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Presentation on theme: "Imperative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperative

2 Command! The imperative: To give a command or to make a request
Is formed by using the ‘tu’, ‘nous’, or ‘vous’ form of the present tense Positive & negative command Finis tes devoirs. Ne perds pas ton temps Attendez un moment. Ne partez pas Rentrons maintenant. Ne passons plus de temps ici.

3 Attention! Un petit détail!
The final –s is dropped for ‘tu’ form of regular –er verbs ‘tu’ form of ‘aller’ & of –ir verbs conjugated like –er verbs, such as ‘ouvrir’ and ‘souffrir’. Telephone a tes parents deja. N’oublie pas. On sonne. Va! Ouvre la porte! But: Vas-y!

4 Irregular imperative forms
Some verbs have irregular imperative forms. The three most common are ‘être’, ‘avoir’, and ‘savoir’. être avoir savoir Sois! Soyons! Soyez! Aie! Ayons! Ayez! Sache! Sachons! Sachez!

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