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JEOPARDY Click to start game Celebrate RITE CCNA1 v3 Module 1 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500 Sacramentals Gestures Things we do as Catholics Things.

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2 JEOPARDY Click to start game Celebrate RITE

3 CCNA1 v3 Module 1 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500 Sacramentals Gestures Things we do as Catholics Things we do as Catholics Things we do as Catholics Things we do as Catholics Things we See Things we See More Sacramentals More Sacramentals Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄ 500

4 Question A mixture of perfume and spices, represents our prayers rising to God. A mixture of perfume and spices, represents our prayers rising to God. Sacramentals- 100 Sacramentals- 100 WHAT IS INCENSE? WHAT IS INCENSE?

5 Question Blessed by the bishop and given to each parish to use all year for the sacraments. Blessed by the bishop and given to each parish to use all year for the sacraments. Sacramentals - 200 Sacramentals - 200 WHAT ARE SACRED OILS?

6 Question WHAT ARE ASHES? WHAT ARE ASHES? Given the first day of Lent. Given the first day of Lent. Sacramentals - 300 Sacramentals - 300

7 Question WHAT IS THE BIBLE? WHAT IS THE BIBLE? The Holy book with stories The Holy book with stories about God and Jesus. about God and Jesus. Sacramentals - 400 Sacramentals - 400

8 Question WHAT IS HOLY WATER? WHAT IS HOLY WATER? We are blessed with this during the Easter season. It reminds us of our Baptism. We are blessed with this during the Easter season. It reminds us of our Baptism. Sacramentals - 500 Sacramentals - 500

9 Question WHAT IS GENUFLECT? WHAT IS GENUFLECT? It is a sign of respect we show when we enter or leave the presence of Jesus. It is a sign of respect we show when we enter or leave the presence of Jesus. Gestures - 100 Gestures - 100

10 Question WHAT IS GRACE? WHAT IS GRACE? A prayer of blessing that people share before eating. A prayer of blessing that people share before eating. Gestures - 200 Gestures - 200

11 Question WHAT IS HOLY THURSDAY? WHAT IS HOLY THURSDAY? The day Jesus celebrated with friends and gave us the gift of Eucharist and serving others. The day Jesus celebrated with friends and gave us the gift of Eucharist and serving others. Gestures - 300 Gestures - 300

12 Question WHAT IS VENERATION OF THE CROSS? WHAT IS VENERATION OF THE CROSS? We kiss or touch this on Good Friday. We kiss or touch this on Good Friday. Gestures - 400 Gestures - 400

13 Question WHAT IS THE SIGN OF THE CROSS? WHAT IS THE SIGN OF THE CROSS? A prayer in honor of the Blessed Trinity. A prayer in honor of the Blessed Trinity. Gestures - 500 Gestures - 500

14 Question WHAT ARE THE STATIONS WHAT ARE THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS? OF THE CROSS? Reflections and prayers about Jesus’ passion and death. Reflections and prayers about Jesus’ passion and death. Things we do as Catholics -100 Things we do as Catholics -100

15 Question WHAT ARE FASTING AND ABSTAINING? WHAT ARE FASTING AND ABSTAINING? Not eating meat on Friday, not eating between meals on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Not eating meat on Friday, not eating between meals on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Things we do as Catholics - 200 Things we do as Catholics - 200

16 Question WHAT IS EASTER VIGIL MASS? WHAT IS EASTER VIGIL MASS? Light, darkness, wind, fire, water and earth. Light, darkness, wind, fire, water and earth. Welcoming new members to our church. Welcoming new members to our church. Things we do as Catholics - 300 Things we do as Catholics - 300

17 Question WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION? WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION? Telling our sins to a priest, and receiving absolution. Telling our sins to a priest, and receiving absolution. Things we do as Catholics - 400 Things we do as Catholics - 400

18 Question WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY? OF HOLY MATRIMONY? A man and woman A man and woman exchange rings and vows. exchange rings and vows. Things we do as Catholics - 500 Things we do as Catholics - 500

19 Question WHAT IS THE PASCHAL CANDLE? WHAT IS THE PASCHAL CANDLE? This is lit all during the Easter season, for baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. This is lit all during the Easter season, for baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. Things we See - 100 Things we See - 100

20 Question WHAT IS ROSE? WHAT IS ROSE? The priest wears this colored vestment on Gaudette and Laetare Sundays. Things we See - 200 Things we See - 200

21 Question WHAT IS ORDINARY TIME? WHAT IS ORDINARY TIME? The longest season of the liturgical years whose color is green. The longest season of the liturgical years whose color is green. Things we See - 300 Things we See - 300

22 Question WHAT IS THE ALTAR? WHAT IS THE ALTAR? The holy table where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. The holy table where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Things we See - 400 Things we See - 400

23 Question WHAT IS THE TABERNACLE? WHAT IS THE TABERNACLE? This special gold container contains the body of Christ. Things we See - 500 Things we See - 500

24 Question WHAT IS THE ROSARY? WHAT IS THE ROSARY? Special beads we use to help us pray and reflect on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Special beads we use to help us pray and reflect on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. More Sacramentals - 100 More Sacramentals - 100

25 Question WHAT ARE MEDALS? WHAT ARE MEDALS? A holy image of a person that is worn or put on a key chain. A holy image of a person that is worn or put on a key chain. More Sacramentals - 200 More Sacramentals - 200

26 Question WHAT ARE PALMS? WHAT ARE PALMS? Special leaves we get the Sunday before Easter. Special leaves we get the Sunday before Easter. More Sacramentals - 300 More Sacramentals - 300

27 Question WHAT IS A CRUCIFIX? WHAT IS A CRUCIFIX? A cross with the figure of Christ on it. A cross with the figure of Christ on it. More Sacramentals - 400 More Sacramentals - 400

28 Question WHAT IS EUCHARIST? WHAT IS EUCHARIST? The sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus; the Greek word for Thanksgiving. The sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus; the Greek word for Thanksgiving. More Sacramentals - 500 More Sacramentals - 500

29 Question WHAT IS THE OIL OF THE INFIRMED? WHAT IS THE OIL OF THE INFIRMED? This is used to anoint people who are ill or before surgery. This is used to anoint people who are ill or before surgery. Potpourri - 100 Potpourri - 100

30 Question WHAT IS THE SIGN OF PEACE? WHAT IS THE SIGN OF PEACE? A handshake, hug, or kiss and words to remind us to love family and neighbor. A handshake, hug, or kiss and words to remind us to love family and neighbor. Potpourri - 200 Potpourri - 200

31 Question WHAT IS THE EUCHARIST? WHAT IS THE EUCHARIST? We receive Jesus’ body and blood. We receive Jesus’ body and blood. Potpourri- 300 Potpourri- 300

32 Question WHAT THINGS ARE BROUGHT UP AT OFFERTORY? WHAT THINGS ARE BROUGHT UP AT OFFERTORY? Wine, water, bread, money. Wine, water, bread, money. Potpourri- 400 Potpourri- 400

33 Question WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK? WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK? A person who is seriously ill or dying receives anointing and special prayers. A person who is seriously ill or dying receives anointing and special prayers. Potpourri- 500 Potpourri- 500

34 Question WHAT IS THE CORPORAL? WHAT IS THE CORPORAL? This special cloth is on the altar and Father puts the chalice and paten on it during the consecration. This special cloth is on the altar and Father puts the chalice and paten on it during the consecration. Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

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