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Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal Why the Change? What to Expect Looking toward the future.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal Why the Change? What to Expect Looking toward the future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal Why the Change? What to Expect Looking toward the future

2 Opportunity: This is an opportunity to go beyond the words. This is an opportunity to engage peoples’ minds and hearts more fully in the meaning of the liturgy to nourish our life of faith.

3 What we know: A new translation is coming Substantial changes to peoples’ texts as well as priests’ texts Media has given mixed reviews of the new translation Some have commented that “now seems to be a poor time for a new translation for both the faithful and the clergy.”

4 What we know (continued): Some are skeptical, others lukewarm, others happy about the new translation U.S. Bishops have voted and approved all of the texts

5 What we know (cont)… The Order of Mass (Ordo Missae) has already received recognitio from the Holy See with other texts being reviewed Introductory Rites (Greeting, Penitential Rite, Gloria, Opening Prayer) Liturgy of the Word (Creed) Liturgy of the Eucharist (Euch. Prayer and Acclamations, Ecce Agnus Dei, etc.) Dismissal

6 Why the translation? This is the third revision of the Roman Missal – translation is an ongoing process Liturgiam Authenticam: Translation closer to the Latin text Word for word translation versus dynamic equivalence More biblically rooted – “Help us to hear the bible.” Heightened language (more formal)

7 What to expect: Timeline Final texts were approved by the USCCB in November, 2009 Recognitio by the Holy See sometime in Spring or early Summer 2010 Possible implementation date: Lent, 2011 Advent, December of 2011

8 What to expect from the texts: Changes to the texts of the lay faithful such as: Greeting, Confiteor, Gloria, Creed, Euch. Accl., etc. Some examples: “And also with you” → “And with your spirit” “Lord God of power and might” → “Lord God of hosts” “I am not worth to receive you” → “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof.”

9 What to expect from the texts: Changes to the presidential texts: Orations Eucharistic Prayers “Shed for you and for all” → “poured out for you and for many” (Institution Narrative) From east to west” → “from the rising of the sun to its setting (Euch. Prayer III) Lengthy sentences Heightened, more formal language

10 Budget Considerations Parishes should include in their budget for 2010/2011 monies for: New Missal People’s participation aids – new hymnals, “Mass cards”, new Mass settings, etc. Catechetical materials Workshops for clergy, parish staffs and Worship Commissions, even the worshipping assembly

11 What to expect from the people: Change is never easy Change may bring about anger, frustration, misunderstanding Change is often not received well, particularly if the leadership does not believe in it Change can be an opportunity for growth, for fresh ears and eyes Some will accept this change

12 What to expect from diocese: Archdiocesan offices are collaborating to research, create, and provide programs and materials that will assist each of you in your ministry as we look to the reception of the new Roman Missal Which offices: Worship, Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Family Life Office, Social Action, Mission, Diaconate, Office of African American Catholic Ministries, Stewardship, Vocations, etc.

13 What to expect from diocese: Collaborative efforts at broad-based formation for the celebration of the Eucharist (including the Roman Missal) Assist parishes to develop proper dispositions in the people (Nurturing Family Faith) Assist parishes with resources to deepen the experience of the celebration of the Eucharist: “wake up some drowsy ears…” Paul Turner

14 What to expect from diocese Assist parishes to use this time of transition as an opportunity to deepen the people’s understanding of our faith – changes in the liturgy/text can be real opportunities for catechesis (Scripture, Belief, Liturgy)

15 What to expect from the diocese: Various types of catechetical/ formation materials and programs Written, web-based resources, DVD’s Programs for clergy, musicians, liturgists, parish staffs, people in the pews Perhaps most importantly our efforts to assist you in bringing our Catholic communities/families closer to the Lord

16 Where to find out more

17 Our shared opportunity: To use this time of transition to create ways for spiritual growth and deeper understanding:  to find ways to engage the People of God more fully in the life of the Church, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and making connections for living it  to review our own liturgical practices in order to offer the people of the Archdiocese a place where their faith is nourished and a greater sense of unity within the liturgy  to introduce changes in a systematic way that enables a smooth transition for all of us

18 Your Input: What concerns do you have? What are some ways that you see that might best help with this transition? How can we use this as an opportunity to deepen the Eucharistic faith and understanding of the People of God?

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