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USII – 6a Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas.

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Presentation on theme: "USII – 6a Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 USII – 6a Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas.

2 Improved Transportation (The Automobile) Led to: Greater __________: Mobility Creation of _______: Jobs – Henry Fords assembly line

3 Growth of transportation - related industries (road construction, oil, steel, automobile) Movement to ________ areas Suburban

4 Communication Changes Increased availability of ______________ Telephones Development of the radio (role of _______) and broadcast industry (role of ___________) Guglielmo Marconi David Sarnoff Development of the movies

5 Electrification Labor-saving products (e.g.,_______, electric stoves,_______pumps) Washing Machines Water

6 Electrification Electric _________ Lighting Entertainment (e.g.,________) Radio

7 Invention of the Airplane: THE _________BROTHERS Wright

8 Assembly Line - ________________ Henry Ford

9 USI – 6b Reforms in the early 20 th century could not legislate how people behaved. Economic conditions and violence led to the migration of people.

10 Prohibition Prohibition was imposed by a _____________ ______________ that made it illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell alcoholic beverages. Constitutional Amendment

11 As a result: Speakeasies were created as places for people to drink ______ ___________________ Alcoholic beverages _________________ smuggled illegal alcohol and promoted organized crime Bootleggers Prohibition was repealed by the ______ Amendment. 21st

12 The Great Migration North Jobs for ________________in the South were scarce and low paying. African Americans African Americans faced discrimination and violence in the__________. South African Americans moved to northern cities in search of better_____________________. Employment Opportunities African Americans also faced discrimination and violence in the_________. North

13 USII – 6c The 1920’s and 1930’s were important decades for American art, literature and music.

14 Art Artist known for urban scenes and later, paintings of the Southwest – Georgia O’Keefe

15 Literature Novelist who wrote about the Jazz age of the 1920’s- F. Scott Fitzgerald

16 Literature A novelist who portrayed the strength of poor migrant workers during the 1930’s- John Steinbeck

17 Music Composers who wrote uniquely American music – Aaron Copland George Gershwin

18 The Harlem Renaissance Harlem - is a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, long known as a major African American cultural and business center. Renaissance - A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor

19 Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a period of African American artistic achievement during the 1920’s and 1930’s in Harlem, New York

20 Painter who chronicled the experiences of the Great Migration North through art – Jacob Lawrence

21 Literature Poet who combined the experiences of African and American cultural roots – Langston Hughes

22 Music Famous jazz composers Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong Blues singer – Bessie Smith

23 USII – 6d The optimism of the 1920’s concealed problems in the American economic system and attitudes about the role of government in controlling the economy The Great Depression had a widespread and severe impact on American life.

24 Causes of the Great Depression People _________on stocks, using borrowed money that they could not repay when stock prices crashed. Overspeculated – SPECULATION-putting money in a high risk investment with the hope of making a profit

25 The ___________failed to protect the banking system Federal Reserve – FEDERAL RESERVE– the central banking system of the U.S.

26 High _______ strangled international trade Tariffs – TARIFF - is a tax imposed on goods when they are moved across a political boundary

27 Impact on Americans A large number of banks and ___________ failed Businesses

28 ________of workers were unemployed 1/4 th or 25%

29 Large numbers of people were hungry and___________ Homeless – Lived in Hoovervilles which were cardboard or wooden shacks

30 Farmers incomes fell to low levels because they were growing to much which drove prices down.

31 Major Features of the New Deal The New Deal was developed by President Roosevelt

32 _____________was a program in the New Deal that still exists and gives money to the elderly/retired, unemployed, and disabled Social Security

33 Federal _________ programs, such as the CCC, which gave unmarried men jobs Work

34 ___________________ improvement programs, such as the TVA, which built 49 dams in 7 states to produce hydroelectric power. Environmental

35 Farm assistance programs, such as the AAA, which paid farmers to produce less.

36 Increased rights for ___________ Labor

37 The New Deal The New Deal was ____________plan to use government programs to help the nation recover from The _________________ FDR’s Great Depression

38 USII – 7a: World War II Political and economic conditions in Europe following WWI led to the rise of __________ and to WWII. Fascism The rise of fascism threatened peace in Europe and __________. Asia As conflict grew in Europe and Asia, American foreign policy evolved from ____________ to direct involvement. Neutrality/Isolationism

39 1. Causes of World War II A. Political instability and economic devastation in Europe resulting from WWI – 1. Worldwide Depression – 2. High war debt owed by Germany – 3. High Inflation – 4. Massive Unemployment

40 Rise of Fascism Fascism is a political philosophy in which total power is given to a _______________ and individual freedoms are denied Dictator

41 Rise of Fascism Fascist dictators included: – 1. Adolph Hitler (Germany)

42 2. Benito Mussolini (Italy)

43 3. Hideki Tojo (Japan) ● These fascist dictators led the countries that became known as the _______ Powers Axis

44 The Allies Democratic nations (The United States, Great Britain, ______________) were known as the ____________. – Canada – Allies The Soviet Union joined the Allies after being invaded by ______________ – Germany

45 Allies Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States at the beginning of the war)

46 Allies Harry S. Truman (United States at the end of the war)

47 Allies Winston Churchill (Great Britain)

48 Allies Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)

49 Change in American Policy ______________ (Great Depression, Legacy of WWI) Neutrality/Isolationism

50 Change in American Policy Economic aid to _______________ Allies

51 Change in American Policy Direct Involvement in the war

52 War In the Pacific Rising tension developed between the U.S. and Japan because of Japanese aggression in___________ East Asia

53 War In the Pacific On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. at _________________ Pearl Harbor without warning

54 War In the Pacific The U.S. Declared war on _______________ Japan Who declared war on the U.S? Germany

55 USII – 7b Despite initial Axis success in both Europe and the Pacific, the Allies persevered and ultimately defeated Germany and Japan. The Holocaust is an example of extreme prejudice and discrimination taken to the extreme.

56 Europe Germany invaded __________ setting of war in Europe. – Poland The Soviet Union also invaded Poland and the Baltic Nations

57 Europe Germany invaded France, capturing ______________ Paris

58 Europe Germany bombed London and the ______ _____________ began Battle of Britain

59 Europe The United States gave ____________ war supplies and old naval warships in return for military bases in Bermuda and the _____________ Britain Caribbean

60 Europe Germany invaded the _________________ Soviet Union

61 Europe After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, ________ declared war on the United States Germany

62 Europe The Soviet Union defeated Germany at _____________, marking the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe Stalingrad

63 Europe American and Allied troops landed in __________, on D-Day to begin the liberation of Western Europe Normandy, France

64 Pacific ____________ bombed Pearl Harbor Japan

65 Pacific The U.S. declared war on __________, (and _______________). Japan Germany

66 Pacific The United States was victorious over Japan in the ________________. This victory was the turning point of the war in the Pacific. Battle of Midway

67 Pacific A. The United States dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan, (_______________ and _______________) in 1945, forcing Japan to surrender and ending WWII. Hiroshima Nagasaki

68 Holocaust _______________ is attitudes or actions against Jewish people Anti-Semitism

69 Holocaust _________ Supremacy is the belief that the blonde hair, blue eyed, white race is above everyone else Aryan

70 Holocaust Systematic attempt to rid Europe of all the __________. Jews

71 The Germans could use the following tactics against the Jews: ____________of Jewish stores Boycott Threats ____________ segregation Imprisonment and killing of Jews and others in _________ _________________ Concentration Camps Liberation by ________ of Jews and others in concentration camps Allied forces

72 USII – 7c WWII affected every aspect of American life Americans were asked to make sacrifices in support of the war effort and the ideas for which we fought.

73 Home Front American involvement in WWII brought an end to the __________________. Factories and workers were needed to produce goods to win the war. Great Depression

74 Home Front Thousands of American women took jobs in defense plants during the war (e.g., ____________). Rosie the Riveter

75 Home Front Americans at home supported the war by conserving and rationing __________ Resources

76 Home Front The need for more workers temporarily broke down some ____________ barriers (e.g., hiring in defense plants) although discrimination against ________________still continued. Racial African Americans

77 Home Front While many Japanese Americans served in the armed forces, others were treated with distrust and prejudice, and many were forced into _______________. Internment Camps

78 Review Despite initial Axis success in both Europe and the Pacific, the Allies persevered and ultimately defeated ________ and _________. Germany Japan Who were the Allies? U.S., Great Britain, Canada, and the Soviet Union The _____________ is an example of prejudice and discrimination taken to the extreme. Holocaust WWII affected every aspect of ____________. American Life Americans were asked to make ____________ in support of the war effort and the ideas for which we fought. Sacrifices

79 What is…? Anti-Semitism – – Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism Aryan Supremacy – – The belief that the Aryan race (Caucasian, Blonde-hair, blue-eyed Northern Europeans) are better than other human races (especially, in regards to the Jewish race). Boycott – – to abstain from buying or using

80 Where is/are…? Hiroshima and Nagasaki – – Cities in Japan Midway – – Island in the Pacific between Hawaii and Japan Normandy – – City located on the northern coast (beaches) of France

81 USII – 8a Learning from the mistakes of the past, the United States accepted its role as a world superpower, helping to rebuild Europe and Japan and taking the leading role in establishing the United Nations

82 United States Role as a World Leader Much of Europe was in ruins following World War II. ________________ occupied most of Eastern and Central Europe and the eastern portion of _______________. The Soviet Union Germany The U.S. felt it was in its best interest to rebuild ______________ and prevent political and economic instability. Europe

83 Rebuilding Efforts The U.S. instituted George C. Marshall’s plan to rebuild Europe (the ______________), which provided massive financial aid to rebuild European economies and prevent the spread of communism. Marshall Plan

84 Germany was partitioned into East and West Germany West Germany became ____________ and resumed self government after a few years of American, _______, and _______ occupation. Democratic British French

85 Germany was partitioned into East and West Germany East Germany remained under the domination of the ______________ and did not adopt democratic institutions Soviet Union

86 Rebuilding Japan Following its defeat, Japan was occupied by ___________ forces. American It soon adopted a _____________ form of government, resumed self government, and became a strong ally of the _______________. Democratic United States

87 Establishment of the United Nations The United Nations was formed near the end of WWII to ____________ ___________________. Prevent future global wars

88 Reasons for Rapid Growth of American Economy After WWII 1.With ________ of consumer goods over, business converted from production of ___ __________ to consumer good 1.Rationing 2.War Materials

89 2.Americans purchased goods on_________. 2.Credit 3.The workforce shifted back to men, and most women returned to ______ responsibilities 3.Family

90 4.Labor unions ________ and became more powerful; workers gained new benefits and higher salaries. 4.Merged 5.As economic opportunity continued and technology boomed, the next generation of ________ entered the workforce in large numbers. 5.Women

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