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M.V & N.Y Productions2. 2 Enrichment Program To allow Students with Special Needs and Students with poor Literacy/Numeracy skills as well as Gifted &

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3 Enrichment Program To allow Students with Special Needs and Students with poor Literacy/Numeracy skills as well as Gifted & Talented students to be withdrawn from class, without missing work. All Learning Groups in Year 7 and 8 are involved in the Enrichment program..

4 Enrichment Program Students attend an Enrichment class once per week. They will have 8 enrichment periods each term. Two periods will be taken in each of the following KLAs throughout each term: RE, Science, History/Geography and Music/Art..

5 Enrichment Program Each class is divided into 3 - 4 groups, as shown below. Each group has been assigned a number and is supervised by the teachers in charge of that group. Group 1Mrs Glenis Gartrell(Yr 8)/ Mr Rob Megarrity (Yr 7) Group 2Mr John McCarthy Group 3Mrs Ruth Mullins Group 4Class teacher.

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7 Enrichment Group 1 Working on organisation skills Keeping up-to-date on class work Adjusting work Explaining Assignments Completing Assignments Literacy / Numeracy skills.

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9 Enrichment Group 3 Computer programs to improve spelling, literacy and numeracy –Spelling course is called Spelling through Morphographs –SuccessMaker – Literacy course is called Reader’s Workshop –SuccessMaker – Numeracy course is called Maths Concepts and Skills Yr 7 & 8 – 175 students are enrolled.

10 Enrichment Group3 For students who have missed basic skills in Spelling, Literacy and Numeracy in the early stages Students work –at their own pace –In 25 min blocks for Literacy and Numeracy –10 min block for Spelling Program records sessions, reports progress and tells students their results at the end of each session. Reports are sent to parents at the end of each semester..

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12 Enrichment Group 4 Group 4 students will be set a project for each term Year 7Year 8 Term 1NAPLAN preparationFamous World figures Term 2Famous AustraliansWorld Icons Term 3Australian IconsWorld Inventions Term 4Australian InventionsNAPLAN preparation.

13 Enrichment Group 4 Supervising teachers are expected to be vigilant as well as helpful, whilst students are working on projects. Students should only be looking at appropriate websites. Class teachers will be asked to supervise the submission of all Enrichment projects (Week 9 & 10)..

14 Enrichment Group 4 Each term a new Enrichment project is set Yr 7 & 8 Enrichment projects are different Students are asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on topics related to each Enrichment period KLA Student’s presentation are to be 25-50 slides with particular attention paid to their Bibliography..

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16 Enrichment Group 2 Students in this group can work on some of the following extension topics Accelerated Maths Blooms Taxonomy ‘Highlights’ interviews Short Films Public Speaking Short Story competitions Da Vinci Decathalon Philosathon.

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