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The Passover Rite. On tenth day, pick a lamb On 14 th day, at evening, kill the lamb Blood upon door posts and lintels Roast lam with fire, whole Eat.

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Presentation on theme: "The Passover Rite. On tenth day, pick a lamb On 14 th day, at evening, kill the lamb Blood upon door posts and lintels Roast lam with fire, whole Eat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Passover Rite

2 On tenth day, pick a lamb On 14 th day, at evening, kill the lamb Blood upon door posts and lintels Roast lam with fire, whole Eat with unleavened bread and bitter herbs Eat fully dressed. Eat in a hurry. Burn the leftovers. Nothing to remain.

3 Feast of Unleavened Bread Seven days following Passover No leaven allowed in house. First and seventh days kept holy. No work. Lev. 23:8, Num. 28:16-25. Daily sacrifices during the seven days.


5 Passover and Us. Mt. 26:17 Our Lord was killed on Passover Mt. 26:26-29 The Lord’s Supper grew out of the Passover Feast. Coincidence?

6 Passover and Us 1 Cor. 5:6-8 Christ is our Passover Lamb’s blood staves off the Destroyer. A feast is setup to commemorate this salvation. Christ’s blood saves from judgment wrath. A feast is set up to commemorate this salvation.

7 Passover and Us God versus the Egyptians. God versus spiritual powers of Darkness. Pharaoh trying to keep Israelites enslaved. Satan trying to keep us enslaved. The power with which God redeems his people.

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