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Motorcycle Project Design and make a project of simple construction,suitable for a Leaving Certificate Technology class. 1.Main body 2.Front forks 3.Handlebars.

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Presentation on theme: "Motorcycle Project Design and make a project of simple construction,suitable for a Leaving Certificate Technology class. 1.Main body 2.Front forks 3.Handlebars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motorcycle Project Design and make a project of simple construction,suitable for a Leaving Certificate Technology class. 1.Main body 2.Front forks 3.Handlebars 3 Wheels 1 Motor 2 Battery Holders 1 Switch 1 Gears Wheel 1 Worm gear 1 Seat & Petrol Tank 4 AA Batteries Additional components required: Three part design:

2 Motorcycle Project The Main body or frame: Body profile made from sheet Aluminium 1mm, Blank size shown in the diagram. Finished outline is Symmetrical. Profile marked out, holes drilled and then cut from given blank according to accompanying dimensioned drawing Finished part. The finished profile is then bent to shape as shown.

3 Motorcycle Project Front forks: Mark out the desired profile according to the given dimensions. Then drill the three Ø 4mm holes and cut out the profile. Now bend both sides at right angles to produce the final design as shown.

4 Motorcycle Project Handlebars Mark out and drill the blank. Cut out the profile and finally bend as required. Completed Handlebars shown opposite.

5 Motorcycle Project Assembled view of the three main parts of the Motorcycle The additional components are then added to give the final assembled Motorcycle project shown. Main parts assembled: Finished Motorcycle: Handlebars Main body Front forks

6 Motorcycle Project Finishing Methods As with all projects there are a number of possible finishes. Polishing: Fine grade emery cloth Graded Steel Wool Mechanical: Polishing Mops & soaps Mottling Chemical Polishes: Brasso, Silvo, Peek. Plastic Coating: Dip coating Painting: Standard colours & specialist paints Metal Spraying:Cold spray able Metal coatings.

7 Motorcycle Project Metal Dyes: These are special chemical that react with the metal to produce a range of finishes. Antiquing solutions Cupric Nitrate Cobalt Nitrate Copper Sulphate Silver Nitrate Sample of special Chemical finishes: Black Rusty Brown Tri Colour Flemish Violet

8 Motorcycle Project Project Enhancements: Introduce Timing circuits: Travel set distance forward / reverse Flashing LED’s: Astable circuit Sound Chip: Motor Cycle Sound when switched on. Tilt Switches: Turn off the Drive should the Motor Cycle fall over. Finally design and make a suitable Seat and Fuel Tank for the project.

9 Motorcycle Project Some typical Technology room sheet metalworking tools: Tin Snips Hand Nibbler Sheetmetal Clamp Bench vice folders Simple vice jaw folders Conical drill Shears Folders Rollers Combined bench mounted, hand operated rollers, folders and shears. Folding Bars

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