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Variables of Math Innovation: The Story of MS 223 Facilitated by Ramon Gonzalez.

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Presentation on theme: "Variables of Math Innovation: The Story of MS 223 Facilitated by Ramon Gonzalez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variables of Math Innovation: The Story of MS 223 Facilitated by Ramon Gonzalez

2 Background of MS 223 The previous school, IS 149, had been named the most dangerous middle school building in 2002 out of 489 schools. School was slated to close in 2005. Average Math test scores for X149 in 2002 were 7% proficiency. MS 223 was founded in April 2003 to replace IS 149. The students who had selected IS 149 were expected to go to MS 223. MS 223: The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology started with 9 new teachers, new principal, and new secretary.

3 The journey began with current best practices and quality research Model innovation based on research. Move from traditional six classes of math to 10 classes of math Move from a mathematics curriculum of procedural knowledge to inquiry and investigations Hired a part time mathematics coach Create real world application of math- school economy MS 223 students scored 13% on the New York State Math Exam in 2004

4 Move from a model of remediation to acceleration Revamp city curriculum to introduce Algebra in the 6 th grade Require curriculum maps, Understanding by Design, inter-visitations and school visits Move to a full time math coach and created grade team and subject team meetings Designed diagnostics in mathematics that occur three times a year on each grade Create school bank MS 223 students scored 12% on the New York State Mathematics Exam in 2005

5 Expand Math Instruction and Quality of Teacher Staff Average years of teacher experience was 3 years Partnership with NYU and Columbia to recruit top teachers and reduce class sizes Expand Algebra Instruction through the 7 th grade Create Intervention classes that meet three times a week for 50 minutes Use mastery sheets for each math skill level Create school jobs based on school bucks MS 223 students scored 29% on the New York State Mathematics Exam in 2006

6 Rigorous Growth New York State Regents Exam in Mathematics 2008-2011

7 Math Scores from 2004-2011 2010- cut scores were raised.

8 Math Scores including City, Borough and District Scores 2006-2011 All Students

9 Math Scores including City, Borough and District Scores 2006-2011 Special Education Students

10 Math Scores including City, Borough and District Scores 2006-2011 English Language Learners

11 Summary of Innovations: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships Targeted Intervention Strategies Personalization of the math instruction Application of math topics Movement from procedural to inquiry and investigation Flexible planning time Use of the arts as a reform tool Different groupings and configurations School climate survey Professional coaching in mathematics Scheduling for success Fun events-Pi Day, Math Olympics, Budgeting Project, Career Day, Mentoring, and Finance Trips

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