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19/04/20151 Miguel Plaza, 1º E.S.O. A. 19/04/20152 The Pliosaurus Predator X was the most dangerous reptile in world. It IS NOT a dinosaur but it is an.

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Presentation on theme: "19/04/20151 Miguel Plaza, 1º E.S.O. A. 19/04/20152 The Pliosaurus Predator X was the most dangerous reptile in world. It IS NOT a dinosaur but it is an."— Presentation transcript:

1 19/04/20151 Miguel Plaza, 1º E.S.O. A

2 19/04/20152 The Pliosaurus Predator X was the most dangerous reptile in world. It IS NOT a dinosaur but it is an aquatic reptile. Its fossil bones have been discovered recently.

3 19/04/20153 Where was the Pliosaurus found? The Pliosaurus was found in an island called Svalbard, located in the Greenland sea.

4 19/04/20154 Who found the Pliosaurus? The Pliosaurus was found by an archaeologist called Jorn Hurum of the Natural Historic Museum of Oslo.

5 19/04/20155 What was the Pliosaurus like? The Pliosaurus was 15 metres long and 15 tons of weight !!! Its bite was 5 times more powerful than the one of a Tyrannosaurus- Rex and 10 times more powerful than any alive animal bite.

6 19/04/20156 Why did the scientist call it “Predator X”? It’s obvious why did the scientist call it “Predator X”, isn´t it? Because it was the most dangerous animal in World. It can swallow a 4X4! That's the true killer whale.

7 19/04/20157 Bibliography These are the sites where I have searched all this information: Navegantes, Todo Interesante, Vista al Mar and

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