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4/19/20151 Dredging By Rick Wilmot C/E Port Engineer Clamshell Division Weeks Marine.

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Presentation on theme: "4/19/20151 Dredging By Rick Wilmot C/E Port Engineer Clamshell Division Weeks Marine."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/19/20151 Dredging By Rick Wilmot C/E Port Engineer Clamshell Division Weeks Marine

2 4/19/20152 Topics of Discussion History of dredging Modern dredging Why we dredge Training

3 4/19/20153 History

4 4/19/20154 Designs By Leonardo Da Vinci

5 4/19/20155

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9 Erie Canal

10 4/19/201510 Panama Canal

11 4/19/201511 Modern Dredging Excavation Transportation Disposal or end-use of spoils Support equipment Training

12 4/19/201512 Excavation

13 4/19/201513 Mechanical Excavation

14 4/19/201514 Mechanical Dredges Clamshell dredge Backhoe dredge Bucket ladder dredge Dipper dredge Dragline

15 4/19/201515 Clamshell Bucket Dredge

16 4/19/201516 Backhoe Dredge

17 4/19/201517 Bucketladder Dredge

18 4/19/201518 Dipper Dredge

19 4/19/201519 Hydraulic Excavation

20 4/19/201520 Hydraulic Dredges Cutter suction Dustpan Plain suction Water injection dredge Hopper dredge

21 4/19/201521 Cutter Suction Dredge

22 4/19/201522 Water Injection Dredge

23 4/19/201523 Dustpan Dredge

24 4/19/201524 Trailing Arm Hopper Dredges

25 4/19/201525 Transportation

26 4/19/201526 Barge or Pipeline

27 4/19/201527 Disposal of Spoils

28 4/19/201528 Barge Unloader

29 4/19/201529 Support Equipment Drill rig Survey boats Stifflegs Drag barges Boosters

30 4/19/201530

31 4/19/201531

32 4/19/201532 Why Do We Dredge ? Channel deepening and maintenance Reclamation of land Beach nourishment and restoration Mining for aggregates and minerals

33 4/19/201533 Maintenance Reclamation and Use

34 4/19/201534 Beachbuilding Aggregate Mining Beachbuilding and Mining

35 4/19/201535 Training Hopper personnel are Coast Guard licensed DSMP training On The Job Union Schools

36 4/19/201536 Survey

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