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UK Learning: Rethinking spaces for collaboration and future learning in primary and secondary schools. 21 October, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Learning: Rethinking spaces for collaboration and future learning in primary and secondary schools. 21 October, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Learning: Rethinking spaces for collaboration and future learning in primary and secondary schools. 21 October, 2014

2 Don’t be afraid to take a big step when indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. [David Lloyd George] Stephen Harris @stephen_h Founder & Director SCIL

3 Are our schools adequately preparing our students for the future? A simple question

4 Let’s go back just over a decade to 2000

5 In 2000 text messaging introduced to AT&T first Hybrid car GPS goes mainstream J Phone first phone/camera TripAdvisor founded

6 In 2001 Wikipedia launched

7 In 2002 Moodle released

8 In 2003 Apple opens iTunes store WordPress launched More camera phones sold than digital cameras Human genome project completed

9 In 2004 Facebook launched Google became publicly listed company

10 In 2005 YouTube launched Nokia largest brand for phone/camera

11 In 2006 Twitter launched Nintendo Wii Launched

12 In 2007 iPhone launched

13 In 2010s 3D printers became mainstream Drones become commonplace Wearable technology

14 let’s jump ahead 2030

15 Autonomous vehicles 2010s driverless cars emerge By 2020, Volvo envisages having cars in which passengers would be immune from injuries. By 2020, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Nissan, BMW and Renault all expect to sell vehicles that can drive themselves at least part of the time. By 2025, Daimler and Ford expect fully autonomous vehicles on the market. By 2035, IHS Automotive report says will be the year most self-driving vehicles will be operated completely independent from a human occupant’s control.

16 2035

17 2035 timeline Final collapse of European Union Russia is a global food superpower Establishment of first manned lunar bases Economic decline of Middle East Arctic ice free in September Distributed propulsion systems revolutionise air travel Robots dominate battlefields Researchers and investors hope that space elevator will be built Fully functioning artificial eyes are available Fights over control of water resources China the superpower in Asia and Africa

18 start preschool 2015+3+7+6+4= 2035 graduate from tertiary

19 Can we predict what students will need 20 years out?

20 Can we predict what technology will have been developed and become commonplace ?

21 Will education institutions as we currently know them exist beyond this decade?

22 2014

23 That’s like trying to strap a rocket engine onto an elephant so that it can move faster. Good luck. John P. Kotter from ‘XLR8’ ‘The situation will no longer be improved by tweaking the usual methodology or adding turbochargers to a single hierarchical system.

24 Education 2030 “We are transitioning from a teaching model to a learning model. Teaching requires experts. Learning only requires coaches.With increasing online assets in place, we are moving quickly into the new frontier of a teacherless education system.” Jobs Going AwayNew Jobs Created - Teachers- Coaches - Trainers- Course designers - Professors- Learning camps

25 Learning has already democratised to the point that no longer can we control what students learn.

26 We have gone through this hourglass in history when a paradigm shift occurred and yet many have not realised this.

27 What is paradigm shift ?

28 A paradigm shift is, according to Thomas Kuhn, a change in the basic assumptions … a profound change in a fundamental model or perception of events...







35 … invent the future, don’t prevent the future …

36 the heart of the pr oblem

37 Move away from the ‘factory-style’ paradigm separate rooms separate and separated educators separated class groups separate desks & chairs or rows separate preparation separate

38 Will there be a role for schools into the future? YES, if we act now!

39 1. Schools will be the cornerstone of the community. Places which combine a relational heart with a love for learning.

40 2. Schools will be the ‘base station’ for everyone’s learning journeys.

41 3. Students will take some courses directly with the school, but may just as easily be undertaking some study with a range of other providers.

42 4. Schools will be part of the ‘real world’.

43 5. Students will learn within a community that seeks to nurture and grow them.

44 6. As lead learners, teachers will have a critical role as the expert, guide, coach and mentor.

45 Tool Box How up-to-date is your toolbox?

46 Tool Box useful

47 Tool Box community 1 2 3 connection collaboration

48 Tool Box we – me balance

49 Tool Box Some ‘nuts and bolts’ of accelerating change

50 From teaching to learning; from teacher to teams; from passive to active; from batch to personal; from management to engagement; from control to empowerment

51 Align resources people budgets vision design


53 New roles collaboration coach change agent pedagogic coach sustainability coach

54 are an element in the equation Physical spaces

55 What does it mean to be mobile ?

56 3 screen day

57 visualise ideas: What is the pedagogy of the new paradigm?

58 campfires – 1 to many working together – watering hole cave – individual work experiment – sandpit anywhere, anytime – digital space Adapted from David Thornburg

59 professional spaces

60 write-able surfaces

61 staff workspaces

62 visible learning


64 Designing for future focus

65 What skills? 1.Sense Making 2.Social Intelligence 3.Novel and Adaptive Thinking 4.Cross-Cultural Competency 5.Computational Thinking 6.New-Media Literacy 7.Transdisciplinarity 8.Design Mindset 9.Cognitive Load Management 10.Virtual Collaboration (Source : The Institute for the Future (IFTF), June 2011)

66 Change Management visionbuy inskillsincentivesresourcesaction plan=change buy inskillsincentivesresourcesaction plan=confusion visionskillsincentivesresourcesaction plan=sabotage visionbuy inincentivesresourcesaction plan=anxiety visionbuy inskillsresourcesaction plan=resistance visionbuy inskillsincentivesaction plan=frustration visionbuy inskillsincentivesresources=treadmill Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991, June). Factors in managing complex change.

67 Design is changing! Are you changing too?

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