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Do Now You do not have to write the questions. Make a list of 5 people you know (mother, father, siblings, cousins, friends) and put them in order by age.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now You do not have to write the questions. Make a list of 5 people you know (mother, father, siblings, cousins, friends) and put them in order by age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now You do not have to write the questions. Make a list of 5 people you know (mother, father, siblings, cousins, friends) and put them in order by age from youngest to oldest.

2 Graphic Organizer Relative Age of Rocks

3 Vocabulary Foldable

4 1. Relative Dating

5 Do Now Discussion

6 Comparing the age of one rock to the ages of other rocks


8 2. Principle of Superposition

9 Youngest Middle Oldest The rock layers on the bottom are oldest and rock layers on the top are youngest.


11 3. Anticline

12 an arch of rock arranged in layers that bend downward in opposite directions from the top

13 Review


15 4. Faults

16 Is a break in Earth’s crust. It is always younger than the rock it cuts through.

17 Review


19 5. Intrusion

20 Magma that pushes into layers of rocks, then cools and hardens. It is always younger than the rock layers around and beneath it.


22 6. Extrusion

23 Lava that hardens on the surface. It is always younger than the rock layers beneath it.



26 6. Extrusion

27 Lava that hardens on the surface. It is always younger than the rock layers beneath it.

28 Independent Practice

29 Exit Ticket How do geologist use the principle of superposition to determine the relative age of rocks?


31 Do Now You do not have to write the questions. What is the principle of superposition? What is a fault?



34 Rock Layer Review


36 s2903page04.cfm

37 7. Law of Original Horizontality

38 States that rock layers are deposited in horizontal layers. If the rocks are tilted or folded, they have been deformed after deposition.

39 age01.cfm

40 8. Unconformity

41 Are gaps in the geologic record that show where some rock layers have been lost because of erosion

42 4-Step Unconformity Process Sedimentary rocks form in horizontal layers. Folding tilts the rock layers. The surface is eroded. New sediment is deposited, forming rock layers above the unconformity.




46 9. Index Fossils

47 Help geologist tell the relative ages of rocks and what the environment was like.

48 What can index fossils tell us about the environment? A fossil of a bird is found in layer E and a fossil of a fish is found in layer D. What happened? A dinosaur bone and a dragonfly fossil is found in layer C. What happened? A sea shell fossil is found layer B. What happened?

49 Cut Foldable

50 Independent Practice


52 Exit Ticket Describe the unconformity process. What do index fossils tell us about the environment?

53 ACT Prep Betty is shorter than Sally. Cynthia is taller than Sally. Carla is shorter than Betty. Is Sally shorter or taller than Carla?

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