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Active Travel Wigan Making walking and cycling part of people’s daily routines in Wigan borough Richard Armitage, Managing Director, Richard Armitage Transport.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Travel Wigan Making walking and cycling part of people’s daily routines in Wigan borough Richard Armitage, Managing Director, Richard Armitage Transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Travel Wigan Making walking and cycling part of people’s daily routines in Wigan borough Richard Armitage, Managing Director, Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy Ltd

2 Part of Greater Manchester Between Liverpool and Manchester 123km 2 Population 307,000 Former mining area 14 towns & villages; largest - Wigan & Leigh Wigan borough


4 75% of the borough is open land or countryside

5 Historical street pattern Increasing congestion on narrow roads Wigan borough

6 Premier league football and rugby

7 Wigan borough Famous for pies and a pier

8 Sedentary lifestyles in Wigan Only 3 out of 5 people take part in even a low level of physical activity such as walking Over 20% of the population are obese or very obese, compared to 15% five years ago More than 60% of people in Wigan say they regularly use the car for journeys of < 2 miles 4-5 year olds - 25% overweight; 11 year olds - 31% overweight

9 The modern Wigan pie

10 Personalised Travel Planning “A targeted marketing technique providing travel advice that seeks to induce voluntary travel behaviour changes in favour of more active modes of transport” UK evidence to date shows that PTP interventions generate about 10% increase in walking and cycling Referred to as Active Travel

11 Active Travel in Wigan Making walking and cycling part of people’s daily routines…to work, to shops, to school, to college… In Wigan, public transport is active travel – 10-minute walk from home to bus stop or rail station = more “active” than car travel – Helps people with reduced mobility fit activity into their daily routine Task: establish permanent PTP service

12 Joint Public Health Strategy “Sense of place and local identity” Wigan-branded information; web page for each township “Promote healthy lifestyles by supporting people to manage their health & well-being” Personalised travel information, enables participation, widens horizons “Create a transport infrastructure which supports independence of all” 27.5% of households have no access to a car (34,000 households)

13 Active Travel Wigan Toolkit – The local web portal – Local walking routes – Gazetteer of key destinations – UK national journey planner – public transport routes Cycling journey planner on-line late 2009 Leaflet distribution service (on-line + post)

14 Wigan-focused journey planning portal Page for each local area (township) One click to plan walking, cycling and public transport journeys to: – Your school – Your local leisure sites – Your health centre – Your library On-line ordering system for personalised active travel packs (individual journey plans, leaflets, and maps)



17 Door-to-door walking journey planner Shows calories burnt by walking Gazetteer compilation: significant task, requiring local input Wigan has “most comprehensive UK site” Cost: about €30 000 – jointly funded by healthcare (Ashton Leigh & Wigan Primary Care Trust) and municipal council (Wigan Council)


19 Coming soon: mywalkit - social networking

20 Exercise On the bus, read, text, chat

21 Leaflet distribution service Local partner (ENCAMS), with own storage & distribution facility in central Wigan Active Travel Wigan: 54 leaflets or maps – Health walks – Cycling maps – Bus & train information – Healthy Ways to Health Centres Online or post - you choose



24 Paper Ordering Order form (full) Post card (short)

25 Active Travel Pack

26 Primary healthcare users Health Trainers Health Improvement Workers Falls Service (Slips, Trips & Falls) General Practitioners / Practice Nurses Human Resources (Recruitment process) National Health Service staff relocation

27 Key intervention points Children changing schools – Council Education Department People moving house – Housing Trust & Estate Agents Starting a new job, going for training or education – Job Centre Plus Starting a healthier lifestyle - Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust

28 Monitoring Aim - increased physical activity (modal shift is very desirable, but secondary to client) Health Trainer: pre-intervention data from client; performance management reporting Web-based data: monthly reports Distribution service: monthly reports Cause & effect: many other initiatives at same time as ours

29 Maintenance tasks Leaflet distribution: storage space & staff time Web portal: links to external sites, so little maintenance is required; gazetteer will need to be kept up-to-date gazetteer updates Leaflet re-prints Buy leaflets off third parties Order: printing & post Project management Monitoring Marketing & incentives

30 Likely maintenance costs Leaflet distribution service €5 000 Leaflet print or purchase€10 000 Project management, monitoring€10 000 Marketing & incentives€25 000 annual licence €3 000

31 What happens next? Launch event Familiarisation/training for professionals Marketing Plan - implementation Make personalised travel planning everyone’s business! – Widgets on third party websites – Button linking to – Retailers’ experiment using loyalty smartcard

32 Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy Ltd. Oxford House, Smithy Fold Road, HYDE, SK14 5QY, UK Tel: +44 161 368 6603 Mobile: +44 7973 538 556

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