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Landmarks in Israeli art (2) Introduction II. Ephraim Mose Lilien 1874-1925.

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Presentation on theme: "Landmarks in Israeli art (2) Introduction II. Ephraim Mose Lilien 1874-1925."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landmarks in Israeli art (2) Introduction II

2 Ephraim Mose Lilien 1874-1925

3 Lilien, Frontispiece for Lieder des Ghetto (Songs of the Ghetto)


5 A Page from Songs of the Ghetto (The Twelve Tribes of Israel).


7 Lilien, The Bad and the Good Angles



10 a Lilien, The Prophet Jessiah, illustration from Books of the Bible


12 Ephraim Mose Lilien, On the Rivers of Babylon, illustration in Books of the Bible

13 LIlien, The Expulsion form Eden, illustration in Bucher der Bibel (Books of the Bible)

14 Ephraim Mose LIlien, The Creation of Man.

15 1860-1904 Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), 1896 Alteneuland (The Old New Land), 1902 The Dreyfus Affair, 1894


17 LIlien, Moses on mount Sinai, illustration in Books of the Biblel


19 Lilien, Moses (Freedom)

20 Lilien, The Jewish Tailor in a Sweat Shop

21 Walter Crane, The Workers May Pole



24 Lilien, A Wandering Jew

25 Lilien, Illustration for Lieder des Ghetto, 1902

26 Lilien, Memorial to the Victims of the Kishinev Pogrom, 1903


28 Walter Crane, Genius of Electricity Connecting the Various Parts of the World, plaster relief.

29 Walter Crane, Genius of Mechanical Invention Connecting Agriculture and Commerce, plaster relief

30 Lilien, Frontispiece for the Ost und West (East and West) periodical


32 Ecclesia (The Christian Church or The New Testament) (left) Synagoga (The Jewish Faith or The Old Testament) Sculptures on the Façade of the Strassbourg Cathedral, France


34 Lilien, Frontispiece for the Ost und West (East and West) periodical

35 LIlien, Zion.


37 Lilien, Zion

38 Lilien, Poster for The 5 th Zionist Congrress, 1902


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