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The English Education System Bob Knight Headteacher Darlinghurst Primary and Nursery School.

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Presentation on theme: "The English Education System Bob Knight Headteacher Darlinghurst Primary and Nursery School."— Presentation transcript:

1 The English Education System Bob Knight Headteacher Darlinghurst Primary and Nursery School

2 Current Day  Many children start formal school at the age of 3  Two sectors –Primary and Secondary, followed by Tertiary  Compulsory schooling from 5 – 16  Pupils divided into Key Stages  Pre-formal school is known as the “Foundation Stage”

3 Key Stages  Key Stage 1 – aged 5 to 7  Key Stage 2 – aged 7 – 11  Key Stage 3 – aged 11 to 14  Key Stage 4 – aged 14 – 19  Pupils move through the system by age – ability largely plays no role in the placement of children

4 National Curriculum and RE  A National Curriculum is prescribed for all schools  There is freedom to innovate – but only if judged a “good” school  All pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, ICT and RE throughout their school days  6 other subjects make up the NC in Primary and 2/3 more in Secondary

5 National Strategies  Literacy – Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4  Numeracy - Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4  Introduced to address perceived failures in standards of attainment  Citizenship, PHSE, Enterprise and Financial Awareness added to secondary curriculum

6 A Testing Culture  When pupils enter school they are tested – Foundation Stage Profile  Tests are held at the end of Key Stages 1, 2 and 3  Results are recorded and published  Exams are held at 16, 17 and 18  None of the tests are used to improve learning – they merely measure achievement

7 Curriculum Structure  Each area has tightly defined content  Programmes of study set out what should be taught – basis for schemes of work  Attainment targets and level descriptions  Teachers judge which description best fits pupil’s performance

8 Ofsted  All schools are inspected on a cyclical basis  Inspection framework has developed over time  Schools are held accountable for pupil attainment  Reports published nationally and label schools (Outstanding to Inadequate)

9 “World Class” standards  Political pressure to improve outputs  National targets for all Key Stages  Schools required to “up the game”  Pisa scores  Every Child Matters  Personalised Learning

10 Responsibilities  National Government – set the agenda and approve policy  Local Authority – interpret the policy and set targets  Governing Body – appoint the Headteacher and monitor the work of the school  Headteacher – is reponsible for everything else

11 Day to Day  39 weeks a year  38 for teaching, 1 for training  5 days per week  Variable times but mainly between 9.00am – 3.30pm  Day divided into sessions  Children in school all day  Some children also present before and after  Children’s Centres and Extended Schools

12 Staff  Administration – personnel, finance, attendance  Premises – cleaning, security, maintenance, health and safety  Support – for the teachers, for the children  Teaching – most are classroom based, cover in addition

13 Teachers  Teachers deliver the whole curriculum  Some specialist teaching PE, Music, MfL  Contracted to teach 90% of the school day  Plan lessons from the strategies and curriculum schemes of work  Develop resources, assess and report on progress  Meet parents and oversee development  Take responsibility for whole school issues

14 Support Staff  Assist in lessons  Deliver specialist support  Help with developing resources  Support with teaching  Help with assessment  Put up displays  Meet with parents

15 Headteachers  Lead teaching – but teach less and less  Oversee standards of learning  Manage staff - varying according to size  Take responsibility for the financial resources  Manage resources

16 Headteachers  Work with parents  Recruit pupils – dealing with admissions  Make links with other institutions  Report to the local authority  Prepare for inspection  Work with the community  Keep everyone happy!

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