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Wolves & Raptors Rehabbing & Educating with Predators Adirondack Wildlife Refuge & Rehab Center 977 Springfield Rd., Wilmington,

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Presentation on theme: "Wolves & Raptors Rehabbing & Educating with Predators Adirondack Wildlife Refuge & Rehab Center 977 Springfield Rd., Wilmington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolves & Raptors Rehabbing & Educating with Predators Adirondack Wildlife Refuge & Rehab Center 977 Springfield Rd., Wilmington, NY

2 Need Licenses from US Fish & Wildlife & NY DEC! Work with veterinarians & volunteers 3 possible outcomes: Animal dies Animal recovers & is released Animal recovers, but can’t be released Want to help? Be Prepared Throw a blanket & box in the car Rehabbing Wildlife

3 Need License from US Fish & Wildlife Educating with Wildlife

4 Wolves Apex Predators Keystone Predators Family Values Self Regulating Based on number of prey species & disease Lead Short & Dangerous Lives Harmless to People Potentially Dangerous to livestock and pets Often Misrepresented in media

5 Wolf Hybrids Illegal in NY! Affectionate & Intelligent Howl at all Hours! Rough Play Destructive Indoors Lousy Watch Dogs Require Constant Attention & Lots of Space “Don’t Do this at home!”

6 Adirondack Wolves Known by Many Names “Coy Dog” “Coy Wolf” “Adirondack Wolf” “Brush Wolf” Eastern Coyote Hybrid of Eastern Wolf & Western Coyote Harmless to People Dangerous to Pets

7 Our Wolves

8 Cree

9 Cree

10 Cree

11 Cree

12 Zeebie

13 Cree & Zeebie

14 Zeebie

15 Cree & Zeebie

16 Other Critters at the Refuge Bobcat & Red Fox

17 Raptors! From the Latin word “Rapare” – To seize or grasp Exceptionally Good Eye Sight Sharp Hooked Beak Four Powerful Talons on Each Foot Carnivorous – Meat Eater Descended from bipedal Theropod Dinosaurs 1.T-Rex, Velociraptor, etc. 2.About 30 million years old Protected by Law!

18 How Do Raptors Help? Control Prey Populations: Farmer’s Best Friends! Strengthen Prey Species: The Quick & the Strong Survive Provide Information on the Health of our Environment Bring Beauty & Grace into the World

19 Eagles, Hawks & Falcons Eagles Falcons Hawks Harriers Kites Ospreys Caracaras Secretary birds Vultures, Old World (Eastern Hemishere; Europe, Asia, and Africa) Vultures, New World (Western Hemishere) Bald Eagle Caracara Red-Tailed Hawk Prairie Falcon Kestrel Harris Hawk White- Tailed Kite Gyrfalcon Red Shouldered Hawk  Falconiformes  292 Species  Diurnal – Active by day Black Hawk Sharp- Shinned Hawk

20 Eagles, Hawks & Falcons Falconiformes Eagles Falcons Hawks Harriers Kites Ospreys Caracaras Secretary birds Vultures, Old World (Eastern Hemishere; Europe, Asia, and Africa) Vultures, New World (Western Hemishere) Gyrfalcon Merlin Osprey Northern Harrier Ferruginous Hawk Short-Tailed Hawk Swallow- Tailed Kite Black- Shouldered Kite Golden Eagle Peregrine Falcon Goshawk Broad- Winged Hawk

21 Eagles Bald Eagle Back from the Endangered List! Golden Eagle /

22 Owls Great Horned Owl Great Grey Owl Barred Owl Screech Owl Saw-whet Owl Snowy Owl Burrowing Owl Boreal Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Northern Hawk Owl Pygmy Owl Elf Owl Great Grey Saw-whet Barred Snowy Screech Great Horned Northern Pygmy Hawk Owl Short Eared Spotted  Strigiformes  162 Species  Nocturnal – Active at night Barn Owl

23 Vultures Photos : Turkey Vulture Nature’s Clean-Up Crew Black Vulture Moving North – Climate Change?

24 Flight Silhouettes ication_of_Midwest_Raptors.pdf Buteo: soaring hawk Accipiter: woodland hawk Owl Silhouette

25 In Nature, Everything is Connected! a_EL/lifescience4.htm

26 How to Help Birds & Our Environment  Get involved!  Place stickers on Windows  Keep the cat indoors  Use Lead-free fishing tackle  Slow the spread of West Nile virus  Eliminate unnecessary pesticide use  Use phosphorus-free fertilizer, dishwashing & laundry detergents  Walk, bike, car pool, take the bus or train, or ride-share  Grow your own food or buy food from local farms  Grow native plants only – Stop invasive species!  Go solar!  Conserve electricity: Save a mountain top & lessen CO2 emissions  Properly dispose of toxic chemicals (i.e. latex paint) & items containing mercury  Protect native prairie  Stop junk mail: http://www.privacyrights.org  Recycle – Recycle - Recycle  Recycle newspapers & magazines - better still, read them on line  Share what you know!

27 There are dinosaurs among us We don't even know they're there We can find them in our houses And in the city square In woods and fields and oceans Lakes and streams and trees On ice floes and on mountains Or wherever they please. They're not as scary as T-rex Or big as ultrasaurus But some have qualities which May be unpleasant for us. They're certainly a terror For things they like to eat Earthworms, rabbits, rattlesnakes All hastily retreat Though some eat seeds and vegetables And fruit and leaves and grass Some eat dead meat called carrion, Stuff we'd much rather pass. John Denver: The Eagle & the Hawk Photo: You've eaten some for dinner And seen some in the zoo They’ve been photographed & hunted Some folks feed them too. What are these creatures everywhere Let's see if you can choose Who the living dinos are From clues that scientists use. Let's start with tracks left on the trail By many different creatures Can you find the living dinosaur By examining the features? Gary Berke

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