiation
Rite of Election A ritual based on: The testimony of sponsors and catechists The catechumen’s/candidate’s reaffirmation of their intention to follow Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition A communal discernment of readiness to embrace the way of the cross and a life of discipleship
It is an Episcopal liturgy, meaning one presided over by the Bishop. This is important for it is the bishop who will affirm Bishop Gregory John Hartmeyer the action of God in our midst and will acknowledge the Church’s witness to that action on behalf of the entire Roman Catholic Church.
The Rite of Election is the focal point of the Church’s concern for the catechumens/candidates. With deliberate will and an enlightened faith the catechumen/candidate must have the intention to receive the sacraments of the Church, a resolve they will express publicly in the actual celebration of the rite. Before the Rite of Election is celebrated the catechumens/candidates are expected to have undergone a conversion in mind and action and to have developed a sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching as well as a spirit of faith and charity.
Discernment of Readiness More than simply making a decision Discernment is not so much a rational process, but a listening to what God is doing or to where God is leading us Latin “discernere”: a sifting through, separating, taking apart
Discernment We are sifting through the various spirits that are in action We start by observing behavior and then digging deeper. What caused this behavior? Discernment involves the heart, feelings, gut instincts and of course the mind
Readiness is characterized by: Conversion in mind and action Sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching Development of a spirit of faith and charity
Conversion in Mind and Actions This means that both attitudes and behaviors have begun to change to be in accord with the Gospels of Christ and the teachings of the church
Sufficient Acquaintance with Christian Teaching Long enough for the conversion and faith of the Catechumen to become strong It should extend from the Rite of Acceptance to include the periods of the catechumenate and purification and enlightenment One liturgical year: Advent/Christmas Lent/Easter
Comprehensive Catechesis Doctrinal truths based on the Liturgical year Discuss doctrinal truths found in the creeds and Lord’s Prayer Introduction to prayer and spirituality Explore individual and social morality Reflect on Catholic Social Justice
Spirit of Faith Ongoing Conversion: As we are exposed to the truths of the Church we find ourselves in a constant cycle of change Repentance Turn away from past behaviors and develop new ones; Sorrow and a contrite heart for past actions Relationship with the Church Our relationship with the Christian community is an absolute necessity Deeper understanding of the grace, mystery and power of the Liturgy
Spirit of Faith Turning to God more readily in prayer Witness to our faith in Christ Hope in Christ during good and bad times Openness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and having the courage to act on it Love of neighbor
Spirit of Charity Love of neighbor Corporal and spiritual works of mercy Generosity with time, talent and treasure
Spirit of Charity We are slow to anger and rich in compassion choosing kindness, goodness and mercy over retribution, vengeance and holding grudges. We are inclined toward that which serves the common good using Catholic Social Teachings as our guide as we formulate opinions and actions that speak of Christ’s love of others.
Celebration of the Rite of Election of Catechumens and of The Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates Who Are Preparing for Confirmation and/or Eucharist or Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church Entrance Procession "Church of God, Elect and Glorious" (please join in singing.) Church of God, elect and glorious, holy nation, chosen race; Called as God's own special people, royal priests and heirs of grace: know the purpose of your calling, show to all God's mighty deeds; tell of love which knows no limits, grace which meets all human needs. God has called you out of darkness into God's most marv 'lous light, brought his truth to life within you, turned your blindness into sight. Let your light so shine around you that God's name is glorified; and all find fresh hope and purpose in Christ Jesus crucified. Once you were an alien people, strangers to God's heart of love; but God brought you home in mercy, citizens of heav 'n above. Let God's love flow out to others, let them feel a Father's care; that they too may know his welcome and his countless blessings share. Church of God, elect and holy, be the people God intends; strong in faith and swift to answer each command your master sends: royal priests, fulfill your calling through your sacrifice and prayer; give your lives in joyful service, sing his praise, God's love declare.
Opening Prayer Liturgy of the Word First Reading Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Responsorial Psalm Be merciful, 0 Lord, for we have sinned. Second Reading Romans 5:12-19 Gospel Acclamation Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory. Gospel Matthew 4: 1-11 Homily Bishop Gregory John Hartmeyer
Celebration of Election Presentation of the Catechumens: Catechumens stand when your name is called along with your sponsors. Remain standing until all the names are called. The Bishop will inquire as to the readiness of the Catechumens to become the Elect. Respond to the Bishop’s questions where appropriate. Affirmation by the Sponsors and the Assembly Bishop: God's holy church wishes to know whether these catechumens are sufficiently prepared to be enrolled among the elect for the coming celebration of Easter. And so I speak first of all to you their Godparents. Have they faithfully listened to God's word proclaimed by the Church? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop: Have they responded to God's word and begun to walk in God's presence? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop: Have they shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters and joined them in prayer? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop to the Assembly: Are you ready to support the testimony expressed about these catechumens and include them in your prayer and affection as we move toward Easter? Assembly: WE ARE.
Celebration of Election Invitation and Enrollment of Names Bishop to Catechumens: Therefore, do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist? Catechumens: WE DO. Bishop: Then offer your names for enrollment. The Catechumens and their Sponsors will come forward. The Catechumens will sign the pages available for the Book of the Elect, then proceed into the sanctuary area until all are Gathered.
Celebration of Election Act of Admission or Election Bishop to Catechumens: I now declare you to be members of the elect, to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil. The Elect: THANKS BE TO GOD! Bishop: God is always faithful to those he calls. Now it is your duty, as it is ours, both to be faithful to him in return and to strive courageously to reach the fullness of truth, which your election opens before you. Godparents/Sponsors, place your hand on the shoulder of the newly elect. Godparents, you have spoken in favor of these catechumens: accept them now as chosen in the Lord and continue to sustain them through your loving care and example, until they come to share in the sacraments of God's life. Once the Bishop presents the Book to the assembly, return to your seat.
Celebrating the Call to Continuing Conversion Presentation of the Candidates Candidates (those previously baptized) and their Sponsors will be asked to stand when the candidate's name is called. Remain standing until all are called. The Bishop will ask about the readiness of the Candidates to be admitted to Confirmation and Eucharist after Lent. Respond to the Bishop's questions where appropriate. Affirmation by the Sponsors and the Assembly Bishop: The Christian life and the demands that flow from the Sacraments cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, before granting these candidates their request to share fully in the church's sacraments, it is important that the Church hear the testimony of their sponsors about their readiness. My dear sponsors, have they faithfully listened to the Apostles' instructions proclaimed by the Church? Sponsors: THEY HAVE.
Celebrating the Call to Continuing Conversion Bishop: Have they come to a deeper appreciation of their baptism, in which they were joined to Christ and His Church? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop: Have they reflected sufficiently on the tradition of the Church which is their heritage, and joined their brothers and sisters in prayer? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop: Have they advanced in a life of love and service to others? Sponsors: THEY HAVE. Bishop to the Assembly: Are you ready to support the testimony about these candidates and include them in your prayers and affection as we move toward Easter? Assembly: WE ARE.
Celebrating the Call to Continuing Conversion Act of Recognition Bishop to Candidates: The Church recognizes your desire to be sealed with the Holy Spirit and to have a place at Christ’s Eucharistic table. Join with us this Lent in a spirit of repentance. Hear the Lord's call to conversion and be faithful to your baptismal covenant. Candidates: THANKS BE TO GOD. Sponsors, place your hand on the shoulder of your candidate. Bishop: Continue to support these candidates with your guidance and concern. May they see in you a love for the Church and a sincere desire for doing good. Lead them this Lent to the joys of the Easter Mysteries.
Celebrating the Call to Continuing Conversion Intercessions for the Elect and the Candidates All stand Response: Lord, hear our prayer. Prayer over the Elect and the Candidates Solemn Blessing and Dismissal Recessional Hymn All are invited for a reception honoring our Elect and Candidates following the Rite.
Summary The Rite of Election proclaims that God is active in our very midst. God is a God of the living. The Rite of Election proclaims that we, the Church, are witnesses to and heralds of the Good News of Christ Jesus The Rite of Election gives catechumens and candidates the chance to publicly witness to their relationship with Christ and the Church and to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. The Rite of Election is evidence that the Holy Spirit is still active in the transformation of men and women into followers of Christ
The Rite of Election honors the sponsor’s commitment to their Catechumens and Candidates and asks them to testify as to how God has been at work preparing their companion to embrace the rights and responsibilities of baptism. The Rite of Election is the time when the Church, through the Bishop, acknowledges God’s activity by declaring these individuals as members of God’s elect, ready to receive the Easter sacraments You, our elect and candidates, are about to enter into a covenantal relationship with God and the Church. This rite emphasizes this reality.
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