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UAE-Rules and Regulations Governing

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1 UAE-Rules and Regulations Governing
the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries Dr. Abdullah Salim Abu Ruwaida Public Health & Environment Consultant General Secretariat of Municipalities P.O.Box 5665, Dubai, U.A.E Tel.: Fax: World Halal Conference & Exhibition Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 11-13 November 2008

2 UAE-Rules and Regulations for the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Introduction UAE Rules & Regulations for Halal Slaughtering Conditions for the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries Accreditation Procedure Responsible Bodies for Accreditation and Control of Halal Certification Accredited Islamic Associations Worldwide

3 UAE-Rules and Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Introduction The UAE is a free trade country, and thereto after it facilitates smooth flow and fair trade in animal products (meat &poultry products) from different countries in the world for supplying its population and also for re-export. As a Muslim country, the UAE is keen that all imported meat and poultry products, beside being of high quality and safe, they should be sourced from animals that are slaughtered according to Islamic Rites and processed under adequate hygienic conditions as well.

4 UAE-Rules and Regulations Concerning Lawful Slaughtering and Accreditation of Islamic Associations :
An Overview The Federal Law No. 4 of 1979 and its Executive Regulation (Ministerial Resolution No. 26 of 1984) Concerning Repression of Commercial Fraud and Deception in Commercial Transactions. GSM Decree No. 5/1985 Concerning Hygiene Requirements and Lawful Slaughtering of Livestock and Poultry. Decision No. 3/33/92-2 /1992 Concerning the Recognized Form of Halal Slaughtering Certificate. GSM Decision No. 8/52/2000 Guidelines for Legal and Health Requirements for Establishing & Operating of Abattoirs. UAE-Standard No. 993/2000 Concerning Animal Slaughtering Requirements According to Islamic Law. GSM Decree No. 32/2005; Concerning the Conditions and Procedures for the Accreditation of Islamic Associations Supervising Halal Slaughtering in Foreign Countries.

5 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
A - Requirements of the Animal to be Slaughtered It should be of those permitted to be eaten (as Halal) by Muslims, such as sheep, goats, cattle, camels, poultry, rabbits, non-predatory animals and birds, etc. Not permitted Animals: Pigs, dogs, domestic donkeys, elephants, mules; Predatory animals and birds such as lions, tigers, bears, eagles, falcons; Carrion, strangled and fatally beaten animals; Dead animals through unlawful treatment or which has been dedicated to any purpose other than God. Animal should be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter.

6 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
The animal must be adequately rested before slaughter for 12hrs. Water is to be offered to the animal before slaughter. Feed should be withheld 12hrs before slaughter. The animal should not be slaughtered in front of the other. The knife is to be sharpened before slaughter. The neck of the animal is to face Mecca (Al-kiblah), and the slaughterer should face Al-kiblah if possible . 6

7 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
B- Requirements of Slaughterer and Slaughter Tool 1- The Slaughterer The slaughterer must be Muslim or Kitabi (Christian or Jewish). He must be mature, sane A Muslim woman is allowed to slaughter, if she meets the above criteria and abides by Islamic uniform . 2- Slaughter Tool Slaughter tool ( the knife ) should be clean and sharp that cuts by its sharp edge and not by its weight . It should not have teeth or grooves. It should not be made of bones or nails. If automatic slaughtering is used, the system should be adjusted to cut the animal’s trachea, esophagus and jugular veins without cutting the whole neck, and this should be done from the front side.

8 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
C- Requirements of Slaughtering & Slaughter Method Ritual Islamic slaughter ( Al-thakah) can be done by one of the methods: Slaughter (Al-thabh); Slaying (Al-nahr) and Stabbing (Al-agr). Animal’s slaughter should be made from the front side( towards the chest) and not from behind (towards the back). It should be carried out by cutting the animal’s trachea, esophagus and jugular veins. Clearing the throat and separating the head of the animal are not permitted at the time of slaughter. In case of using low voltage electrical stunning (on head only), animals should remain alive & this can be indicated by animal movement after such exposure. Beating on head or any means, such as using of bolt shot pistol or non- penetrative percussion or stunning by carbon dioxide are not permitted. Skinning and/or cutting parts of animal’s body is not allowed before the animal’s death. God’s name should be invoked on the animal to be slaughtered “ In the Name of God and God is Great ” (Bismillah wa Allah Akbar ) .

9 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
D- Requirements of Place of Slaughter and Storage Slaughter should not be performed in places and with tools used for pigs or other animals which are unlawful for Muslims to eat. Meat processed for Muslims should not be processed in the same machines used for pork or other similar meat. Meat designated for Muslims should be stored and transported in special stores and with special vehicles, other than those used for pork meat or other unlawful meat.

10 Lawful Slaughtering of Animals
E- Requirements of Inspection, Certification and Stamps Each lot of imported meat and poultry products should be accompanied with Halal certificate issued by an accredited Islamic association proving that slaughtering has been carried out according to Islamic Rites. The Halal Certificate should be attested by UAE Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin or by their authorized representative (a GCC, an Arab or Islamic country). Carcasses (chilled or frozen) or final containers of special meat cuts should be branded with the Islamic association official stamp. The stamp should be tamper proof and branding ink should be stable and food grade (unharmful to health).

11 Conditions for Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries (GSM Decision No. 32/2005)
The Islamic Association (IA) that supervises Halal slaughtering for the UAE in foreign countries must be recognized and meet all legal requirements of the country that it is existing in. Must have a permanent residence in the country of origin. Should have an organizational chart defining the responsibilities and duties of its employees, name and position of the authorized person to sign of Halal slaughtering certificates and the acting person. Should have the technical manpower required for an effective supervision and control of Halal slaughtering. Should comply with UAE Standard No.993/1993 for slaughtering animals according to Islamic Law, and GSM Decision No. 8/52/2000, dated 09/02/2000 on Lawful Halal Slaughtering.

12 Conditions for Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries (GSM Decision No. 32/2005)
Should issue Halal slaughtering certificate similar to the certificate form approved by the UAE, and the certificate should have serial numbers. Should have a section for Halal slaughtering, equipped with documentary system for all the records required for the work ( records for the inspectors or supervisors, slaughter men, supervised slaughterhouses, issued Halal certificates, etc.), to refer to when needed or requested by the GSM. Should have its own inspectors/supervisors of the slaughterhouses, and the number of slaughterhouses supervised by each inspector must not exceed three. Should have a system for selecting inspectors and slaughter men and issuing them labor cards (work permits). Should have training system for supervisors and slaughter men to increase their efficiency and skills.

13 Conditions for Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries (GSM Decision No. 32/2005)
Must be involved in charity, humanitarian aid or any other service activities for Moslems. Must have a system how to issue certificates, and to keep and secure stamps, signatures and other related documents. Must send to the GSM copies of the signatures of the person authorized to sign the Halal certificates and the acting person. Must send an annual report to the GSM showing its activities, accomplishments and number of Halal certificates it issued. Commercial companies or individuals will not be accredited to supervise Halal slaughtering in favor of the UAE. No Association will be accredited unless it agrees to the above mentioned conditions.

14 Procedures for the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries (GSM Decision No. 32/2005) The Islamic association (IA) must meet all conditions and requirements mentioned before for accrediting Islamic associations in foreign countries. It should submit, through official channels, an application to the GSM accompanied by all required documents proving its compliance with the said requirements. Should provide a letter confirming its commitment to cover all expenses involved (travel, lodging and transportation) for a delegation representing the GSM to prove its compliance, if needed. The application will be evaluated by the concerned committees of the GSM. If the concerned committees recommend an approval, this will be forwarded to the GSM Council to decide either to accredit the IA or to send a delegation to it to prove its compliance.

15 Procedures for the Accreditation of Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries (GSM Decision No. 32/2005) If the application is denied (rejected), the Association will be informed about the reasons of the rejection, through the official channels. Re-application for accreditation is permitted following the same procedure, if the IA rectifies the reasons of rejection and meets the requirements. If the application is accepted, the Association will be accredited to supervise Halal slaughtering for the UAE in its country of residence. If the need arises, coordinated or surprise visits can be undertaken to the accredited associations to ensure that they are fulfilling their commitments, or to re-assess and renew the accreditation.

16 Responsible Bodies for Accreditation and Control of Halal Certificates
Food Control Services at Municipalities & Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority Accreditation of Islamic Associations GSM Inspection & Control of Imported meat Consignments Technical Committees (National Food Safety Com. & Vet. Control Com.)

17 Accredited Islamic Associations in the World
WORLD MAP Accredited Islamic Associations in the World

18 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Australia : The Perth Mosque of Western Australia Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia, Sydney The Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia Al – Iman Islamic Society Inc. (AIS), Collingwood, Victoria. The Australia Federation of Islamic Councils Inc, Sydney, Australia Islamic Association of Katanning – W. Australia Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria, Australia Australian Halal Food Services (AHFS)

19 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
New Zealand : Federation of Islamic Association in New Zealand (FIANZ). Netherlands : Control Office of Halal Slaughtering, The Hague. Denmark The Islamic Cultural Centre, Copenhagen France  Association Rituelle de la Grande Mosquee de Lyon, France Association A Votre Service (AVS), Paris, Association Finisterienne Pour La Culture Arab Islamique, Brest Mosque Evry Courcouronnes, Evry, France

20 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Ireland Islamic Foundation of Ireland, Dublin Germany Islamic Zentrum Munchen , Munchen Freimann, Islamisches Zentrum Achen, Aachen Islamic Society of Siegburg e.v, Siegburg. USA Halal Transactions of Omaha, Nebraska, USA Islamic Services of America, IOWA, USA International Institute for Islamic Thought, Herndon ,Virg., USA Islamic Society of Area Washington (ISWA) The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America, Chicago

21 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Brazil : Islamic Dissemination Centre for Latin America Federation of Muslims Associations in Brazil, Paulo s.p. Brazil Spain : The Islamic Cultural Centre , Madrid , Spain Cordoba Halal Institute , Cordoba Austria :   Islamic Centre for Documintation and Information United Kingdom : Halal food Authority (HFA),London, UK

22 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
South Africa South African National Authority- Durban (S.A.N.H.A) National Independent Halal Trust Muslim Judicial Council (CAPS) Namibia Namibia Halal Trust in collaboration with Alhouda Association Canada Islamic Society of North America The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada (IFANCA), Toronto, Canada

23 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Argentine The Halal Catering Argentina, Buenos Aires, Islamic Center of Argentine Philippines (IDCP) Dawah Council of Philippines Uruguay Uruguayan Islamic Center

24 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Paraguay Centro Benefico Cultural Islamico, Asunasion, Paraguay Singapore Ugama Islamic Council - Islamic Religious Council of Singapore Japan Islamic Centre , Tokyo Tanzania The National Muslim Council of Tanzania, (BAKWATA)

25 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Kenya Supreme Council of Kenya Muslim, Nairobi South Korea Korean Muslim Student Association, Seoul Switzerland Islamic Centre, Geneva China China Islamic Association , Beijng – China

26 List of Accredited Islamic Associations in Foreign Countries
Ethiopia Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (Oromiya) Thailand The Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT) India Jamiat- Ulama- I- Hind, Delhi Jamiat- Ulama- E- Hind, Aligarh Jamiat- Ulama- E- Hind, Hyderabad Jamiat- Ulama- E- Hind, Maharashtra Jamiat- Ulama- E- Hind,Patiala, Punjab Mahkama-E-Sharia, Delhi Jamiat- Ulama- E- Hind, Lucknow Jamiat- Ulama-E-Hind, Kalkuta Jamiat-Ulama-Andhra Pradesh/ Zaheerabad Muslim Sunnath Jamath Mosque, Coimbatore

27 Thank You for Your Attention

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