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Prof. Vincenzo Cuomo Italian National Council of Research Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis Topic FCT-10 Urban Security topic 1: Innovative.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Vincenzo Cuomo Italian National Council of Research Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis Topic FCT-10 Urban Security topic 1: Innovative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Vincenzo Cuomo Italian National Council of Research Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis Topic FCT-10 Urban Security topic 1: Innovative solutions to counter security challenges connected with large urban environment Interest to be partner SMIG Meeting January 23 – 24 2014 Bruxelles

2 PROPOSAL PREPARATION MEETING – TA GROUPS MEETING, OCTOBER 8-10, 2013 | ATHENS GeoSocial Monitor Main contents > Objective: > To develop a second generation of web-based spatial data infrastructure to manage social network data like a data stream on witch to perform real time geo analysis and geo location, to enhance geo statistical features and to allow the system to supply and/or receive information from citizens. > Expertise: > To analyse and develop an engine and interface to manage data flow in a Spatial Data Infrastructure and in Web Based Decision Support System (C4IS), i.e. Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Information System > Relevant Experience: > SITDPC > Spatial data Infrastructure for Civil Protection Department > MRNP: Military Reasearch National Programme > Italian National inTeroperability Environment manaGeR for defence geOspatial data > ONU WFP: World Food Programme > Emergency WFP Prevention Prepareness Response Support System > EUROMED PPRD > Prevention Prepareness Response to natural and man-made Disasters

3 PROPOSAL PREPARATION MEETING – TA GROUPS MEETING, OCTOBER 8-10, 2013 | ATHENS GeoSOcial Monitor Products and outcomes Data Flow Data Link : To design an interface to scan and to link internet data flow (ex: Twitter, Facebook, News, RSS, and so on) and define an interface to filter data and to view a report Shard DB and Elastic Search: Break Up the data flow in a new generation database cloud system in order to obtain an ultrafast search filter (4D) GeoView Integrate results in a WebScenario 4D (3D and Time) For further information, you may contact: Name of Contact Point : Dimitri Dello Buono Name of organization : CNR IMAA Mailing address : C.da S. Loja – Tito (Pz) Italy Telephone number : +39 0971 427 305 WWW.GEOSDI.ORG

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