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London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council What are the Key issues and challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council What are the Key issues and challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council What are the Key issues and challenges for you in this new Tri-Borough role and how will you address them City of Westminster Proposals for Implementing School Funding Reforms

2 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council  DSG will be split into 3 Blocks (not ring-fenced)  Schools Block, High Needs Block, Early Years Block  The national strategy is to simplify funding with a view to moving toward a more transparent national arrangement and prepare for a ‘future’ implementation of a national funding formula  This Consultation focuses on issues affecting primary and special schools (including Academies)  All data held centrally by the DfE and based on October Census  Simple and transparent to allow funding for Academies on the same basis as maintained schools  Minumum Funding Guarantee (MFG) simplified and set at -1.5% for 2 years. Currently no guarantee beyond 2014/15  LACSEG will cease but will be replaced by the delegation of certain funding BACKGROUND

3 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council SCHOOLS BLOCK  New Formula  New Delegation, some Central Retention and de- delegation of some amounts  Funding for statements – First £6k; Notional SEN Budget  Funding for Attached Special Units  Reception Uplift  Pupil Growth

4 Only 12 allowable Factors (of which 3 not relevant to Westminster 1) Basic Entitlement (AWPU) – Prim, KS3, KS4 2) Deprivation – FSM6 (rather than IDACI bands or FSM) 3) Looked After Children (LAC) - £1,000 per pupil 4) Low Cost, High Incidence SEN – uses LPA as proxy indicator Secondary based on KS2, Prim EYFSP at 78 points

5 5. EAL – Up to 3 years, separate rates for primary and secondary 6. Mobility 7. Lump Sum - £200k per school 8. Split Sites 9. Rates

6 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council Minimum Funding Guarantee and Caps on Gainers  MFG set at -1.5% per pupil  Each model has an MFG requirement (this ranges between £1.4m and £1.9m)  In order to fund the MFG we are proposing to scale back the gainers who gain more than 1.3% per pupil (for exemplification these per-pupil gains are calculated using the same basis as for the MFG)

7  Replaces DSG LACSEG for recoupment academies  Some amounts will still be kept centrally from Schools Block to pay for Central Services that support schools  Decisions on de-delegation of certain amounts to be taken by representatives of the relevant phase on Schools Forum

8 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council HIGH NEEDS BLOCK – IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLS  Schools to meet the first £6k of additional costs of high needs pupils (with statements) from delegated budget  Funding to move from HN block to Schools Block to pay for this – proposing to keep some funding back to support those schools with a high proportion of statements that may be disadvantaged  Remainder of funding to be received as a top-up (from HN block) from commissioning LA  Notional SEN Budget  Attached Units and Special Schools – base funding of £10k per place  Top-up funding from commissioning LA  Current policy that statements start from £9.3k likely to remain

9 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council Figure1 – Pre 16 SEN and AP Funding Mainstream SettingsSpecialist Settings Element 1 – Core Education Funding Mainstream per pupil funding (AWPU) Base funding of £10,000 for SEN and £8,000 for AP placements which is roughly equivalent to the level up to which a mainstream provider would have contributed to the additional support provisions of a high needs pupil. Base funding is provided on the basis of planned places. Element 2 – Additional Support Funding Contribution of £6,000 to additional support required by a pupil with high needs from the notional SEN budget. Base funding of £10,000 for SEN and £8,000 for AP placements which is roughly equivalent to the level up to which a mainstream provider would have contributed to the additional support provisions of a high needs pupil. Base funding is provided on the basis of planned places. Element 3 – Top Up Funding Top-up funding from the commissioner to meet the needs of each pupil or student placed in the institution.

10  Need to review EYSFF to ensure compliant with new regulations  Factors need to be pupil specific rather than relating to the setting  Some factors in existing formula will not be allowed  A separate consultation will be held with the relevant settings on changes required  Funding for two-year old offer to be included in DSG from 13/14

11 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council  No lower limit on members – currently 15.  Right of attendance for Officers and members restricted.  Voting rights - on the schools formula only schools and PVI.  All schools and providers to be consulted on the changes to the formula for 2013 Schools Forum

12 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council  04 October 2012 – Schools Census  Oct/Nov 2012 – DfE and LA’s check and validate school census data  12 October 2012 – Consultation on changes to funding formula ends  22 October – Schools Forum  31 October - LAs submit provisional 2013-14 school budget proforma to EFA  28 November 2012 – school census database close  10 December 2012 – EFA confirms DSG allocations for 2013-14 ( Prior to academy recoupment)  18 January 2013 – Local Authorities submit final school budget pro-formas, and underlying data, to EFA Key Dates

13 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | Westminster City Council TRI-BOROUGH PROPOSALS REPORT | BOLD IDEAS FOR CHALLENGING TIMES QUESTIONS Contact details Yoke O Brien Tim Gibson

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