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Air Quality – Engagement Prepared for: Stakeholders in The Northbank BID In partnership with: Westminster City Council Date: January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality – Engagement Prepared for: Stakeholders in The Northbank BID In partnership with: Westminster City Council Date: January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality – Engagement Prepared for: Stakeholders in The Northbank BID In partnership with: Westminster City Council Date: January 2014

2 Contents o Introduction o Situation o Air quality and health o Air quality in context o Solutions o The goal & The challenge o Borough actions o Supporting Organisations

3 Introduction o Situation o Poor air quality in The Northbank BID is complex but broadly the result of emissions from: o Transport (cars, taxis and buses) o Buildings (gas from boilers) o Supply chain (LGVs and rigid HGVs) o There is a great deal of work already being done by the council, the GLA, TfL and DEFRA but not all targets are being met o We need the help of the business community o Air quality and the business – current perceptions: o No perception of the problem o Know it’s a problem but not the extent o Agree it’s an issue but what can I do? o Am fully aware of the extent of the problem

4 Introduction o Air quality and health o Poor air quality has a significant impact on health o What should we focus on to get the message across? o Up to 10,000 deaths every year in London are attributable to poor air quality o More people die in London every year as a result of poor air quality than nationally from road traffic accidents o The effects of poor air quality are worse than passive smoking o The lung capacity of children in areas of poor air quality is reduced by at least 5% o The economic cost of the health impact of poor air quality in the UK is around £15 billion

5 Introduction o Air quality in context

6 Introduction o NO 2 Concentrations

7 Solutions o The goal o To make and promote The Northbank as a healthy place to live, work and do business o Resulting in improved employee and resident wellbeing o Corporate Responsibility and reputation management o The challenge o If you don’t know that it’s a problem you won’t look for solutions to improve the situation o Any action we take has an almost immediate effect o Solutions: o Communications – profile raising o The Built Environment – increasing building efficiency and reducing gas consumption o Transportation – promoting walking and cycling o Supply Chain – reducing the number of vehicles delivering to your premises and the emission profile of the fleet

8 Solutions o Borough actions o The first local authority to declare an Air Quality Management Area in 1999 and the first to produce an Air Quality Strategy and Plan in 2001 o Pioneered the initial concept of a Low Emission Zone o Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) required for large developments o Air Quality Assessments (AQA) required for developments which are deemed to be significant in terms of air quality o The Westminster Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) for major sites, requires developers to control and monitor dust emissions o Infrastructure and incentivisation for electric and low emission vehicles o Promotion of AirText - air pollution mobile text alert system, in association with GLA and other London boroughs

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