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Read! Write! Learn! 2010 -2011 School Year. “Where students do their best learning & staff do their best teaching”

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Presentation on theme: "Read! Write! Learn! 2010 -2011 School Year. “Where students do their best learning & staff do their best teaching”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read! Write! Learn! 2010 -2011 School Year

2 “Where students do their best learning & staff do their best teaching”

3 Record your homework into your agenda each day. Check off your assignments as you complete them. Agendas = Bathroom Pass Agendas are mandatory when leaving classroom.

4 Textbooks are your property until they are checked back into the library in June. You are responsible for damages including torn pages, writing, book binding. Textbooks must be COVERED at all times to protect from damage.


6 CONSEQUENCES 3 rd = Phone Call 4 th = 60 Minute Central 5 th = Saturday School 6 th = Saturday School 7 th = Saturday School 8 th = Principal Conference, Possible Non-Invite

7 3 rd = 30 Minute Central 4 th = 60 Minute Central 5 th = Saturday School 6 th = Saturday School & SART 7 th = Saturday School & SARB 8 th = Conference with Principal & possible non-invite

8 Illness Bereavement Medical Appointments

9 No Make-Up Work Citizenship Grade Saturday School SART SARB/Non-Invite


11 3 rd = 30 Minute Central 4 th = 60 Minute Central 5 th = Saturday School 6 th = 1 Day Suspension 7 th = 2 Day Suspension 8 th = Principal Referral & School Reassignment 8 CHANCES BEFORE NON-INVITE



14 Students who demonstrate defiance (mohawk/fauxhawk, facial piercing, hair-color, etc.) will receive an automatic Saturday School instead of next step on the dress code card. Repeated defiance will result in suspension.

15 Lanyards displaying ID cards must be worn at all times. Failure to wear it will result in a 60 minute central detention.

16 No show to central detention: 1 st offense: Office Visit 2 nd offense: Sat. school 3 rd offense: Suspension 4 th offense: Possible Non-Invite NO-SHOW POLICY

17 No show to Saturday School: 1 st offense: SSP Doubled 2 nd offense: Suspension 3 rd offense: Possible Non-Invite NO-SHOW POLICY

18 Academic Honesty 1 st Time: 60 Min 2 nd Time: Saturday School 3 rd Time: Suspension Loss of Grade on Assignment/Test Possible Non-Invite

19 Serious Violations Serious Offenses Fighting Sexual Harassment Cyberbullying Weapons Drugs, Alcohol Serious Consequences Suspension Expulsion INCLUDES ACTIVITY ON THE WAY TO OR FROM SCHOOL!

20 Case Study #1 Regularly missed homework No-show to central detention multiple times Various other detentions N O N - I N V I T E

21 Case Study #2 Possession of baked goods with marijuana Sale of marijuana off-campus on way home from school E X P E L L E D

22 Case Study #3 Locker room theft- multiple times Never admitted, but witnesses present T R A N S F E R R E D

23 Case Study #4 Refused to cooperate in class Generally disruptive Dress code violator Multiple no-shows to detention N O N - I N V I T E

24 A, D & PE; B,C & E Lunch Line Use of Lunch Ticket Cafeteria Rules Lunch Rules Must take care of trash

25 FALL: Cross Country, Football, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball WINTER: Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling SPRING: Baseball, Softball, Track/Field, Boys Volleyball

26 ASB, MESA, Kiwanis, Kiwins, Key Club, Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, CSF, NHS, Club Euro, Anime, LULAC, Guitar Club, GSA, American Cancer Society, Club Refuge, VSA, Surf, Red Cross, and more!

27 Whom do I ask for help? Teachers Counselors: Mr. Gonzalez (A-C), Mrs. Griset (D-Herm), Ms. Castillo (Hern-Mir), Mr. Wheeler (Mo – Roc), Mrs. Lara (Rod-Z), Adriana Huezo (Higher Ed) Administrators: Dr. Avina, Mr. Casper, Mr. Mocnik, Ms. Rubio, Mr. Swanson Nurse: Ms. Haxel Athletics: Mr. Alvarado Library: Ms. Gerdes Secretaries & Security Officers


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