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Sharp CV Multifunction cutter for Tensile Membrane Fabrics

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2 Sharp CV Multifunction cutter for Tensile Membrane Fabrics
The multifunction cutter SHARP CV series is compact and robust machinery whose modular system enables a wide variety of applications. The conveyorized cutting table comes in different widths up to 5m and configurations, to satisfy every manufacture requirement. The versatility of the SHARP system is based on a wide range of tools available to cut, punch, mark or plot all sorts off materials such as PTFE coated fiberglass, PVDF, PVC or Screen, to create light and elegant structures for the Textile Architecture and the Sun Protection industry. Very high productivity and an excellent cutting quality are accomplished by a combination of a solid structure, track-guided head, high cutting speed, and a powerful suction system. The key of any automated cutting system is the software used. CutPath cutter control software is specifically designed for Oteman’s Sharp cutter series. Oteman also provides software for the manual or automatic nesting of cut pieces to optimize material use and cutting time with excellent efficiency. Specific software solutions for tensile structures and other sun protection applications are available as optional components to provide a complete and integrated solution. Additionally, OTEMAN provides a feeding cradle to be used in conjunction with the cutting machine, which permits changing of the rolls at maximum speed. As well, roll storage carousels are available in one, two, or three towers, for different weights and number of rolls and saving space to administer your material stock in an organized way.

3 Features: De­sig­ned for cut­ting one or a few la­yers of ma­te­rial. Suc­tion sys­tem to ob­tain excellent cut­ting qua­lity. Wide range of tools avai­la­ble to cut, punch, mark or plot on a large range of te­ch­ni­cal fa­brics, foam la­mi­na­ted, PVC, glass fiber, ho­ney­comb…. Bar­co­de reader to eliminate errors. Mar­ker de­vi­ce for piece iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Real-time cut­ting pro­cess vi­sua­li­za­tion. Cut­ting op­ti­mi­za­tion. Low maintenance. Com­pa­ti­ble with the wi­dest range of exis­ting CAD sys­tems, allo­wing the usage of HPGL/ISO/DXF files. Avai­la­ble in dif­fe­rent widths and lengths. Dif­fe­rent roll fee­ding de­vi­ces up to 2800 kg. Easy and friendly user in­ter­fa­ce. Sharp CV Automatic Cutter

4 STEPS TO CUT AN ORDER Check the Cutting Plan: Tool Assignment:
The cutting order will be cut with the Sharp CV machine & CutPath program following these steps: Check the Cutting Plan: Adjust parameters for each tool such as Check that the marker is located in the CutPath job queue & visually inspect it. CutPath cutter control software is specifically designed for Oteman's Sharp cutter series. over-& undercut. Supports DXF, HPGL, ISO CutFile... Tool Assignment: The required cutting tools can be assigned to profiles, notches and drills. Main Characteristics Of The Software Are: Job queue with hot folder and 'drag and drop'. Merge or split jobs. Prepare new jobs while cutting. This tool can be extended with various optional modules that complement the program and completely integrate within the application.

5 Feed The Cutting Machine: Cutting :
Mark The Origin Point: Before starting to cut, the origin point has to be indicated. Feed The Cutting Machine: Cutting : Once the origin point is defined the machine is ready to start cutting. Note: when cutting with a Sharp CV and the job sent is larger than the usable cutting table length, the machine will advance the fabric automatically, feeding the table automatically until the job has finished. The Sharp CV cutting machine should be fed from the feeding system with the corresponding material. Piece Collection: The conveyor belt moves the cut pieces from the cutting area to the picking zone, allowing the operator to collect them easily.

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