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FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02

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1 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

2 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
From the Florida Department of Education Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Program Overview Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

3 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Interactive program offers practice on the FCAT-tested benchmarks Reinforces reading comprehension skills Available at no cost to all Florida public schools Accessible from any computer connected to the Internet Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

4 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Fidelity with the Official FCAT Strict adherence to the Sunshine State Standards and the DOE’s Test Item & Performance Task Specifications Rigorous item development process Items drafted by reading teachers and professional item writers Items reviewed by instructional designers, testing specialists, bias reviewers, and professional editors Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

5 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Input from Education Professionals Exemplary classroom teachers Recommended for expertise in subject area and grade level National Board Certified Recipients of Teacher of the Year awards Experienced as FCAT coach and/or reading coach Masters’ degrees Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

6 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Instructional Support Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

7 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Instructional Support 1ST ATTEMPT CORRECT Displays auditory and visual congratulations Supplies correct answer explanation Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

8 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Instructional Support 1ST ATTEMPT INCORRECT Informs student that answer is incorrect Delivers hint or takes student to yellow highlighted passage Explanation of vocabulary-related skills and their application Highlighting offers guidance to correct answer Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

9 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Instructional Support 2nd ATTEMPT CORRECT or INCORRECT Correct answer: Auditory congratulations and explanation Incorrect answer: Notification that selected answer is incorrect Identification of correct answer Explanation of why the correct answer choice is correct Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

10 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Passages and Practice Items Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

11 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Passages 45 passages grouped into three themes—land, sea, and space Written to support FCAT-like practice on all tested benchmarks Topics drawn from Sunshine State Standards subject areas Science Social Studies The Arts Health & Physical Education Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

12 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Passages Same average length and readability level as on the FCAT Same varieties of passages: poems, plays, articles, and stories Reviewed by teachers for interest & readability Reinforced by illustrations Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

13 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items 332 FCAT-like practice items: From the passage Neptune, The Blue Planet Multiple choice (MC) Short-response (SR) Items reflect real-world activities and situations From the passage Rosa’s Return Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

14 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items PRACTICE ITEMS Rigorous item development process Written by professional item writers Reviewed and approved by teachers Revised as needed based on statistical item analysis Same average number of items per passage as on the FCAT Number of items per skill based on teacher recommendation for struggling readers No fewer than 5 items per skill From 5 to 50 items per benchmark Same type, style, format, scope, & cognitive level as on the FCAT Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

15 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items MULTIPLE CHOICE (MC) Careful review of every item for psychometric criteria Item must clearly support skill Only plausible choices All answer choices are parallel (e.g., grammatical form) One clearly best answer Correct answer supported in the text Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

16 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items SIMULATED SRs & MCs Short-response: Compare three responses & select the best one Multiple-choice: Read four responses & choose the most correct Simulation strategies recommended by teachers Based on classroom instructional practices Requires student to compare or assess critical attributes Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

17 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items LET’S STOP AND THINK Content questions embedded throughout passages modeling thought processes of good readers Correct and incorrect responses identified Recognition of crucial content in reading passages reinforced Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

18 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items Answer Explanations for Three-Response SRs Correct answer: Full credit given Attributes that justify the assigned score Compare this answer: Partial credit given Answer attributes and discrepancies supplied Incorrect answer: No credit given Description of why this response received no credit Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

19 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks MAPS, TABLES, AND CHARTS Essential Support for Passages Illustrate crucial passage content Support items written on research benchmark (LA.A and LA.A ) Supply critical additional information on the topic Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

20 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Special Features Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

21 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Special Features SEE QUESTIONS Allows students to preview item stems (not answer choices) Helps students establish a purpose for reading Teacher requested feature 3GR means 3rd Grade Reading program 4GR means 4th Grade Reading program The “View Questions” feature is included in all Reading programs except 4th grade Reading. 4GR was the very first program developed. The idea for this feature first emerged during design of the next reading program (8GR), after which it was incorporated into all Reading programs. “View Questions” will probably be added to 4GR in the future. See Questions Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

22 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Special Features Passage GLOSSARY Student can click the word species to go to that glossary entry Linked (blue) words in passage “Ear icon” to hear word pronounced Definition Example sentence to show use Spanish and Haitian Creole translations Glossary Entry Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

23 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Special Features Explorer’s Report Shows the number of items attempted for each benchmark Gives percentage of items answered correctly Includes daily, school-year, and custom reports Accessible from Base Camp Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

24 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Special Features CHALLENGE LIST Available any time from the Base Camp menu Land, sea, and space modules link to passages and items Red circle items allow students to try again Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

25 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Motivational Features Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

26 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks HIGH-INTEREST PASSAGE TOPICS Topics drawn from other subject areas in the Sunshine State Standards Passages reviewed by 4th grade teachers for potential to interest struggling 4th grade students Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

27 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Motivational Features VIDEO LOG Accessible from the Base Camp Shows animated stories about the Reading Odyssey Awards new chapters upon completion of four planets Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

28 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Motivational Features ANIMATED VOCABULARY GAMES Earn points for correct answers Play one of five vocabulary games upon completing three passages and accompanying items Scoring tally for correct responses Repetition of questions for incorrect responses Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

29 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Motivational Features PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Reinforce important ideas in the passage Pique curiosity Maintain attention & endurance Help students perceive reading as an interesting activity Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

30 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Educators’ Tools Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

31 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Educator’s Tools Curriculum resources Classroom Teacher’s Desk Skills location map Table of benchmarks and skills Item review Letter to parents School Administrator’s Desk Information management tools Sign-in names and passwords Progress reports Messages to students District Administrator’s Desk Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

32 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Student Performance Reports At the Classroom Teacher’s Desk Check progress on individuals or classes View reading data by benchmark, skill, or passage View math data by benchmark, strand, or theme View science data by benchmark or strand Compare percentage correct before and after instructional support Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

33 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks The Parent & Family Guide Accessible from the home page without a password Available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole Helps parents, guardians, and mentors understand the Sunshine State Standards and the FCAT Provides Everyday Activities to help parents reinforce benchmarks and skills Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

34 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Educator Resources Page Linked From the Home Page Download this PowerPoint presentation Download the School Administrator’s Desk Manual Download the Teacher’s Desk Manual Download other presentations Reading Focus Overview Math Focus Overview Program-specific presentations Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

35 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Toll-Free Help Desk Accessible from the home page without a password FCAT Weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

36 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks To get sign-in names & passwords School Principals: Contact your district office and speak to the district administrator for the FCAT Explorer Teachers: Contact your school administrator for the FCAT Explorer FCAT Explorer Home Page ( Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

37 FCAT Explorer Middle Schools, Miami, 5/7/02
Reading Odyssey: 4th Grade Benchmarks Log on to the FCAT Explorer! Infinity Software Development, Inc. and the Florida Department of Education, 2001

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