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Learner Wellbeing & the Early Years: Transition Do we expect children to start school with a particular range of dispositions, skills, knowledge & experiences?

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Wellbeing & the Early Years: Transition Do we expect children to start school with a particular range of dispositions, skills, knowledge & experiences?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Wellbeing & the Early Years: Transition Do we expect children to start school with a particular range of dispositions, skills, knowledge & experiences? From the perspectives of: Children Parents Teachers – preschool & JP

2 Is “Reception” a myth?: Definition Definition: The act of receiving or being received A welcome Have we lost this & now expect children to start school with a particular range of dispositions, skills, knowledge & experiences? Webster Dictionary (2004)

3 The Circle of Courage A North American Indian Philosophy

4 Common elements Preschool & JP Teachers Generosity Interpersonal & social skills Getting along with others Sharing & taking turns Resolving peer conflict Belonging Emotional security Relationships Family inclusion Teachers: preschool / JP Physical security Environment: Understanding rules & boundaries Routines Independence Self help skills Organization Managing belongings Play skills Risk taking Mastery / Agency Dispositions Social skills Literacy & Numeracy Fine & Gross Motor Physical environment: Responding to rules & boundaries

5 Points of difference: Preschool & Junior Primary Teachers GENEROSITY BELONGING Family Inclusion INDEPENDENCE MASTERY / AGENCY Dispositions Literacy & Numeracy Fine & Gross Motor Rules boundaries

6 The Wellbeing Observation Tool Do we know the children who: Are thriving Are not thriving At risk during transition How do we provide support




10 Some comments Wellbeing is every child’s right Wellbeing is not set – contextual Wellbeing impacts on learning A child’s wellbeing is at increased risk at transition points The way a child settles into school has a significant impact on their ability to learn and to experience success at school

11 And some more ….. Differing views between preschool, JP teachers, parents & children Support for children and families at risk Inclusion of parents to tell their story Need for greater connectedness WOT – what its not! & what it can be used for!

12 Pushing the boundaries Do we expect children to start school with a particular range of dispositions, skills, knowledge & experiences?

13 Who’s ready? “Ready for school” or “Ready for children”???

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