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Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks. Here are 4 sedimentary rocks 1.Sandstone 2. 3. 4.

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2 Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks. Here are 4 sedimentary rocks 1.Sandstone 2. 3. 4.

3 Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks. Cut out the five pictures. Stick them into your book in the same order. Match them up with these statements. Acid rain makes a crack in the rock. Bits of the rock fall off. The ice expands. Water in the crack freezes. The rock is cracked. Write the statements beside the pictures.

4 We left the plaster to go hard. We put some plaster into the mould. We made a mould out of plasticine. We pushed a shell into the plasticine. We mixed up some plaster. Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks.

5 Sedimentary rocks When old rocks are ………………… the bits are ………………… to other places. When the bits ………………… they form Layers which are ………………… into new rock. Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks weathered transported settle squashed settle weatheredtransported

6 Crystals in igneous rocks Cut out the two crystal pictures. Stick them in your book. Write these descriptions beside the correct picture. These crystals are big. They were made when the rock cooled slowly. These crystals are small. They were made when the rock cooled quickly.

7 Igneous rock starts as ………………… Rock. ………………… are made when it cools. If it cools …………………, they will be big. There are never ………………… in igneous rock because they get ………………… crystalsmeltedmoltenslowlyfossils crystals molten slowly fossils melted

8 Sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone are soft rocks. They are made by bits of weathered rocks settling in layers. They are made of grains. Sedimentary rocks are the type most likely to have fossils.

9 Igneous rocks like granite very hard rocks. They are made of crystals that formed as molten lava cooled. Igneous rocks never have fossils. Metamorphic rocks like slate and marble are also very hard rocks. They are made of crystals that formed as other rocks were changed by heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks don’t often have fossils.

10 Rock name Are there crystals? Are there grains? Mass before putting in water (g) Mass after putting in water (g) Were there any bubbles? Sandstone Granite Sandstone and granite are different rocks because… I think that the sandstone changed mass the most because…

11 Metamorphic rocks like slate and marble are very hard rocks. They are made of crystals that formed as other rocks were changed by heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks don’t often have fossils.

12 When new rocks are made, they start to ………………… down into small pieces. This is called …………………. This is done by …………………, ………………… and ………………… icebreakwater windweathering break weathering wind waterice Lesson Aims How sedimentary rocks are made. Why fossils are in sedimentary rocks.

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