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Communion and Sending Forth
The Eucharist Communion and Sending Forth
Opening Prayer Lord, may we who gather here in your name be one in you. Amen.
Preview Activity – 27A Think back to a celebration you have participated in that was especially important to you. Who were you celebrating with? What was the occasion? How did you and the people you were with celebrate? What made the celebration joyful?
Introduction Eucharist = “giving thanks to God”
The Eucharist is more than just the Body & Blood, it is our life together with the whole community of believers when come to worship. Communion is not just a sacrament we receive but is our union with Christ & each other.
Reflection If the Eucharist is the whole event, why is it important to come on time and to stay until the end? Why is it important to have Catholic friends? They strengthen and encourage us because they believe what we believe, and we can help one another live our faith.
Our Family Prayer The Lord’s Prayer = the Our Father; the prayer Jesus taught his disciples We ask God to forgive us as we forgive others.
Reflection Why do you think the Lord’s Prayer is prayed at the beginning of the Communion Rite? We want to be sure we are united before receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, so in the Lord’s Prayer, we pray for forgiveness and also forgive others who have hurt us.
A Sign of Peace Rite of Peace: the part of the Mass when the people are invited to share a sign of Christ’s peace w/ one another
Reflection Now that we have forgiven one another and are at peace with God and others, why is it a good idea to exchange a sign of peace before receiving Holy Communion? We can share peace because we have been forgiven and have forgiven others. The sign of peace shows we are united in Christ.
FYI: The Sign of Peace: John 14:27
In discussing the sign of peace, it may also be useful to recall Christ’s words of peace spoken to his disciples at the Last Supper: “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afriad” (Jn 14:27). It is helpful to remember that we do not share our own peace (or lack thereof) at the sign of peace. We say, “Peace be with you” or “The peace of Christ.” We are privileged and humbled to share his peace.
Fun Fact Using our bodies in prayer can be helpful.
The gestures help us pray and & be mindful of what we are doing, so we should always make them w/ respect & make them complete.
Jesus, the Paschal Lamb Fraction Rite when the priest breaks the consecrated bread into smaller pieces so it can be shared w/ everyone Then we sign a litany to Jesus, the Lamb of God. Litany: a form of prayer, spoken or sung, involving a dialogue between a leader and the people assembled. The people respond to each phrase said or sung by the leader with a constant refrain or acclamation.
FYI - Litanies Our Eucharist contains two litanies. One, during the penitential rite, we refer to as the ‘Lord, have mercy”. Today it usually has only 3 petitions, but in ages past, it had more. The “Lamb of God,” which we pray just before Holy Communion, is also a litany. Generally, it also has 3 petitions but can have more.
A litany is easy to pray, because one merely repeats the response after the leader’s invocation. It helps a community to focus together. During the penitential litany, we focus on our need for God’s mercy before we celebrate the Eucharist together. During the “Lamb of God,” we focus on Jesus and his sacrifice for us before we partake in his Body & Blood, before we share in the supper of the Lamb.
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary is popular for parish celebrations of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Reflection What does naming Jesus as the Lamb of God remind you of?
The Book of Exodus, when the Jewish people were saved by the blood of the lamb signed on their doorposts. We celebrate Jesus as our Paschal Lamb and our “Passover” from death to life at every Eucharist.
Reflection Open your Bibles to Revelation 21: 22-27
This describes the Church, both now and at its fulfillment in Heaven. Where have you see symbols of the Lamb of God? In pictures, in statues, in stained-glass windows. The Lamb is usually carrying a banner, which is a sign of Christ’s Resurrection victory. This is why we usually see more of this symbol of the Lamb at Easter.
Live It! We offer the peace of Christ in our everyday lives.
How can you live more peacefully in your everyday lives, especially when loudness and agitation seem to be part of the air we breathe? We can choose to watch a certain TV show or listen to certain music & not just keep TV or music on as “background noise.” We can use the mute button to tone down loud commercials. We can choose to listen to nature or the world around us rather than having an electronic device in our ears all the time.
How can we live more peacefully with others?
We can compliment others and never use put-downs. We can notice when someone has had “enough” from us and turn it down a notch. When we are bored, we can find something constructive to do instead of starting an argument.
Communion: Becoming One Body
The high point of our entire Eucharist b/c it is when we become 1 w/ Christ. St. Augustine calls it the “mystery of unity”. When we sing together at mass, it shows our union with one another through the Holy Spirit.
The Body of Christ refers to both
The consecrated bread & wine All the people who are part of the Church When we say “Amen”, it means “Yes, let it be so” that I promise to be the Body of Christ in the world—to show everyone the immense love of his Father (Christ’s mission).
Reflection How does it feel to know that Jesus Christ “knows everything about us and loves us no matter what?” Is Communion just “Jesus and me,” or is more involved? When we are united to Christ, we are united to his mission to love others and to be the Body of Christ in the world.
The Communion rite ends with a prayer asking that the Communion we have shared will indeed change our lives.
Activity: Communion: Becoming One Body – 27B
Saint Augustine called the Eucharist the “mystery of unity.” Why is this a fitting phrase to describe the Eucharist? What does this unity mean to you? We end the Communion Rite by praying that the Communion we shared will change our lives. In what ways can receiving Holy Communion change you?
Did You Know? A kiss is not only a sign of love but also of reverence for something sacred. The same is true of a human kiss. A kiss should express love and respect between people.
Think About It! Why does the Church encourage us to receive from the cup as well? Both Body & Blood are truly Christ, and to take both makes Communion more complete. Jesus gave his Body and Blood in both bread and wine at the Last Supper. At meals we usually eat and rink. Taking both is optional. Some people who struggle with alcohol addiction take only the Host. Some people who are ill and cannot swallow take only a tip of consecrated wine.
Pray It! Liturgy Connection
Remember to pray for the Church all over the world, especially in those places where people are in need or the Church suffers from oppressive political conditions.
Sent to Love and Serve The Eucharist continues even after Mass; it sends us out “to love & serve the Lord.” The Mass sends us out to give the gifts of the Eucharist to others, t/f it should bring people throughout the world together.
Reflection How does the Eucharist “continue even after Mass”?
After we are united with Christ, we are better able to help unite others to Christ. By our love and unity, we can help bring people together. After receiving the Eucharist, why should we be so concerned about people who are poor or in need? Jesus said, “Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did if for me!” Mt 25:40. We should more easily recognize Christ in others, especially those in need, after we receive Christ and become part of him in the Eucharist.
Reflection Do you think one person’s kindness, forgiveness, or joy makes a difference in the world? How do you think you can make a difference in the world right now? Anecdote about the sea stars on the beach. Every day, sea stars would wash up, beached, and dying. A man who walked there every day threw as many as he could back into the ocean. Someone said to him, “there are so many sea stars! How can you possibly make any difference by throwing one back?” The man replied, “It makes a difference to that sea star.”
Did You Know? Read Luke 24:13-35
Why do you think they recognized Jesus when he “took the bread, and said the blessing; then he broke the bread and gave it to them”? They recognized this was what Jesus had done at the Last Supper. Also, they had just been told all about the Messiah by this stranger they had met, who was Jesus.
People of Faith Saint Augustine
What are some reasons why we honor Saint Augustine? What aspects of his life or his example inspire you?
Closing Activity – 27C
Closing Prayer Jesus, thank you for giving us yourself, your Body and Blood, in the Eucharist. Thank you for being with us in our joys and sorrows. Help us give ourselves for others. Help us carry on your mission of love and peace. Help us follow you, and help us share your love and joy with everyone we meet. Amen.
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