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Chapter 19 World War 1 and Its Aftermath

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1 Chapter 19 World War 1 and Its Aftermath
Section 4 The War’s Impact

2 An Economy in Turmoil After WWI ended, rapid inflation resulted when gov’t agencies removed their controls from the economy. Inflation increased the cost of living – the cost of food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials people need.

3 Inflation Leads to Strikes
While workers needed higher wages to keep up with the cost of living, companies wanted lower wages due to an increase in operating costs. Number of members in unions increased greatly. Unions were better organized than before leading to more strikes.

4 The Seattle General Strike
General Strike – involve all workers living in a certain location. 1st major general strike – Seattle – 35,000 shipyard workers walked off the job. Soon other unions joined. Involved more than 60,000 people and paralyzed the city for five days


6 Strike ended with no winner

7 The Boston Police Strike
1919 – 75% of the Boston Police went on strike. Gov. Calvin Coolidge sent in the National Guard to stop looting.

8 The Boston Police Strike


10 The Boston Police Strike
When the police tried to return to work, Coolidge fired them, and a new police force was hired to replace them. This helped Coolidge gain the vice-presidency in 1920.

11 The Steel Strike One of the largest strikes in American history.
350,000 steel workers went on strike. Elbert H. Gary, head of U.S. Steel, refused to talk to union leaders.


13 The Steel Strike Riot in Gary, Indiana killing 18 strikers.
The failure of the strike set the union cause back in the steel industry until 1937.

14 Racial Unrest Summer of 1919, race riots occurred in many Northern cities. Caused by the return on hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who needed to find employment. Great Migration caused competition for jobs in the North. Worst violence happened in Chicago.

15 The Red Scare After WWI, Americans associated communism with disloyalty and unpatriotic behavior. The numerous strikes in the U.S. in 1919 made Americans fear that Communists or “reds” might take control.

16 The Red Scare Begins The USPS intercepted 30 parcels addressed to leaders in the business and political arena that were to set to explode upon opening. One bomb damaged the home of U.S. Attorney Gen. A. Mitchell Palmer.



19 The Palmer Raids Palmer set up a special division in the Justice Department called the General Intelligence Division, headed by J. Edgar Hoover. Today this is known as the FBI. Palmer organized raids on various radical organizations, mostly rounding up immigrants who were to be deported.

20 After a Palmer Raid

21 The End to Progressivism
Warren G. Harding won the election in 1920 with a campaign that called for a return to “normalcy,” or a return to the simpler days before the Progressive Era reforms. Harding won the election by a landslide. The American people liked the idea of returning to a simpler time.

22 Warren G. Harding End of Progressivism

23 End of Chapter 19 Next: Test on Sec 2 & 4

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