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FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 1-2, 2-3, 3-3: Setting a Positive Leadership environment/ Command climate 1 CAO: 30 Sep 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 1-2, 2-3, 3-3: Setting a Positive Leadership environment/ Command climate 1 CAO: 30 Sep 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect LD 1-2, 2-3, 3-3: Setting a Positive Leadership environment/ Command climate 1 CAO: 30 Sep 2013

2 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect We Can Meet Our Goals Both Ways—You Choose Unit XX I’m better than you You don’t belong Do this because I said so Why can’t you do it and your classmates can? What’s wrong with you? We don’t know who’s doing the training 2

3 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect We Can Meet Our Goals Both Ways—You Choose Unit XX I’m better than you You don’t belong Do this because I said so Why can’t you do it and your classmates can? What’s wrong with you? We don’t know who’s doing the training Unit ZZ We, us, our You’re part of our Co now Here’s why this matters If they can do it, so can you As a leader, have I set expectations and properly trained the knob? Commander & 1SG are on scene 3

4 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Purpose Understand concept of command climate Appreciate command team’s responsibilities regarding command climate Examine unit command climate & consider ways to enhance or improve environment 4

5 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect BLUF A positive command climate is rooted in TRUST A positive command climate creates COMMITMENT & TEAMWORK A strong command climate leads to mission and people SUCCESS A positive command climate is sustained only through routine affirmation and reinforcement by entire leadership team 5

6 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 6 What is Command Climate (CC)?

7 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Perception among cadets about their leaders, unit, mission, programs & policies (positive and negative) Enhanced or constrained by culture Dynamic and can change quickly AY12-13 Co CDR: “Morale is the most fickle thing…it changes with the wind. One day it will be up and then two hours later it will be down” Created by commander’s vision, focus, & persistent leadership Most influential element of command climate is leadership S 7 What is Command Climate (CC)?

8 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect “While there are many leadership styles, the result must be a unit of Marines and Sailors who have absolute trust in their leaders, and in their competence.” – USMC Message, June 2013 A strong command climate: Creates trust, commitment, teamwork Enhances mission success Develops people S 8 Why is Command Climate Important?

9 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect A Commander is responsible for EVERYTHING 9 What is Commander’s Responsibility? Commander “owns” command climate

10 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect S 10 How do I assess outfit Climate?

11 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Self Assessment – walk around a lot & everywhere Unit appearance Personal appearance Guards Mindset – value initiative & accept mistakes; positive Metrics – academics, class absences, PT scores, parade results, punishment orders, retention Morale & Trust – overall, within classes, between classes Participation rates in activities Level of commitment to goals & priorities S 11 How do I assess outfit Climate?

12 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Assessment What is our command climate? Is the climate what we want it to be? What actions can we recommend to our leaders and commit to so as to change our climate? 12

13 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Being present Communicating key themes Treating everyone fairly Doing things for the right reasons (the mission) Valuing teamwork & asking “what do you think” Accepting subordinates’ initiative & mistakes Being the example 13 How Do I Create a Positive Command Climate?

14 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Commander’s Words Matter --The Power of 6 Phrases-- My fault, I made a mistake (6) You did a good job (5) What do you think (4) Would you, please (3) Thank you (2) We (1) 14 *Adapted from Remarks by Maj Gen Jay Lindell, 21 Oct 2009, at AFROTC Commanders Conference What tone does this set?

15 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Commander’s Mindset Matters -- Alan Wilson, SC Attorney General-- “Leadership is about service…the whole purpose of a leader’s training is to allow him/her to take care of the team.” “Never keep a soldier at attention, when parade rest will do; never keep a soldier at parade rest, when at ease will do; never keep a soldier at ease, when no formation is required.” 15 “As a leader, I love being in a room where everyone else is smarter than me.” *Adapted from Remarks 5 Sep 13 at Honor Committee Luncheon SERVE GENUINELY CARE HARNESS THE THOROUGHBREDS – IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU

16 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Barracks Application Do we enforce or do we embrace standards? 16 *Adapted from Remarks by Maj Gen Jay Lindell, 21 Oct 2009, at AFROTC Commanders Conference Do we clearly state the purpose for every activity? For example, a leader might say about the Commandant’s Inspection, “this is about our company demonstrating our discipline, our teamwork, and that we’re willing to put in the right level of effort to ‘show off’ our home to the Commandant.”

17 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect 17 *Adapted from Remarks by Maj Gen Jay Lindell, 21 Oct 2009, at AFROTC Commanders Conference Do we see opportunity to improve the unit or enhance the reputation of the unit in every activity? For example, a leader might say about the CPFT, “Excellence is our standard, which means giving it our personal best in the PT test. Our #1 goal, though, is everyone passes. Motivate each other as we knock out push-ups and sit-ups. When you finish the run, our standard is to go back and find a company mate and get’em across the finish line.” Barracks Application Do we enforce or do we embrace standards?

18 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect 18 *Adapted from Remarks by Maj Gen Jay Lindell, 21 Oct 2009, at AFROTC Commanders Conference Do we affirm our standards in every activity? For example, a leader might say to the guard, “thanks for being squared away…I notice, and you are setting the tone for the whole battalion.” Do we emphasize unit pride? For example, for Field Day, a leader might have said, “This is about company pride & camaraderie, and it’s about winning. Even when we’re not competing, we’re going to stay together as a company… and we’re going to win.” Barracks Application Do we enforce or do we embrace standards?


20 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Take Aways A positive command climate is rooted in trust, creates teamwork and commitment, leads to people & mission success Leaders set the climate Leaders must affirm the climate in daily example 20 What actions are we recommending to change our climate?

21 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Questions and Comments 21

22 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect Be on time (standards) We…us…our (teamwork) We win…they lose (excellence) Know where we came from (heritage) 22 Be a Leader…All the Time Sample Command Climate

23 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Honor – Duty – Respect What does a healthy command climate look like in a Corps of Cadets outfit? When should you begin to establish your Command Climate? How do you create a healthy command climate within your unit? s 23 Command Climate

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