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1 The Middle School Choice Process Fall 2013 Stacey Katz, Guidance Counselor Randy St. Germain, Parent Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Middle School Choice Process Fall 2013 Stacey Katz, Guidance Counselor Randy St. Germain, Parent Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Middle School Choice Process Fall 2013 Stacey Katz, Guidance Counselor Randy St. Germain, Parent Coordinator

2 2 Welcome An overview of the MS Choice Process Student eligibility & priorities Types of programs Matching process The MS Choice application Tips for the process MS Choice timeline Q&A Agenda

3 Eligibility Eligibility to Middle School is based on Chancellor’s Regulation A-101: Students will be able to apply to schools in their district of attendance and/or district to which they are zoned for middle school. Students may apply to schools with multiple district eligibilities, borough-wide or city-wide programs To read Chancellor’s Regulation A-101, please visit: 3

4 Priorities Priority to zone Zoned middle school will continue to grant priority to students who reside in the zone 5th grade students who wish to attend a school for which they have priority must rank that school as one of their choices on the MS Application Continuing 5 th grade students who want to remain at PS 101 MUST rank PS 101 on the application 4

5 Types of MS Choice Programs Screened Schools rank students based on a range of academic criteria Screened – Language Dual Language & Newcomers programs Test based Admission based on composite test score Limited Unscreened Priority to students who attend an event Unscreened Random selection process Zoned Open only to students in the zoned area 5

6 Matching Process 6 Middle School Match Student Choice Priorities Admissions Method Seat Availability

7 7 Middle School Choice Application Pre-populated with customized middle school choices. These include programs based on: District(s) for which a student is eligible: District of attendance District of residence Programs based on submission of Request For Testing Form: Talent Testing Programs:  Mark Twain for the Gifted & Talented (citywide)

8 SECTIONS 1& 2: Any changes to student information must be updated in ATS – SEMS will then change to reflect and a new application can be printed directly from SEMS on the following Monday Sections 3 & 4: These will be blank & should be completed by the elementary school after students return application

9 Top of Page 2: Directions & Sample followed by customized choices Ensure that students have ranked a sufficient number of schools in preference order Bottom of Page 3: Parent/Guardian Signature

10 MS Choice Process Tips The MS Directory is a great reference for what options exist for each district Students should attend the MS Fair, open houses and other events to learn more about schools they are interested in Students should consider travel distance when ranking schools on the application There is no sibling priority for middle school There are additional options (school-based application processes - district, borough, or citywide) listed in the back of the directory These will not show up on the MS Choice application and interested students should reach out to these schools directly 10

11 MS Choice Timeline - Fall Middle School Directories: September Request for Testing (RFT) Forms: October District 21/Mark Twain citywide (Talent Testing) District MS Fairs: October/November School-based open houses, tours & events throughout the fall MS Choice Applications: November – December 11

12 MS Choice Timeline - Spring District 21/Mark Twain talent testing: January Screened school interviews & testing: February - March New schools round: March (If applicable) Notification letters: May Appeals/Second application round: June 12

13 For Additional Information: Contact your local Borough Enrollment Office (BEO) Call 718-935-2398 Email: Stacey Katz: ext. Randy St Germain: 13

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