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Blessing Of Engaged Couples

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1 Blessing Of Engaged Couples
A Short Prayer Service

2 Introductory Rites Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you.

3 We know that all of us need God’s blessing at all times; but at the time of their engagement to be married, Christians are in particular need of grace as they prepare themselves to form a new family. Let us pray, then, for God’s blessing to come upon these couples, our brothers and sisters: that as they await the day of their wedding, they will grow in mutual respect and in their love for one another; that through their companionship and prayer together they will prepare themselves rightly and chastely for marriage.

4 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians (12:31-13:8.)
Be ambitious for the higher gifts. And I am going to show you a way that is better than any of them. If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatever.

5 Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end. This is the Word of the Lord Thanks be to God

6 Psalm (Ps 144:8-10, 15,  v.9)  How good is the Lord to all. The Lord is kind and full of compassion. slow to anger, abounding in love. How good is the Lord to all, compassionate to all his creatures.  All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord, and your friends shall repeat their blessing. The eyes of all creatures look to you and you give them their food in due time.  The Lord is just in all his ways and loving in all his deeds. He is close to all who call him, who call on him from their hearts. 

7 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John (15:9-12)
The Lord be with you. And also with you. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.(15:9-12) Glory to you O Lord. Jesus said to his disciples; ‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments

8 You will remain in my love,
Just as I have kept my Father’s commandments And remain in his love. I have told you this So that my own joy may be in you And your joy be complete This is my commandment: Love one another, As I have loved you’. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

9 Intercessions  Lord, help us to remain always in your love.
Priest: God our Father has loved us so much that in Christ he makes us his children and the witnesses to his love before the entire world. Let us, therefore, cal upon him in all confidence, saying:  Lord, help us to remain always in your love. God Our Father, you willed that your true children, brothers and sisters in Christ, should be known by their love for one another.  Lord, help us to remain always in your love.

10 You place upon us the sweet demands of love so that we may find happiness by responding to them.
 Lord, help us to remain always in your love. You join a man and woman together by their love for each other, so that in the family they establish they may rejoice in children, the crown of their love.  Lord, help us to remain always in your love.

11 Through the paschal offering, Christ espoused the Church as his Bride and in his blood offered it to you, holy and immaculate. In this you have given us the ideal of the love that should exist between husband and wife in the sacrament of marriage.  Lord, help us to remain always in your love. You call these engaged couples to the communion of life and love that binds the Christian family together, mind and heart.

12 Blessing of Engagement Rings
In due course may you honour the sacred pledge symbolised by these rings. Amen.

13 Prayer of Blessing Lord God,
The source of all love, the wise plan of your providence has brought these young people together. As they prepare themselves for the sacrament of marriage and pray for your grace, grant that, strengthened by your blessing, they may grow in their respect for one another and cherish each other with a sincere love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

14 Concluding Rite May The God of love and peace abide in you,
guide your steps, and confirm your hearts in love, now and forever. Amen

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