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Taskforce Assessment recommendation.. “A curriculum based on jointly agreed outcome standards for the social work degree with these standards explicitly.

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Presentation on theme: "Taskforce Assessment recommendation.. “A curriculum based on jointly agreed outcome standards for the social work degree with these standards explicitly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taskforce Assessment recommendation.. “A curriculum based on jointly agreed outcome standards for the social work degree with these standards explicitly tied to robust assessment processes” The concerns - a lack of consistency; Some students are passing the social work degree who are neither competent nor suitable to enter the work force Particular concerns re assessment of practice Some employers have said that they are unable to appoint some NQSW; some NQSWs cannot find jobs/or take non- SW jobs. Some graduates are failing basic literacy and numeracy tests set by employers -

2 Possible weaknesses in the system SW staff may not be supported by their HEI in removing unsuitable students due to fear of litigation and expense. HEI find it difficult to fail students and are ‘financially penalised’ when students leave courses. Social work educators operate on an enhancement model and some find it difficult to make tough decisions and fail students. The assessment structure may undersell the contribution practice learning should make to pass/fail of the course overall. Some PAs say they are afraid to fail students; some PA report that the University has not allowed them to fail a student. The robustness and objectivity of External Examiners who are there to moderate and ensure standardisation is varied as is their scrutiny and reporting on professional issues.

3 Possible solutions The emphasis of assessment should be to ensure that social workers are fit and competent to practice to ensure best outcomes for service users and less on compassion for students Courses which are found to be taking making inappropriate assessment decisions should be challenged National tests and more use of examinations The decision about competence to practice to be made by the practice assessor and endorsed through a formal PAP which makes recommendations to the Assessment Board. Further work to enhance and support the role of EE: one EE to be registered SW with specific responsibility for practice learning EEs to be aware of all investigations under ‘suitability for SW’ recommendation for HEIs to revise the template to fully acknowledge issues relating to professional education

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