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Author: Kim Covert Genre: Expository Nonfiction

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Kim Covert Genre: Expository Nonfiction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Kim Covert Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Big Question: How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones? Author: Kim Covert Genre: Expository Nonfiction

2 Small Group Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary Words: Story Sort Arcade Games Study Stack
Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Spelling Words

4 Spelling Words Related Words

5 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

6 Big Question: How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones
Big Question: How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7 Vocabulary Words democracy empire ideal mythology frescoes acropolis
More Words to Know architecture democracy empire ideal mythology ethics frescoes acropolis agora temples

8 How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones?
Monday Question of the Day How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones?

9 Today we will learn about:
Build Concepts Graphic Sources Graphic Organizers Build Background Vocabulary Fluency: Characterization/Dialogue Grammar: Conjunctions Spelling: Related Words Ancient Greece

10 Fluency Characterization/Dialogue

11 Fluency: Characterization/Dialogue
Listen as I read “Naming the City.” As I read, notice how I use tone of voice, volume, and rate to convey the various characters’ personalities. Be ready to answer questions after I finish.

12 Fluency: Characterization/Dialogue
Why did the city in this story flourish? Why did the gods feel that the city should carry Athena’s name?

13 Concept Vocabulary acropolis – high fortress of an ancient Greek city
agora – marketplace of ancient Greece temples – buildings used for the service or worship of a god or gods (Next Slide)

14 acropolis

15 agora

16 temples

17 Concept Vocabulary (To add information to the graphic organizer, click on end show, type in your new information, and save your changes.)

18 Build Concept Vocabulary chortled, slain, sword
Geographic Features Daily Life Architecture Ancient Greece

19 Graphic Sources, Graphic Organizers Turn to Page 672 – 673.

20 Prior Knowledge We will begin an outline about the different systems of government used in ancient Greece.

21 Prior Knowledge This week’s audio explores ancient Greek theater. After we listen, we will discuss what you learned. How is ancient theater different from today’s theater?

22 Vocabulary Words

23 Vocabulary Words architecture – style or special manner of building
democracy – government that is run by the people who live under it empire – a group of countries or states under one rule or government

24 Vocabulary Words ideal – just as you would wish, perfect
mythology – a group of legends or stories about a particular country or person

25 More Words to Know ethics - the study of standards of right and wrong; the part of philosophy dealing with moral conduct, duty, and judgment frescoes - pictures or designs created by painting with water colors on clean, fresh plaster (next slide)

26 frescoes

27 Grammar Conjunctions

28 it would be criminall to destroy those greek temple
It would be criminal to destroy those Greek temples. the greek oficial opened the olympic games The Greek official opened the Olympic games.

29 Conjunctions When they became adults, children brought their toys to the temple. When is a subordinating conjunction because it introduces a subordinate clause in a complex sentence. Subordinate clauses are also called independent clauses.

30 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that is used to join words, phrases, or sentences. Coordinating conjunctions such as and, but, and or are used to combine two or more subjects, predicates, or sentences to make compound subjects, predicates, or sentences.

31 Conjunctions Chariot races and foot races were part of the games.
Athletes might become good at many different sports or focus on one sport. I wanted to see the long jump, but I was too late.

32 Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions such as because, if, then, when, although, before, and after are used to link dependent clauses and independent clauses in complex sentences. Before the games began, all wars stopped. She is a good runner because she practices.

33 Conjunctions Choose the correct coordinating conjunction.
The Greeks built palaces (or, and) covered the walls with paintings. and The Iliad and The Odyssey are epic Greek poems, (or, but) historians disagree about their authors. but

34 Conjunctions Choose the correct coordinating conjunction.
Do you want to learn about Phoenicians art (but, or) shipbuilding? or Free male citizens of Athens could vote on laws (or, but) women and slaves could not. but

35 Conjunctions Choose the correct coordinating conjunction.
The Minoan king Minos was supposedly the son of Zeus, (and, or) his people built a huge palace to honor him. and Our class will read about Athens (but, or) Troy. or

36 Conjunctions Choose the correct coordinating conjunction.
Athens and Sparta were both powerful and wealthy, (but, or) they had different forms of government. but Our study included the Peloponnesian War (but, and) the Delian League. and

37 Conjunctions Find the conjunction in each sentence
Conjunctions Find the conjunction in each sentence. Tell if it is a coordinating conjunction or a subordinating conjunction. The Trojans accepted the wooden horse because they did not know Greek soldiers were hiding inside. because, subordinating Pericles was a military general and a leader of Athens. and, coordinating

38 Conjunctions Find the conjunction in each sentence
Conjunctions Find the conjunction in each sentence. Tell if it is a coordinating conjunction or a subordinating conjunction. When Alexander was twenty, he became king. when, subordinating Alexandria was an important place for learning and trade. and, coordinating

39 Spelling Words Related Words

40 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

41 How did Alexander the Great rise to power?
Tuesday Question of the Day How did Alexander the Great rise to power?

42 Today we will learn about:
Context Clues Graphic Sources Graphic Organizers Draw Conclusions Vocabulary Fluency: Choral Reading Grammar: Conjunctions Spelling: Related Words Social Studies: Archaeology The Odyssey Ancient Greece

43 Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Turn to Page 674 - 675.

44 Ancient Greece Turn to Page 676 - 683.

45 Fluency Choral Reading

46 Fluency: Choral Reading
Turn to page 683, “The Golden Age of Athens.” As I read, notice how I change my tone of voice to make Pericle come alive for listeners. We will practice as a class doing three choral readings.

47 Grammar Conjunctions

48 these colums is indicativ of greek influence
These columns are indicative of Greek influence. the marathon runner, lighted the olympic torch The marathon runner lit the Olympic torch.

49 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or sentences. A coordinating conjunction is used to combine two or more subjects, predicates, or sentences. A subordinating conjunction is used to link independent and dependent clauses in sentences.

50 Spelling Words Related Words

51 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

52 How does ancient Greek theater compare to modern theater?
Wednesday Question of the Day How does ancient Greek theater compare to modern theater?

53 Today we will learn about:
Graphic Sources Graphic Organizers Context Clues Vocabulary Fluency: Characterization/Dialogue Grammar: Conjunction Spelling: Related Words Social Studies: Greek Word Origins Ancient Greece

54 Ancient Greece Turn to Page 684 - 692.

55 Fluency Characterization/Dialogue

56 Fluency: Characterization/Dialogue
Turn to page , “Alexander the Great.” As I read, notice how I vary my tone of voice as I read Don Quixote’s dialogue. Now we will practice together as a class by doing three echo readings.

57 Grammar Conjunctions

58 the restorration of the temple it took three weaks
The restoration of the temple took three weeks. nick couldnt addapt to the new culture Nick couldn’t adapt to the new culture.

59 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or sentences. A coordinating conjunction is used to combine two or more subjects, predicates, or sentences. A subordinating conjunction is used to link independent and dependent clauses in sentences.

60 Conjunctions Use conjunctions to combine short related sentences to make your writing smoother and more readable. Choppy: They learned Greek dances. They ate Greek foods. Smoother: They learned Greek dances and ate Greek foods.

61 Conjunctions Review something you have written to see if you can combine short, choppy sentences with conjunctions to make your writing smoother.

62 Spelling Words Related Words

63 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

64 Thursday Question of the Day If a person from ancient Greece were to “time travel” to America today, what are some things that he or she might find that would be familiar.

65 Today we will learn about:
Newspaper Article Reading Across Texts Content-Area Vocabulary Fluency: Partner Reading Grammar: Conjunctions Spelling: Related Words Social Studies: Compare the Olympics

66 “Opening Ceremony in Athens: Fire and Water” Turn to Page 694 - 697.

67 Fluency Partner Reading

68 Fluency: Partner Reading
Turn to page , “Alexander the Great.” Read this three times with a partner. Be sure to read with proper emotion to characterize and offer each other feedback.

69 Grammar Conjunctions

70 both plato or socrates was greek philosophers
Both Plato and Socrates were Greek philosophers. jim excells at the high jump, and the pole vault Jim excels at the high jump and the pole vault.

71 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or sentences. A coordinating conjunction is used to combine two or more subjects, predicates, or sentences. A subordinating conjunction is used to link independent and dependent clauses in sentences.

72 Conjunctions Test Tip: Put a comma before a conjunction in a compound sentence. Do not put a comma before a coordinating conjunction that joins two items. He likes Greek literature and drama.

73 Conjunctions Sometimes a semicolon is used instead of a coordinating conjunction to connect two related main clauses. He likes Greek literature; he also enjoys Greek drama.

74 Spelling Words Related Words

75 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

76 How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones?
Friday Question of the Day How have ancient cultures influenced modern ones?

77 Today we will learn about:
Build Concept Vocabulary Graphic Sources Point of View Context Clues Grammar: Conjunctions Spelling: Related Words Time Line Ancient Greece

78 Point of View Point of view is the perspective from which an author presents a text. The point of view determines how much information the reader will be given and in what way. A literary point of view is reflected in the choice of personal pronouns used in a text.

79 Point of View First Person: Every day, we take part in activities invented by the ancient Greeks. Second person: Every day, you take part in activities invented by the ancient Greeks. Third person: Every day, they take part in activities invented by the ancient Greeks.

80 Context Clues You can use context clues to figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. List any unfamiliar words you found as you read Ancient Greece. Complete a chart for these words.

81 Context Clues Word Context CLues Meaning

82 Time Line A time line is a graph that shows events in the order in which they take place. A time line looks like a ruler. It is a straight line with evenly spaced intervals marked along it. On a time line, each mark represents a date.

83 Time Line The date span on a time line depends on the information covered. It may be one day or several hundred years and it can cover general or specific topics.

84 Time Line Dates are shown on a time line in proportional distance to one another. The years 1900 and 2000 will be twice as far apart on a time line as the years 1900 and 1950.

85 Time Line If a time line has to show events happening in two eras with nothing happening in the middle, you can break the time line. A gap in the line will show that a number of years has been omitted to save space.


87 Grammar Conjunctions

88 nobody were interested in the economey
Nobody was interested in the economy. we wont never visit the parthenon We won’t ever visit the Parthenon. We will never visit the Parthenon.

89 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or sentences. A coordinating conjunction is used to combine two or more subjects, predicates, or sentences. A subordinating conjunction is used to link independent and dependent clauses in sentences.

90 Spelling Words Related Words

91 alternate alternative office official economy economics normal normality restore restoration indicate indicative gene genetic excel excellence adapt adaptation crime criminal deprive deprivation initiate initiative contaminate contamination

92 We are now ready to take our story tests.
Classroom webpage, Reading Test AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #

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