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Mask making Sculpture 1. Mask theme YOU MUST PICK FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING THEMES Design must be original !!! Animal Traditional culture Self portrait.

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Presentation on theme: "Mask making Sculpture 1. Mask theme YOU MUST PICK FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING THEMES Design must be original !!! Animal Traditional culture Self portrait."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mask making Sculpture 1

2 Mask theme YOU MUST PICK FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING THEMES Design must be original !!! Animal Traditional culture Self portrait alter ego

3 Masks by Mr. Biglan

4 Carnival masks

5 Masks from central America






11 Native American Masks


13 Mask building process 1.Building the mold -A mold is a structure that is covered with a malleable sculpture medium, This medium is later removed and retains the shape of the mold. The mold will be made from cardboard, newspaper and masking tape. Start by cutting out the basic shape of your mask from cardboard. Also cut out several long strips of cardboard about an inch wide. Cut slits into the surface of the long strips of cardboard. Do not cut all the way through the cardboard. This will help the cardboard bend smoothly. Bend these strips around the basic shape of the face and tape onto the larger shape. Now you will have a raised face shape. On top of this basic structure start taping crumbled up pieces of newspaper. These pieces of newspaper should be in the shape of the features of the mask. Build up the newspaper and tape until you have a solid and detailed 3D form. This is your mold. 2.Plaster -Cut plaster gauze into small strips. Dip these strips into warm water and completely cover the outside area of the mold. Repeat this process after the first layer is dry. Let dry overnight and then remove mask from the mold. Plaster should be in the shape of the mold. Place a layer of gauze inside the mask and along the edges. Discard the mold. 3.Finishing touches -After the plaster is dry add small amounts of self hardening (celluclay) clay. This should be for details like hair, wrinkles, texture, etc. Blend and smooth well so it will adhere to the plaster, let celluclay dry overnight. Also think about adding any found objects that make conceptual or visual sense. Paint mask.

14 What Supplies Do I Need To Make The Mold? Pencil And Eraser Ruler Scissors Xacto Knife Stiff Cardboard Masking Tape

15 I. Building A Mold Step 1 Using Resources, Draw A Preliminary Sketch In Frontal And Profile Views

16 I. Building A Mold Step 2 Referring To The Frontal View Of Your Preliminary Sketch, Draw The Outline Of Your Form On A Piece Of Cardboard

17 I. Building A Mold Step 3 Measure And Cut One-Inch Strips Of Cardboard Score Strips, Being Careful Not To Cut Through The Cardboard

18 I. Building A Mold Step 4 Bend Strips Along Scoring Lines And Fit Them Perpendicularly Along The Edges Tape Strips Securely To The Form

19 I. Building A Mold Step 5 The Mold Is Now A Raised Form Reinforce Any Loose Sections With Tape

20 I. Building A Mold Step 6 Draw and Cut Out Shapes For Areas That Will Project Tape Shapes To The Form

21 I. Building A Mold Step 7 Build Up The Form By Taping Down Crumpled Newspaper This Process Will Require Using Many Layers

22 I. Building A Mold Step 8 Building The Form Requires Patience As Each Layer Slowly Creates A Three-Dimensional Form

23 I. Building A Mold Step 9 Continue To Build Up Areas With Newspaper And Tape, Evaluating The Total Form From All Angles

24 I.Building A Mold FINISHED MOLD

25 What Supplies Do I Need To Create A Mask? Bucket Container Plaster gauze cut into small strips Scissors Paper to cover table

26 II. Creating A Mask Step 1 Dip First Strip Into water And Apply To Mold Continue to Dip And Apply Strips Until The Mold Is Covered Completely

27 II. Creating A Mask Step 2 Let plaster dry thoroughly Apply another coat of plaster to fill in thin areas.

28 II. Creating A Mask Step 3 Carefully Remove All Pieces Of The Mold From Mask Don’t Panic If Areas Tear – You Can Patch Them

29 II. Creating A Mask Step 4 Apply One Coat Of plaster Inside The Mask, Including The Inside Edge Patch Areas That Are Torn Or Too Thin Your Mask Is Now Ready For Phase III, Which Is Painting And Embellishing

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