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How can my local area create a breakthrough in primary prevention and integration? Resource for London, 365 Holloway Road Monday 30 th June, 2014 Key Messages.

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Presentation on theme: "How can my local area create a breakthrough in primary prevention and integration? Resource for London, 365 Holloway Road Monday 30 th June, 2014 Key Messages."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can my local area create a breakthrough in primary prevention and integration? Resource for London, 365 Holloway Road Monday 30 th June, 2014 Key Messages @WAVE_Trust

2 Dave Hill, Essex County Council Finding the money - 1 You can both save money and improve the quality of services at the same time We stopped many of the services that do firefighting 500 fewer children in the care system than 3 years ago How? We worked really hard as services to identify the earliest signs of a problem Then as early as possible, intervened or supported families to keep their children in the community

3 Dave Hill, Essex County Council Finding the money - 2 Saved £30m from children in care Invested £10m of that into early support and early intervention Especially early years and children’s centres Multi-systemic Therapy funded by social finance Why would you do this? It’s actually a way of saving money We’re only investing in things that really make a big difference

4 Dave Hill, Essex County Council Generating the will - 1 This happens at a number of levels Leadership at the top, including directors, councillors, voluntary sector, schools, health, police All these agencies coming together on a common agenda Also, leadership from the bottom In Essex, strong emphasis on getting people back to working directly with children Changing the culture of practice important both from top and bottom. People will get behind a shift to working with human beings directly and changing their lives for the better

5 Dave Hill, Essex County Council Generating the will - 2 So what persuades people? First, hearts and minds You’ve got to persuade people this is the right agenda Secondly, get more serious about research and evaluation – Show the evidence base for what you did and what you are doing Thirdly, just be incredibly persuasive about the money and resources because the homework on prevention vs firefighting shows it works Get politicians, policy makers, and health and wellbeing boards behind this – they will understand it’s better for children to be with their families

6 Bill Alexander, Highland Council How to implement - 1 The Highland Practice model Incorporated into Scottish Govt programmes for children (e.g. GIRFEC, Getting it Right for Every Child) Principles – Pathway through services with clarity of roles – Common language – Engage and empower children and families – Named person and lead professional roles – Assessment framework from birth – Assessment determines plan and service delivery – Single Child’s Plan – Fewer meetings and single Child’s Plan meeting

7 Bill Alexander, Highland Council How to implement – 2 Integrated services officer – Joining universal and targeted services Early years practitioner – Additional social work support in early years Children’s services worker – Additional social work support in schools Health and social care teams integrated as Family Teams with enhanced capacity to help children in the early years Increased budget for early years and prevention e.g. From 23 to 35 Early Years Practitioners

8 Bill Alexander, Highland Council How to implement - 3 This funding from all council budgets and supported by all council directors It is making a difference A range of improved outcomes across the board More children supported, lower rates of looked after children, fewer children at risk of significant harm, fewer re-registered within 1 year Fewer children smoking, using alcohol or drugs Continued low persistent offending rates Recent Children’s Inspectorate report confirmed success – 7 ‘Very Good’ and 2 ‘Good’ ratings

9 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council Generating the will – 1 Political support and effective public, private and voluntary partnerships key Also desire to innovate (acceptance that change is needed), motivated workforce (winning their backing for wholesale change), resident engagement Health and Wellbeing Board is at the core of all this – a holistic approach is essential

10 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council Generating the will - 2 A)Create sustained political support – must get over the history of false ‘invest to save’ initiatives – must be seen to deliver B) Effective partnerships – must all contribute to the right environment for collaboration C) Need to engage, work in partnership with voluntary sector D) Need to work with families, residents. Co-design essential E) Must have a motivated workforce – this requires engagement, communication, a lot of work – build capacity of managers giving them space to go beyond managing the essential reactive requirements

11 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council Greatest Barriers - 1 1.Fear of change – we all know dealing with abuse, neglect, poor health costs more in the long run than preventing them in the first place – but whole system, e.g. Ofsted, tends to drive to traditional reactive measures – we have to grasp these nettles 2.Fear of the future – will we all have jobs? Will we have the services? – if we are aiming to transform the system, we have to get over these fears and trust that our skills are transferable 3. Will the projected savings be delivered? – or will we add new spend while keeping the old?

12 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council Greatest Barriers - 2 4. How do we balance risk and reward in the system? – difficult to show but not impossible if we have the will – just have to get the evidence organised and the narrative right – the evidence is there 5. Lack of enthusiasm – to move from reaction to prevention takes enthusiasm, to drive change – talk about improved outcomes. Focus only on cost savings kills enthusiasm 6.The economic case – Nobel Prize winning Economist James Heckman shows investment in the early years delivers economic efficiency, reduced spend and improved outcomes

13 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council Key components for the change process A)A compelling vision B)A strong evidence base C)The right narrative – communicated differently for different audiences e.g. health, community, local authority, voluntary, chief executives – Newham has a narrative around resilience – individual resilience, community resilience, economic resilience. This is communicated across agencies. D)Champions for the work E)Strong leadership both from the top and bottom

14 Kim Bromley-Derry, Newham Borough Council In Summary Prevention and integration makes sense. We know this. Can we do it? – Yes – we have the evidence – We just need to do it systematically, lobbying hard – And we need to do it now If we don’t we will just cut and cut. Lack of money is not an argument for inaction. Delay only means greater problems later We must act now

15 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council Finding the money - 1 Research showed large proportion of children in care are under 5, and in care because of abuse or neglect Many of these parents had substance misuse or mental health issues Same pattern for children on child protection list Development of these children quite delayed when they hit statutory services We looked for a solution with very swift assessment and significant boost to child development through intensive intervention

16 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council Finding the money - 2 Strong preventive element including social workers, health visitors, drug and alcohol workers, mental health workers, speech and language therapists New initiatives: Family Drug and Alcohol Court, Journey into Early Parenting (health visitor led) 100% engagement with the journey into positive parenting! Health visitor ‘know how’ has been key to the success Early identification of parents not able to interact positively with their children, inc. Language, absolutely key

17 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council Finding the money - 3 Strong outcomes Reduced numbers and period of time in care Reduced parental substance misuse and poor mental health Cash savings through fewer care proceedings and less time in care. Placements easier because children more advanced Significant benefits to children – more school ready, less SEN, better speech and language, less offending in later life Significant cash savings from (not) instructing experts in care proceedings – work already done in D&A Court or by HVs Workforce more efficient through greater complementary working

18 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council Generating the will - 1 Be really clear about the problems you’re trying to solve and have the evidence Include the problems that are relevant to the services you are dealing with – e.g. Chronic neglect a problem for all services Have to address high level service needs as well as prevention. Start at universal and work through to high end need. Tailor your message differently to different audiences – be aware of their own pressures and priorities

19 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council How to implement - 1 Huge gap between children doing well and those with chronic neglect due to parental substance misuse or mental health Tackled other issues also but use this as an example Looked at convergence of needs assessment and other drivers to get support for an integrated approach to both commissioning and provision in the early years This won backing from CCG and County Council Extensive consultation with parents, early years practitioners, other stakeholders Result: Joint Strategic Framework for commissioning in early years

20 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council How to implement - 2 Sought to get agreed outcomes and priorities across agencies Gathered the evidence and the narrative first so we could make a case Took a very measured and long term approach – step by step Worked hard to align processes, timetables etc. Now have jointly agreed high level outcomes between commissioners and providers with jointly agreed priorities Agencies have shared expectations and clear understanding of how each contributes to the other – e.g. Children’s Centres to health outcomes etc.

21 Helen Price & Simon Bilous, Gloucestershire County Council How to implement - 3 So what? Clear organisational benefits – co-location has led to better information sharing and mutual understanding New intensive support team (Turn Around for Children Service) for children with greatest chronic neglect More children receiving early education offer, more vulnerable children supported by parent champions, more parenting programmes through health visiting and Children’s Centres, more children achieving good level of development by school entry, better outcomes for children on child protection plans or looked after, increased engagement of teenage parents etc.

22 The Staffordshire Story Finding the money - 1 Big challenges, 5 CCGs, 25 major public sector organisations Public sector spend of £7.5bn, Children’s services £170m Important to create partnership of 25 public sector organisations Children’s Trust  how can we spend more on prevention? Youth Services  how can we spend more on prevention? Answer  Look at the £7.5bn not the £170m

23 The Staffordshire Story Finding the money – 2 Health and Wellbeing Board put early intervention and prevention at the heart - stop problems developing H&WBB ideal point to influence – E.g. Mental health services, domestic violence services – if these are not effective we end up with children in care Needed to win support of 5 CCGs / GPs Buy-in through passion and talking as much as by evidence One focussed Health and Wellbeing Plan (important to get it right)

24 The Staffordshire Story Finding the money - 3 Took £200m out of hospitals Paid for community care and prevention instead of putting people into hospital A lot of Children’s Services too reactive (examples) KEY: Early Intervention and Prevention is not a project on the side, it’s at the core of how we operate

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