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Dr Deborah Toner University of Leicester.  “ The module draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources to approach the subject of drinking from.

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1 Dr Deborah Toner University of Leicester


3 “ The module draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources to approach the subject of drinking from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective, which will encourage students to engage with alcohol-related issues currently in the media and government spotlight and in a broader international context.” From Beer to Fraternity: Alcohol, Society and Culture in North America – module handbook, website, learning outcomes, opening lecture, handouts, etc

4  Module Changes  Lack of engagement with comparative/interdisciplinary aspects of course, 2012-13  Assessment strategy didn’t force students to get to grips with these aspects of the course  Perception of these aspects as ‘irrelevant’

5  Module Changes  Change to assessment structure  More explicit engagement with contemporary (as well as international) issues  More variety in terms of non-US cases (including Britain and Europe, as well as Canada and Mexico)  Less chronological approach overall

6  Temperance (week 3)  Lecture : emergence and development of US temperance movement in C19, and broader international developments  Workshop : comparing extracts from temperance literature, pamphlets, imagery etc from US, Canadian and British temperance organisations  Seminar : discussion of key scholarship and themes Comparative Study

7  Impact, Aftermath and Legacy of Prohibition  Lecture : experience of prohibition, repeal, and legacy  Workshop : using historical knowledge about prohibition to inform contemporary debates about alcohol/drug regulation  Seminar : discussion of scholarship on repeal and aftermath of prohibition Interdisciplinary Study

8  Alcohol in the American Imagination  Lecture : Outline of approaches to fictional portrayals of alcohol and drinking; illustrative examples  Workshop : Focus on media discourses about alcohol and role in shaping public attitudes  Seminar : Discussion of key text (Hemingway) and historiography Interdisciplinary Study


10  Alcohol in the American Imagination  Lecture : Outline of approaches to fictional portrayals of alcohol and drinking; illustrative examples  Workshop : Focus on media discourses about alcohol and role in shaping public attitudes  Seminar : Discussion of key text (Hemingway) and historiography Interdisciplinary Study

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