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Case Studies Part 1: Choice-based lettings schemes.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Studies Part 1: Choice-based lettings schemes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Studies Part 1: Choice-based lettings schemes

2 From CBL to Southwark Homesearch Miny Jansen Housing Options Manager London Borough of Southwark Southwark Homesearch 2007

3 Why Southwark use choice based lettings… Ensure transparency Maximise consumer choice Modern landlord Place shaping and sustainable communities Cross-party and RSL support Southwark Homesearch 2007

4 Our choice-based scheme... Introduced September 2005 Free glossy magazine; high spec website Dedicated telephone support line from launch Over 2,500 properties let per year Some 15,000 applicants registered Over 3,000 bids received each week Incl low-cost home ownership, mutual exchanges Efficiency through partnership with East London Lettings Company Southwark Homesearch 2007

5 What has worked well….. Build up the brand – poster campaigns, banner on website, adverts Free multi-lingual DVD Promote all bidding channels eg internet, automated phone line, texting, contact staff member Optimum use of IT : real-time queue positions and withdrawals Website allows multi-lingual access, browse-aloud, RNIB approval, virtual tours Publicise safety net for new and vulnerable applicants – help line, staff support, auto-bidding Southwark Homesearch 2007

6 What are the challenges? High demand; low supply Any lettings scheme remains a rationing system Dependency on local authority Advocates for exceptions to normal priority Requires transition from passive to active participation Successful schemes need confident applicants Support for vulnerable applicants Southwark Homesearch 2007

7 Measuring success Is housing list representative of local community? Do bidders represent make-up of list? Do applicants in need bid? Evidence of tactical bidding Regular user surveys Analyse queries and complaints incl from members Regular reviews of scheme, incl Equalities Impact Assessment Southwark Homesearch 2007

8 Suggestions… Take time to win hearts and minds Go for clear brand; easy recognition Effective marketing –needs to be aimed at different groups in the community –requires resources Platform for full range of housing options Efficiency through partnership with other landlords Southwark Homesearch 2007

9 From CBL to Homesearch…. CBL offers platform for full range of options: –Incorporate cross-borough moves –Introduce ‘private possibilities’ –Encourage mutual exchange –Promotion of low-cost home ownership schemes –Advertise moves out of London –Tenancy support Southwark Homesearch 2007

10 From CBL to Homesearch… Deliver housing options through –Magazine –Website –Telephone advice service New centre in December 2007 –Homelessness service by referral only –Use all housing options to prevent homelessness Southwark Homesearch 2007

11 Your response How well are you marketing your CBL properties? Are you making optimum use of IT within your CBL system?

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