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Rena M. Palloff, Ph.D. Fielding Graduate University and Crossroads West December 12, 2013 Sponsored by.

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Presentation on theme: "Rena M. Palloff, Ph.D. Fielding Graduate University and Crossroads West December 12, 2013 Sponsored by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rena M. Palloff, Ph.D. Fielding Graduate University and Crossroads West December 12, 2013 Sponsored by

2 Rena Palloff, Ph.D Faculty, Fielding Graduate University & Principal, Crossroads West Kenneth C. Green, moderator Founding Director The Campus Computing Project & Digital Tweed blogger @ Inside Higher Ed

3 We are using Adobe Connect. Please enter questions in the text field at the bottom of the Q&A Window. We are monitoring the discussion and will try to bring the Q&A comments into the conversation. We will not use the “raise your hand” feature. We are recording the webinar; the webinar archive and slides will be available later today. Q & A

4 Visitor Pedagogy Technology Content Personal Novice Personal Pedagogy Technology Content Apprentice Pedagogy Technology Content Personal Insider Pedagogy Content Technology Personal Master Technology Content Pedagogy Personal Pedagogy Technology Content

5 Are you a:  Visitor  Novice  Apprentice  Insider  Master

6  Willingness to learn  Willingness to surrender some control over course design and customary teaching style  Ability to collaborate with peers  Willingness to move away from traditional instruction  Ability to build a support system  Patience with technology  Ability and willingness to learn from others outside the university and within (including students!

7  Clear instruction about course expectations and assignments  A high level of instructor interaction  A reasonable load in terms of reading, posting, email, and other assignments  Reassurance that their ideas are on track

8  Prompt, unambiguous feedback  An orientation to the technology in use and also to their classes  Technical support during the hours that they need it

9  Face-to-face and online sessions  Ability to work as a learner AND an instructor  Customization to instructor and institutional needs  Consideration of past online experience – remember those phases!

10  Use only the technology that serves learning objectives  Keeping it simple!  Web pages that don’t scroll forever  Limited (but appropriate) use of audio, video, synchronous and other multimedia

11  Use of intros, profiles, and bios to help create a learning community  Use of ice breaker activities  Use of experience-based exercises or activities  Use of a social area in the course  Basically – how to build a learning community!

12  Post communication guidelines, including netiquette  Model good communication  Follow up with non-participants  Post clear expectations about assignment completion, participation, timelines, and posting requirements

13  Ask open-ended questions to stimulate discussions and encourage reflection  Include a variety of assignments, such as case studies, small group work, simulations, and the like, to stimulate critical thinking  Vary course activities to address multiple learning styles, keep things interesting, and encourage engagement  Consider the use of mobile technology as a teaching tool and resource for assignment completion

14  Encourage self-assessment to see where instructors are and what they need  Create a support network  Design a mentorship program  Provide lots of support and feedback

15  Personal  Pedagogical  Content  Technical

16  Let them make mistakes!  Showcase success and excellence  Don’t force it!  Meet them where they are by using the phased approach  Treat instructors the way you want them to treat their students

17  Don’t go at this alone! Empower and use your MASTERS to help train the others!  Encourage self-development  Provide incentives like release time and food!

18  Don’t use cookie-cutter approaches  Don’t assume that novices will know what to do with little guidance  Align faculty training with the way that classes SHOULD be taught – use best practices in online teaching  Honor experience!  Use adult-oriented, constructivist approaches for training

19 Institutional Support Self- Development Faculty community Focus on excellence Focus on ongoing training Inclusive planning process Support Student satisfaction and performance

20  Lessons from the Virtual Classroom – 2 nd Edition (2013)  The Excellent Online Instructor (2011)  Building Online Learning Communities – 2 nd Edition (2009)  Assessing the Online Learner (2008)  Collaborating Online (2004)  The Virtual Student (2003)  Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom (2001)  Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace (1999) All are published by Jossey-Bass To Contact Rena: or

21 Let’s talk among ourselves!

22 If you’d like to be in touch after the webinar, you can reach me at: Or follow me on Twitter: @renapalloff

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