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Princeton Leaf and Brush Pickup: Recommendations of TTF I&O Subcommittee Presentation to the Princeton TTF September 19, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Princeton Leaf and Brush Pickup: Recommendations of TTF I&O Subcommittee Presentation to the Princeton TTF September 19, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Princeton Leaf and Brush Pickup: Recommendations of TTF I&O Subcommittee Presentation to the Princeton TTF September 19, 2012

2 Goals of Consolidated Princeton Leaf and Brush Pickup Program Rationalize pickup across Princeton Account for differences across town – Density – Traffic flow – On street parking For each part of town, provide a comparable level of service as compared to the status quo Allow for efficient pickup by municipal employees Comply with New Jersey storm water regulations

3 Post-Storm Cleanup As needed, based on severity of the storm – No change from the status quo

4 Scheduled Fall/Spring/Summer Pickup Regular pickup schedule announced at start of year More frequent pickups in Central Princeton “Central Princeton” to be determined by staff, but based on three criteria: – Streets with parking restrictions – Streets with high parking/traffic density – Streets with width issues

5 Pickup Categories Bagged pickup – Princeton divided into 4 or 5 zones, with weekly bagged pick-up scheduled for a different zone each day in fall and spring Unbagged pickup – Published schedule with additional pickups in Central Princeton Leaves separated from brush and vegetative waste

6 Compliance with State Storm Water Regulations State Storm Water Model Ordinance for Tier A Municipalities provides “placing yard waste that is not containerized at the curb or along the street is only allowed during the seven (7) days prior to a scheduled and announced collection” – This ordinance has been adopted by Princeton Borough and Township By allowing Princeton residents to place yard waste in the streets throughout the year, there are periods of non- compliance New program will have Princeton in compliance

7 Proposed New Pickup Schedule – Fall Current Program Proposed Program for Consolidated Princeton Borough Every 2 weeks (approximately) Township Weekly bagged collections 2 unbagged brush collections 2 unbagged leaf collections Princeton-Wide Weekly bagged collections (Mid-Oct to Mid-Dec) 2 unbagged brush collections (Mid-Aug to Early Oct) 2 unbagged leaf collections (Mid-Oct to Mid-Dec) Central Princeton 2 additional unbagged collections (1 brush + 1 leaf) Important note: as is currently the case, weather will play a role in scheduling. This may result in: -Shifting the schedule to earlier or later in the season -An extra pickup in a given season

8 Proposed New Pickup Schedule – Spring/Summer Current Program Proposed Program for Consolidated Princeton Spring Borough Every 2 weeks (approximately) Township 2 unbagged brush/leaf collections Princeton-Wide Weekly bagged collections (Late Mar to Early Jun) 2 unbagged brush/leaf collections (Early Apr to Late May) Central Princeton 1 additional unbagged brush/leaf collection Summer Borough Every 2 weeks (approximately) Township None Central Princeton Every 4 weeks (bagged) Important note: as is currently the case, weather will play a role in scheduling. This may result in: -Shifting the schedule to earlier or later in the season -An extra pickup in a given season

9 Estimated Cost Savings Current Program Proposed Program for Consolidated Princeton Fall$492,000 ($105,600 (Borough) + $386,400 (Township)) $415,200 Spring$266,400 ($79,200 (Borough) + $187,200 (Township)) $201,000 Summer$79,200 (All Borough) $3,500 Total$837,600$619,700 Costs have been calculated by Princeton staff and are a function of crew-days and vehicle operating costs.

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