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C ATALAZETE H OSTEL O EIRAS, P ORTUGAL Estrada Marginal (near Inatel) 2780-267 Oeiras - Portugal E.

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Presentation on theme: "C ATALAZETE H OSTEL O EIRAS, P ORTUGAL Estrada Marginal (near Inatel) 2780-267 Oeiras - Portugal E."— Presentation transcript:

1 C ATALAZETE H OSTEL O EIRAS, P ORTUGAL Estrada Marginal (near Inatel) 2780-267 Oeiras - Portugal E.

2 Oeiras is near to Lisbon in Portugal. You can get there from Lisbon city center with the train. It takes twenty minutes ride. Oeiras becomes a borough in 1759. Transfoming itself from a small coastal town, into an industrial and agricultural community. This tranformation was due in great part to Sebastiao Jos de Carvalho e Mello, Earl of Oeiras and the future Marquis of Pombal. Two hundred and fifty years later, Oeiras can proudly boast that it is one of the municipallties in the region with the greatest concentration of businesses and services on a technologically orientated basis. Presently, Oeiras holds the utmost position with reference to indicators of social, and economic devolopment in the region, immediately after Lisbon, the capital of the country. The minicipality has positioning itself as a tourist destination of excellence, a unique destination with sun, sea, culture, gastonomy, leisure and fun. L OCATION

3 I NSIDE THE HOSTEL FACILITIES AND C APACITY The Hostel is located near 3 beaches. In front of the hostel the guest can see the Marina port and the sea. Catalazete has a capacity of 86 beds divided between 9 multiple rooms, 8 twin rooms with WC, 4 twin rooms without WC, 2 double rooms with WC and one apartment with kitchenette for 4 persons. Breakfast is included in the price. The hostel has a meeting room with TV, free Wi-Fi, kitchen, laundry service, parking and terrace. Reception is open 24 hours.

4 C ATALAZETE THE OLDEST Y OUTH HOSTEL IN P ORTUGAL Catalazete hostel offers you a unique hostelling experience. Be inspired with one of HI's 'hostels with a difference' - an 18th century fort! This restored fort hostel is one of the HI network of hostels in Portugal, and one of four hostels in the Lisbon area. The Catalazete Hostel is a great hostel for young people who want to see Lisbon and explore the Estoril coastline. The hostel is located in the town of Oeiras where you will find a wealth of sport and leisure facilities, such as the Vale do Jamor sports complex where the National Stadium is and a seawater public swimming pool, which is next to the hostel. If you prefer the beach, Carcavelos is the nearest one, or, alternatively take a train along the coast for a host of others to choose from. Catalazete hostel invites you to come and have a drink and watch the Tagus River meet the Atlantic Ocean.

5 RoomsSeason lowSeason shoulder Season high Multibedded room (price per person) 11,00€12,00€13,00€ Twin room (price per room) 26,00€28,00€32,00€ ´Twin ensuite room (price per room) 32,00€34,00€38,00€ Apartament with kichenette (price per apartament) 60,00€65,00€75,00€ RoomsSeason lowSeason shoulder Season high Multibedded room (price per person) 11,00€12,00€13,00€ Twin room (price per room) 26,00€28,00€32,00€ Twin ensuite room (price per room) 32,00€34,00€38,00€ Apartament with kichenette (price per apartament) 60,00€65,00€75,00€ P RICE L IST

6 C ATALAZETE ACCEPT A MEMBERSHIP CARD The Youth Membership Card gives you access to all Youth Hostels of the National Network of Youth Tourism. If you do not have the Youth Card then the presentation of the youth membership card is mandatory. You can your Youth Membership Card as of the age of 12.


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