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Presentation on theme: "COMENIUS QUESTIONNAIRE"— Presentation transcript:

Recycling Habits and Attitudes

2 Study of the Results The study took place at Antonio Machado Secondary School among the students in the 3rd and 4th years. Apart from them,some other pupils participated at their own will. Ninety-two pupils answered the questionnaire whose results are shown on the following power-point presentation.

3 ACTUAL QUESTIONNAIRE 1.- At home, my family and I separate non-returnable packs and tetra-bricks so as to put them into the correct recycling container. 2.- At home, my family and I separate paper and cardboard so as to put them into the correct recycling container. 3.- At home, my family and I separate batteries so as to put them into the correct recycling container. 4.- At home, my family and I separate non-returnable glass so as to put it into the correct recycling container. 5.- At home, my family and I separate clothes so as to put them into the correct recycling container. 6.- My family and I use the recycling tip to deposit waste products. 7.- Do you take your own bags when you go shopping for food? 8.- When you go shopping, do you try to buy goods with little wrapping? 9.- Do you use low consumption bulbs at home? 10.- Do you buy ecological products?

4 11.- Do you think people waste water?
12.- Do you agree with wind farms in spite of their impact? 13.- I think it is very positive to invest in new sources of energy. 14.- Do you think that there can be a future without conventional sources of energy? 15.- Do you think that natural disasters are caused by global warming? 16.- Do you think that forest and jungles need more protection? 17.- Killing animals for making coats with their skin is acceptable. 18.- Do you think that politicians are doing enough to solve the green house effect? 19.- Do you think that we should invest more money in renewable resources?. 20.- Do you agree with the idea “those who pollute, pay”.

5 Data Gathering Tetra-bricks 37 26 12 9 8 Papel-cartón Paper 40 25 10
Pilas Batteries 62 13 6 5 Vidrio-Glass 48 11 20 7 Ropa Clothes 22 19 15 21 Uso del P.limpio Recycling tip use 36 18 Llevar tus bolsas Take your bags 30 29 Evitar envoltorios Wrapping avoidance 17 Bombillas bajo consumo Low consumption bulbs 4 1 Compra de p.ecológicos Eco products buy 38 Derroche agua Water waste 32 Impacto parques eólicos Visual impact eolic parks 28 24 Invers nuevas f-energia New resources investment 60 3 Futuro energ convec Future without conventional energies 33 16 ¿Crees que se debería inv energías renovables? Investment in Renewable Resources? 31 2 Influencia en des.naturales Global warming consequences ¿Necesitan más proteción los bosques? Forest protection 61 Matar.animales-abrigos ¿es aceptable? Killing animals for their fur 57 ¿Se combate el efecto invernadero? Is the green effect fought against? 23 ¿Quién contamina,paga?" Those who pollute,pay", do you agree?






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