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“This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me.”

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1 “This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me.”




5  Fell in love with two married men  Used unconventional writing style  Made her own rules  Lived a very “different” life style  Described as mournful…(sad…beat)  Lived life in her imagination—”There is no frigate (boat) like a book.”  Misunderstood

6 WHITMANDICKINSON  Gregarious  Self-promoting  Well-travelled  Found success in his lifetime  Wanted to publicize his message  Private  Did not seek an audience  Lived a relatively secluded life  Published only a few poems (7)  Hid her poems


8  Strict meter and rhyme  Unconventional punctuation and capitalization  Prolific use of nature metaphors  Economical diction—few words used  Short poems  Prolific use of dashes

9 WHITMANDICKINSON  Free verse/cadence  Extravagant with words  Lists/catalouges  Repetitious  Bold, sweeping verse  Used rhyme and meter  Meticulous word choice  Economical/neat, short stanzas  Precise wording  Wrote with the precision of a diamond cutter

10 WHITMAN DICKINSON  A romantic  Used nature references  Concerned with humanity  Could see the universal in the particular and vice versa  Broke the rules of writing and of life  Wrote about what he observed around him  A romantic  Used nature as a metaphor  Strove to evoke feelings from the reader  Could see the universal in the particular and vice versa  Broke the rules of writing and of life  Wrote about what she observed around her

11 WHITMANDICKINSON  Romantic  Misunderstood  Fascinated by people and places  Wrote prolifically  Never married  Innovative  Used nature as a metaphor  Keen observer of people and places  Romantic  Misunderstood  Fascinated by people and places  Wrote prolifically  Never married  Innovative  Used nature as a metaphor  Keen observer of people and places

12  9d0 9d0

13  9d0 9d0 Girl singing frigate  7lE girl singing death 7lE

14 There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry – This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll – How frugal is the Chariot That bears the Human Soul –

15  Iambic tetrameter ˘ ´ / ˘ ´ / ˘ ´ / ˘ ´ There is no fri gate like a book Iambic tetrameter

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